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What does OCWA stand for?

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Rank Abbr.Meaning
OCWAOntario Clean Water Agency
OCWAOrange-crowned Warbler
OCWAOrange County Water Authority (New York)
OCWAOnondaga County Water Authority
OCWAOxford Community Work Agency
OCWAOrange County Woodworkers Association (Orange County, California)
OCWAOxford Companion to Western Art
OCWAOrthodox Christian Women's Association
OCWAOctopus Mountain, Washington
OCWAOntario County Wiffle Association (Farmington, NY)
OCWAOldmans Creek Watershed Association
OCWAOregon Construction Workforce Alliance
OCWAOperations Center Work Area
OCWAOhio Championship Wrestling Association
OCWAOverseas Chinese Website Association
OCWAOklahoma CattleWomen's Association, Inc.
OCWAOroua Catchment Water Allocation
OCWAOutdoor Championship Wrestling Alliance

Note: We have 10 other definitions for OCWA in our Acronym Attic