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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Possible Screen Names

How did I manage to get this far in life, never using the screen name "GunSlinginPimp"?


Anonymous said...

How come Eskimo Man is stupid?

squeedles said...

Haaaa. Love this. Especially "Son of Bitch" and "Gun Slingin Pimp."

Anonymous said...

Mario Plimp

Anonymous said...

The Dunkster is my favourite

PAMTASTIC! said...

Broly the Unholy has a nice ring to it.

BlindGirl said...

haha... mine is better :P

Anonymous said...

whklk ,mmri jsdnm s spkkkk sddd!

Anonymous said...

Thatz some cool namez=)

Anonymous said...

heeeeeey visit my blog it has the same things that you have my blog is www.coolgirl12.blogspot.com but you have to click in the posters because i wrote it a long time ago but trust me it is hilaryous and leave a comment too

Luncena said...

I like this list. Is my name cool?

shayan said...

Loaf Man hahaha that sounds so funny.

Auntie Q said...
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Auntie Q said...

What a wonderful idea! I will put your book on my list of things to do!Thanks, this is something that just might get done. (heehee)

Diane Dehler said...

Great idea and congratulations. My own lists tend to be fairly incoherent. What the....pick up zip at grocery store . out of loofa and soap scum. 10 pounds of ground chard. X 11-07 meet with?
Good wishes from the Princess

Lexie said...

Whopper Head. :)

The inclusion of the stupid box is interesting. I kind of like Bread Boy.

Is this indicative of a punk rockin' metal head wanna be pimp who's actually a baker?

Eboni said...

that is really cool you know,

Andy W said...

hardcore rock and roll

Brittni said...

personally i like breadboy.

PapaRoachRocker said...

What about PapaRoachRocker?...HUH? Papa Roach Rocks!!!

Margarite Elaine said...

Whopper Head...how funny! Not sure if they are referring to the candy or the burger but either way, it makes me giggle :).

Anonymous said...

What about EskimoLoafBreadBoy? Huh? Huh?

Nicole R. said...

I think the list-maker probably plays too many video games.

What do you think is the fine point of difference between "Metal Snake" and "Solid Metal Snake"?

Anonymous said...

Punk of Funk? yes plz.

aneeshnair said...

hi, that's little bit fun...i don't understand why 'eskimo man' is a stupid screen name....is it because he is 'cool' and eat 'fish'? i would say you should change your mind....

Anonymous said...

not sure I know which I like best...somehow soul snatcher jumps at me.

blindtruth said...

love metal snake.....

Anonymous said...

Is this honestly intended to be funny, or is it a satire of screen-names totally lacking in humour?

LJP said...

Son of Bitch. Definitely.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

The Lone Beader® said...

I think my screen name is pretty cool... LOL.

Anonymous said...

It's kinda scary what sort of detail you can get by reading a person's to-do list. From this one, I can damn-near find you the kid who wrote it! No wonder I shred everything :D

Unknown said...

I liked Bread Boy.

Victoria Slaboda said...

Punk of Funk?
Lord of the Hobbits?
Zelda Conquer?

All of these are gems.

Ruthie Rader said...

You are a woman after my own heart, girl!

I, too, want to turn my blog into a book. Not only because I think that the world should know about the truth that is out there...but also because I have a big blogger mouth.

Ha! Ha!

Congratulations and thanks for being an inspiration for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

i do like Puck of Funk. lol

Anonymous said...

I like DewDaddy myself ;) But a roomie here uses PikeTalk and his circle of folks seem to like it.

Chonny Sanchez said...

We are dealing with a very complex individual over here...though he is obviously ashamed of his own love of baked goods. How sad...Go bread boy!

Marutham said...

heheee... yeah cool screen names! ;)

SOB..hmmm no comments.
And cooler stupid names :P Kidding!

Cheers! :)

Monster said...

Dude those names are alright not bad but I think they could do a little better.

iamghines said...

Metal Snake is good ...

~SugarBear~ said...

I like loaf man.

Elaine Leon said...

I need to hire you to come up with one for me!

zach f said...

i say Resident Zombie. Bread Boy sounds stu[id

Duncan said...

There's something worryingly apocalyptic about 'Final Flesh'!

I've never been a listmaker (or if I have made one, it's been stillborn...). The list featured here seemed too close to the truth: day-in-life

Natalie182 said...

Punk of funk Love it !! =D

Iceman said...



I love Punk of Funk

Anonymous said...

Bread Boy!!Kewlio!!LOVE IT!!:D

Clancy22 said...

Hell Beast- love it!!!!

Webgurl said...

Yeah I like Punk of Funk too.

Cheers, webgurl

I love my screen name!

Anonymous said...

how do we have a tagboard?

diarose said...

solid + metal + snake... hmmm... anything to do with metal gear solid? and that naked snake dude.. ??

IMAGINE said...

Who exactly did u say, has come up with these?

LonerGoth said...

Possible comments before this one:

1) lol...
[thought process=1 comment=useless]

2) I liek the namez...
[thought process=2 comment=useless]

3) Hey thats some good nameage you should use one of the best you like!
[thought process=3 comment=useful]

[thought process=4 comment=useful CommentState=submitted]

Glam Mom said...

Gun slingin pimp...Wow!

Susan C. said...

Wait Eskimo Man is on the Stupid List, but Whopper Head isn't?

