1. |
Write letters to artists I admire: SARK, Tomie dePaola, Paul McCartney (for starters). |
2. |
Knit something challenging: a sweater or mittens or stripey stocks (or all three!) |
3. |
Make Nana's homemade pasta and meatballs. |
4. |
See these movies: Brother Sun, Sister Moon; The Agony
and the Ecstacy, Waking Life, Supersize Me. |
5. |
Lose one inch from my waist.
I've tried stomach crunches, the Tupler technique (stopped when I figured out I don't have a diastasis at all), next is taking up running. If I am meant to not have my pre-baby bod, that's okay, I just wanted to give it a fighting chance. I'm 95% there. |
6. |
Take up yoga again, possibly Pilates. |
7. |
Make a puppet FOR MYSELF. |
8. |
Sew at least one article of clothing.
Started making a shirt I will quite possibly never wear in public. :) |
9. |
Be more confident about traveling alone.
Traveled to NY by myself and almost threw up. Still working on it. |
10. |
Start taking care of my skin.
Done. |
11. |
Donate artwork for charity.
Done. Created with the fabulouso Allyson Murphy, a logo and stationery for Alive in Truth, The New Orleans Disaster Oral History and Memory Project. |
12. |
Figure out printing resources and sell prints. |
13. |
Clean out my closets and donate/get rid of clothes that don't fit.
Heck yesh! I even went to Snowflake's clothing exchange and traded in my 80's flowery things for a little white let's-go-out-to-dinner dress. |
14. |
Go to the dentist. |
15. |
Get a physical. |
16. |
Look up a word when I don't know it.
I should keep a list - I am still lazy about this. When you look up stuff, you remember great words like "coprolite", which is a word for pertified poop. Makes a good insult! |
17. |
Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
working on this. I thought that staying hydrated would be good for my skin, but guess what? It's not! Water is good for your health, but you can't moisturize from the inside out. |
18. |
Call friends and go out more, with the family and without.
Doing this much more often. |
19. |
Redo my entire website.
Done! |
20. |
Stop watching TV that's boring/mindless internet surfing.
Done. |
21. |
Record a song — either with Paul, or by myself, a cappella, in parts. |
22. |
Get Christmas stuff done very early so I can enjoy Christmas.
Heck yesh! |
23. |
Keep up the morning pages/journaling every day. |
24. |
Have more of my artwork hanging up around the house. |
25. |
Fix up studio the way I want it.
Cleaned, organized, and working on hanging up pictures. |
26. |
Fix up purple room (the room I work in) the way I want it.
Room is cleaned out, sketches for window seat to come! |
27. |
Stand up straight; work on my posture.
Done. |
28. |
Make sock monkeys for the kids!
Done. |
29. |
Sell out the rest of my Christmas cards.
Nope. Dang. |
30. |
Write in Peter's, Angela's and Sophie's journals. |
31. |
(Private painting note - will post when it's done.) |
32. |
(Another private painting note - will post when it's done.) |
33. |
Get schedule set up for better workflow regarding home projects and correspondence. |
34. |
Smile a whole lot more, and sing as much as I want in public, no matter how many strange looks I get in the supermarket!
I sing harmony now in the supermarket. And dance sometimes. |