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CoCI | Chamber of Commerce and Industry (various locations) | |
COCI | Committee on Culture and Information | |
COCI | Continuity-of-Care Index | |
COCI | Committee on Chemistry and Industry | |
COCI | Cherish Our Children, Inc. (Houston, TX) | |
COCI | Committee on Courses of Instruction | |
COCI | Cherish Our Children International | |
COCI | Central Office Channel Interface | |
COCI | Classroom Oral Competency Interview | |
COCI | Creative Organizational Climate Inventory | |
COCI | Colour Orientation Contrast Imaging | |
COCI | Checks and Other Clearing Items | |
COCI | Civilian Occupation Code Indicator | |
COCI | Compander Combiner Interface | |
COCI | Coalition of Correctional Institutions | |
COCI | Center for Outreach and Community Involvement (University of North Texas) | |
Note: We have 2 other definitions for COCI in our Acronym Attic