What does MHDG stand for?
MHDG stands for Magnetic Heading
This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories:
- Military and Government
- Abbreviation Database Surfer
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- Missouri Housing Development Commission
- Multi-Hole Directional Coupler
- My Hard Drive Crashed
- My Hard Drive Crashed Again
- Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
- Mental Health and Developmental Disability Services (Linn County, IA)
- Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases (Georgia)
- Mental Health and Developmental Disability Services Division
- Medium Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle
- Mean Habitual Daily Energy Expenditure
- Martin Haswell Digital Imaging (UK)
- Mayne Health Diagnostic Imaging (Beerwah, Queensland, Australia)
- Minnesota Health Data Institute
- Municipal Human Development Index (socioeconomic indicator)
- Multi-group Hierarchical Discrimination Method
- Masters of Human Development & Learning
- Microwave Hardware Description Language
- MIMIC Hardware Description Language
- Minimized Hardware Description Language
- Mobile Home Dealers National Association