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What does PHNA stand for?

Sort results: alphabetical | rank ?

Rank Abbr.Meaning
PHNAPoncey-Highland Neighborhood Association (Atlanta, GA)
PHNAPine Hills Neighborhood Association (New York)
PHNAPrinceton Heights Neighborhood Association
PHNAParkland Hills Neighborhood Association (Albuquerque, NM)
PHNAPark Hill Neighborhood Association (Baltimore, MD)
PHNAPublic Health Nursing Association
PHNAPersistent History Navigation Assistant
PHNAPizza Hut, North America
PHNAPreeminent Hospitals of North America
PHNAPrimary Healthcare Network Association
PHNAProxy Host Name
PHNApresent here & now awareness
PHNAPleasant Hills Neighborhood Association (San Jose, CA)
PHNAPasadena Highlands Neighborhood Association
PHNAPublic Health Nursing and Administration

Note: We have 2 other definitions for PHNA in our Acronym Attic