Frakas Productions, Tarantula and the Pôle Image de Liège have decided to join forces in January 2017 to create a production company, entitled « GAPBUSTERS » dedicated to the co-production of international big budget films and TV series (between €4M and €30M).
GAPBUSTERS can bring the Belgian Tax-shelter to the international co-productions he will be associated with in. Through exclusives partnerships with, among others, the intermediary company, Casa Kafka Pictures (a subsidiary of the Belgian Bank Belfius and of the national broadcaster RTBF)
Filling a gap in the Belgian cinema industry, GAPBUSTERS can act as a real producer, bringing artistic expertise as well as a production and financial one and can apply to all the Belgian sources of income (national, regional subsidies, TV and VOD and SVOD presales…).
At least one of the shareholder, the Pôle Image de Liège, is the largest Belgian Entertainment hub and offers the whole television and film service chain through unique production tools, the leading Walloon filming studios and a comprehensive CrossMedia sector.
Jean-Yves Roubin
CEO of FraKas
FraKas produced titles such as Julia Ducournau’s Raw, Katell Quillévéré’s Heal The Living, Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Daguerrotype, David Lambert’s All Yours, etc. Jean-Yves Roubin is also co-president of the UPFF "l’Union des Producteurs Francophones de Films".
Joseph Rouschop
CEO of Tarantula
Joseph Rouschop has produced and coproduced over 40 films, he is the producer of Rachel Lang’s Baden Baden, Clément Cogitore’s The Wakhan Front, Savina Dellicour’s All cats are grey, Abel Ferrara’s Pasolini, ...
Isabella Orsini
Isabella is an Italian actress and producer, she has to her credit more than ten fiction-TV and eight feature films, including the last "Victor Young Perez", which she shot with French director Jacques Ouaniche well known for her cult-series on Canal Plus "Maison close", and in which she plays the leading role.