Justin said...

You're brilliant. What a great idea. I dated a girl once who made at least several lists everyday. I remember stumbling upon some absurd out of context tasks. I wish she had compiled them now. I know it would be interesting to read.
I'm buying the book.

Auntie Q said...

In order for screen name lists to work, you have to explain why it was chosen.

Anonymous said...

Bread Boy has to be the best name bar none.

Good site; very cute but without the sickly cloying quality of Postsecret.


johnny at allthingshorror

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait a minute!

chimerastone said...

This is something you do in javascript or php. Code a name generator and come up with random name.

Try putting these names through google and see of you get a googlewhack.


Anonymous said...

would anyone be willing to give me there screen name so i could talk with them?

B. Doe said...

How do you "talk with" an anonymous poster?!

not used anymore. said...

I am in love with my screen name.

Don said...

I would rather die than be "Loaf Man!" Hilarious list!

Anonymous said...


@NuRaG said...

Punk of Funk rocks.LOL

Ajab Boparai said...

hehehe...dis ws hilarious, n rly creative too! wud've taken lot of thinking...gud job!

c said...

This list is hillarious. love it.

Lili said...

I cant decide if its creepy or hilarious......

Steph :] said...

I like punk of funk :]these names are awesome!

Kid Koobideh said...

i have been referred to as all of those names.

MRwill said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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The Smart One said...

The Dunkster rules...but what about my screen name? (In case you can't see the whole thing, it's "someone taking up the space in the universe that is rightfully yours".)

Anyway, LOL, great idea.

chelsea 4 tom said...

lol it's wick lol i read this wen i was a lil drunk ages ago lol chaza XxX

chelsea 4 tom said...
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Mynutritionist.com BLOG said...

Loaf Man works at the bread factory, where he actually gets PAID to loaf.

Writing Nag said...

Congrats on the book! I love the screen name list...I personally like Eskimo Man.

Anonymous said...

im gunna have to say that im diggin;
Whopper head
Son of Bitch


Naked Eyes said...

Soul Snatcher says it allllll.....the fundamental darkness that lurks in everyone. Watch you soul now....

Anonymous said...

i like whopper head!

TANVIR.......BOSS said...

i can't understand anything,what's the matter?

TANVIR.......BOSS said...
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Chei said...

those names? uh uh

kalanagu said...

I love Eskimo man!!

Green Velvet Plazma grrrl said...

onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like what it means, ie; BUZZ, POP.

My screen name 'HOOT OWL' looks like what it is, a H(((0v0)))T (((0w0)))L,
but there is no catchy word in the English language like 'onomatopoeia 'for such a word. So we are going to, with your help, invent such a word. Go 2 either of the following Blog's and lets hear your ruminations.
Copy & paste in the address bar, not the search bar; http://hootersbikini.blogspot.com,
or; http://YadaYadaBlogBlog.blogspot.com,
YadaYada is a blog about Seinfeld.

Anonymous said...

OUIWVOF is somewhat the nicest.

Val Cox said...

oh boy, I'm glad I found this blog, love it! Val

chelsea 4 tom said...
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chelsea 4 tom said...
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Anonymous said...

"Gun Slingin Pimp" is the best!

Ripple said...

How about Skunk Turd?

Afaque said...


nerd said...
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DanTheMan said...

i think the waffler should be on the list, and possibly Herkemer

Grey Op. said...

LOL Wow, that sounds like the demented cartoon movie i watched one time. it's about a bunch of retarded stick figures.

(x*Natalie*x) said...

erm, if i had to choose one it would be punk of funk i suppose

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love you Sasha... U are so beautiful...

Raquel Sabino Pereira said...


CHRIS921 said...

are good ones too

frayedjade said...

I have to admit...I didn't like any of the screen names on that list...

☆ Vanessa ღ ヴァネッサ ☆ said...

Does anyone know how i can change my screen name? Its vanessa-pang.blogspot.com. and yes i know it sucks that's why i wanna change it. Any one know how??

Ray said...

I quite fancy Bread boy myself.

Anonymous said...

soul snatcher rocks!!!

Ander Gray said...

Those were all better than some of the most horrific screen names I have seen, for example:

Amputeechampion (or amp-champ as he liked to be called)

yes, the list could go on! Your list was great!

Anonymous said...

estas pero sibien pendejo si piensas que esto seba a quedar asi pinchi bavoso

Anonymous said...

Dude, Eskimo Man ROCKS!!

Anonymous said...

yo i like none of them! they werea ll horible!

Anonymous said...

I'm not stupid!

Anonymous said...

You can tell the person was a boy who liked to play videos and rock hard.

Anonymous said...

Try this - screen name creator http://www.makewords.com/screen-names.aspx

JNastay said...

I'd go with Chunko Punko but that's just me

Anonymous said...

chunko punko is my dogs nickname

Anonymous said...

I have to admit liking the stupid names more. lol. There is just something about Eskimo Man, Loaf Man, and Bread Boy that captivates my attention (maybe it's the fact that they're seperated).

Rebeca said...

This is a great list.

Lil' Miz Star said...

My screen name is xstarxstarx for most of my accounts... but I also hav Lil' Miz Star

Anonymous said...

this is lame... but not stupid

Kathryn Mach said...

This is adorable

Anonymous said...

what about "nigga shootin pimp", lmao