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OCWA | Ontario Clean Water Agency | |
OCWA | Orange-crowned Warbler | |
OCWA | Orange County Water Authority (New York) | |
OCWA | Onondaga County Water Authority | |
OCWA | Oxford Community Work Agency | |
OCWA | Orange County Woodworkers Association (Orange County, California) | |
OCWA | Oxford Companion to Western Art | |
OCWA | Orthodox Christian Women's Association | |
OCWA | Octopus Mountain, Washington | |
OCWA | Ontario County Wiffle Association (Farmington, NY) | |
OCWA | Oldmans Creek Watershed Association | |
OCWA | Oregon Construction Workforce Alliance | |
OCWA | Operations Center Work Area | |
OCWA | Ohio Championship Wrestling Association | |
OCWA | Overseas Chinese Website Association | |
OCWA | Oklahoma CattleWomen's Association, Inc. | |
OCWA | Oroua Catchment Water Allocation | |
OCWA | Outdoor Championship Wrestling Alliance | |
Note: We have 10 other definitions for OCWA in our Acronym Attic