KARACHI, November 07, 2009 (Balochistan Times): Cotton spot rates of Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) jumped by Rs 150 to Rs 3,875 per maund on rising buying activity from mills and exporters, brokers said.
What does BUYAC stand for?
BUYAC stands for Buying Activity
This definition appears very rarely
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- Bureau of Weapons Technical Liaison Office
- Bottom Up Working Group (Swedish Post and Telecom Agency)
- Bradford Urban Wildlife Group (est. 1987; UK)
- Brighton Urban Wildlife Group (UK)
- Brotherhood of Utility Workers of New England
- Budapest Stock Exchange (Hungary)
- Bunia, Zaire (airport code)
- Bauhinia Ungulata Factor Xa Inhibitor
- Buxtehude Werkverzeichnis (German cataloging number abbreviation for works by Dietrich Buxtehude)
- Bloomington United for Youth (Bloomington, MN)
- Boston University Youth Alliance for Housing (activist group; Massachusetts)
- Back Up Your Birth Control
- Boston Urban Youth Foundation
- Buying Team Leader (US FEMA)
- Buying Team Member
- Basketball Union of Zimbabwe
- Bushehr, Iran - Bushehr (Airport Code)
- Business Utility Zone
- Buitenlandse Zaken (Dutch: Foreign Affairs)
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Samples in periodicals archive:
This will lead to reduced buying activity although large dealer groups are likely to stay in the market to buy in volume for a while yet.
Buying activity for diesel-powered cars is already up 38 per cent since the start of year with transaction prices for the more economical and lower emission vehicles falling an average of 2.
Cheap buying activity continues to be seen in Vodafone AirTouch and Baltimore Technology as their respective share prices traded near lows for the year after further falls on Nasdaq.
The buying activity reflects senior management's confidence in the company's growth prospects, said David Friedson, Windmere's chief executive officer, in a statement.
We expect home buying activity among first-time buyers to pick up in the first quarter of 1991, due primarily to lower interest rates.