For thousands of years farmers have kept cats for their talents at catching rats and mice, and now there are calls for people working the land to be able to claim tax deductions their health and upkeep,
Swelling rabbit population in Adelaide Hills the 'worst it's been'
Adelaide Hills residents have counted up to 50 rabbits on lawns where last year there were only five, as the introduced pest ravages crops and native vegetation.
Heat could help kill deadly bee parasite varroa mite
Australian beekeepers are looking overseas to find chemical-free solutions to manage the world's deadliest bee parasite.
Destructive tomato virus leads to 120 job losses at Victorian farm
Workers say they feel "sad and hopeless" after being indefinitely stood down due to the virus, which can slash crop yields by up to 70 per cent.
Graziers fear disease spread as feral pigs run rampant in Queensland
Graziers say they have never seen so many feral pigs in outback Queensland and they want more government support to control the population.
Toad-busting kids find lucrative holiday side hustle capturing pests
Young siblings Otis and Frankie collect 10 cents for every cane toad they capture from neighbours' backyards.
Massive hole in wild dog fence forces graziers to sell up property
NSW graziers who have been waiting five years to see a 32-kilometre-wide hole fixed in the wild dog fence that runs through their sheep and goat station say they are fed up and are being forced to sell.
Farmers trial sunn hemp to save cotton crops in Queensland
After years planting cotton, a growing region has built up a soil pest that sucks the life out of crops — but there may be a solution on the horizon.
The latest weapons to combat cattle ticks
Researchers are developing a new pesticide and vaccine to give farmers additional tools to combat cattle ticks that are growing resistant to chemical treatments.
Beekeeper working to crack genetic code that could help manage varroa mite pest
The NSW south coast's only queen bee breeder is using artificial insemination to breed honey bee colonies that are resistant to varroa mite.
Baking invasive species in pies helps reduce numbers, but ecologists have reservations
Meat harvested from culling programs of boar, goat, venison and even wallaby could be a fine dining solution to a waste of protein, but a successful industry could be in danger of undermining itself if populations fall.
Feral pigs make unwelcome move into drier parts of the country
Feral pigs have been sighted in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, sparking warnings that urgent controls are needed before they become a persistent population.
Calls to change 'archaic' restriction on trapping feral cats as animals get more cunning
Leg traps, cages and AI gel sprayers are being deployed against feral cats on Kangaroo Island, but the Invasive Species Council says it could all be for nothing without a change in the law.
Scientists track notorious pest worldwide as it destroys crops in worst incursion to date
Fall armyworm has been referred to the "coronavirus of agriculture" with the devastation the moth causes likened to that of a bushfire. And unfortunately, it's here.
Cane toads spreading further south more rapidly amid biosecurity funding cuts
The Clarence River is no longer considered the cane toad southern front line, with populations found as far south as Wooli and inland near Grafton, their migration helped by favourable conditions.
Government launches plan to eradicate feral deer from Adelaide amid warnings funding runs out in 2025
About 20,000 feral deer have been removed from South Australia over the past two years, but stakeholders say the pests' breeding rate means that will have little impact unless efforts are doubled.
You've just been bitten by a snake — what you do next could save your life
Snake season is upon us and experts say how you respond in the minutes after a bite could be the difference between life and death.
Grain growers in northern NSW say this season's crops could be 'spectacular'
Grain and oilseed growers in northern NSW look to the skies and hope the weather cooperates to produce a stand-out harvest this year with the success credited to a full moisture profile at sowing and consistent and timely rain throughout the growing season.
'No other country in the world has attempted to eradicate this': Is it time to change tack on the shot-hole borer?
Three years after a tiny pest began killing trees across Perth, authorities are sticking to one method — cutting down established trees in the hope of eradicating the pest. With no silver bullet in sight, what will it take for Perth to learn to live with it?
Could 'good bugs' be the secret ingredient to chemical-free vegetables?
An army of beneficial bugs is fighting the bad bugs that gnaw on your vegetables, protecting the borders of the largest greenhouse set-up in the southern hemisphere.
Council defends dingo bounty after disappearance of two 'pets' helping station's conservation effort
The Shire of Murchison says it's "unlikely" two popular pet dingoes on farmstay Wooleen Station were shot under its bounty system.