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October 31, 2007

Sox on TV

Bot -- video and transcript!


Tonight: Jonathan Papelbon on Letterman.

Also tonight on QVC: Papelbon (11-midnight) and Mirabelli (2-3 AM).

Friday: Manny Ramirez on Leno and David Ortiz on Conan.


Texy said...

Brilliant. I will definitely record this and put video up. Paps and Dougie Fresh hawking merchandise? Awesome.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that as a Bostonian- I love this blog.

tim said...

here we gooooo!

Colin said...

I was just watching it, and I'd never think Flo would say "If you wear a Red Sox jersey, you're a bad motherfucker." I thought Flo would be more jolly than that but hell I'm no way fit to judge.

allan said...

Bot was alright. Only a little dance as he came on.

Really wanna see Manny!!!!!!!

s1c said...

Papi - The Bedazzler!!!

allan said...

The Large Father!!!

Transcript and video!

Devine said...

Cannot wait to see what Manny is like for minutes at a time in front of a live studio audience.

Unknown said...

Hey, I just found this nice blog. I noticed you had a lot of newspaper pictures and such. I was wondering if you had a picture of the Japanese newspaper response (to Game 3 at least)? Because that would be interesting to look at.

thatdietcokegirl said...

first time i've heard anyone swear on letterman since madonna! (maybe that's just the last time i watched letterman?)
letterman seemed all taken aback and faux-worriful, and paps seemed slightly regretful for about a second and a half but then it was all good when he made him and the crowd laugh with 'bedazzler'! haha. i loved that ;)

Cannot wait to see what Manny is like for minutes at a time in front of a live studio audience.

i know!! this should be a treat ;D

thatdietcokegirl said...

Bot was alright. Only a little dance as he came on.

yeah i didn't like how he did that like right away. too stagey and planned. it would have been better if letterman asked him to do it mid-interview or something. give it the air of spontaneity + a little build-up :)

thatdietcokegirl said...

penn and teller was fun.

(lol sorry for the triple post!)

thatdietcokegirl said...

lol wait, just incase ppl don't go to bostondirtdogs.com regularly....
the bedazzler!!!

Jere said...

I'm glad they had the parade RIGHT away, so players could, you know, "go home" as soon as possible. Ha!

nixon33 said...

sorry to be a downer, but enough with the dancing already, pap.
a little forced at this point.
manny and papi should be interesting.
I REALLY wanted to see beckett, but he's too cool for it. i respect that about him.

Rob said...

Instead of $300 million for A-Rod if Mike Lowell leaves, maybe the Red Sox would consider dealing with Florida again by trading for Miguel Cabrera. The Marlins have quietly announced that they're shopping Cabrera, and this might be the best way to go (depending on who you give up for him) to fill 3B, and also get that power, middle-of-the-lineup bat.

Here's how Cabrera compares to A-Rod:

Career Averages:
A-Rod: .306 BA, .389 OBP, .578 SLG, .967 OPS
Cabrera: .313 BA, .388 OBP, .542 SLG, .930 OPS

Keep in mind: Cabrera is 24 years old.

Through Age 24:
A-Rod: .308 BA, .363 OBP, .551 SLG, .916 OPS, 148 HR, 463 RBI

Cabrera: .313 BA, .388 OBP, .542 SLG, .930 OPS, 138 HR, 523 RBI

I still think nobody is worth giving up Clay Buchholz or Jacoby Ellsbury for. If the Red Sox can put together some other kind of enticing package, this might be a good move.

Even better move: Re-sign Lowell!

allan said...

I would *totally* include Lyndon in a Cabrera deal.

s1c said...

I would *totally* include Lyndon in a Cabrera deal.

Have you told L-girl yet?

I think there are 3 untouchables - LBJ, Double H and Lowrie(the young SS). Everybody else in the minors is fair game. Coco will definetly be on the trading block unless they feel he fills the 4th outfield spot and he agrees with that.

As for Cabrera, while his numbers look good there were some rumblings about his "work ethic / club house presence" this year.

Rob said...

As for Cabrera, while his numbers look good there were some rumblings about his "work ethic / club house presence" this year.

It would be interesting to see how being with a good mix of veterans and young guys, and playing at Fenway in front of 36,000 for half of the games. Hmm.

Rob said...

It is official. Joe Torre named Dodgers Manager.

scH2O said...


complete Papelbon clip; hideous sound quality

9casey said...

redsock said...
I would *totally* include Lyndon in a Cabrera deal.

are you serious?

Cabrera is a first baseman in the making...He's getrting fat and has limited range and he's 24 if he should have anything it should be range and also in shape...shit I was even in shape at 24....

9casey said...

who was the last guy we traded for that was a postion player...Belli, Renteria, Lowell?...third time was a charm...you trade anyone of those untouchables you better get some arms as well....

Colin said...

Bot's dance was slightly corny and I could see it getting old if people keep doing it by the time April comes around, but I'll let him have his fun.

I have a bad feeling about all this air time the Sox are having. I mean I love the Sox and the additional publicity, but the last thing I want is a sell-out of the Bean and the Fens. QVC? I dunno guys...I mean it's ok if Dougie Goes Deep on QVC, but I'm worried Pap will become too large of an icon.

I know it sounds silly, but I just don't want the Sox to become as over-advertised as the MFY. We're supposed to be the yang to their yin in most if not all aspects.

Colin said...

And as far as Torre is concerned. I love seeing little slices of irony like that. I hope the Dodgers (provided they play the MFY) lay some serious whoop-ass on the Bronx with Torre at the helm with Mattingly alongside.

A new era for Boston, a fading era for New York?

Texy said...

Like I mentioned at the top- I put up video of the entire Paps appearances on Letterman and QVC. Quality is better than WBZ, too.

Rob said...

The difference with the Yankees and the Red Sox is that the Yankees are still trying to convince people (and are still acting like) they are the best franchise in all of sports. In all of the world. The grandeur of it all is what I dislike most about them. The boasting. The expectation. There is more parity in baseball now, and philosophies are changing and turning toward home-grown talent to help your own ballclub rather than currency for trades. It's been like this for a few years but those prospects are now making it to the Show, across the board, and there will be more teams in the hunt next year than there may ever have been before. We'll see on that.

I just don't want to see the Red Sox fans become too expectant on a World Series win every year. We're on cloud nine right now because the Red Sox have won 2 championships in 4 years. That's fantastic today! Since 2000, it's been the Yankees, Arizona, LA Angels, Florida, Red Sox, White Sox, Cardinals, and now the Red Sox again. And don't forget the teams that made it to the WS and lost.

Mets (2000), Giants (2002), Astros (2005), Tigers (2006), and of course, the Rockies. Yankees of course, lost 2001 and 2003, and the Cards, of course, lost 2004.

I just don't want to see the fans taking the World Series for granted, like the Yankees do. Every year there are more and more examples of just how hard it is to even make it to the Series. Unfortunately, the AL has had the clear advantage on the NL, and it's been since 2003 that a World Series has been very competitive and lengthy. 7 in 02, 7 in 03, sweep 04, sweep 05, 5 in 06, and sweep 07.

9casey said...

ish said:
The difference with the Yankees and the Red Sox is that the Yankees are still trying to convince people (and are still acting like) they are the best franchise in all of sports. In all of the world.

Ish i would love to agree with you, but I beleive the Yankees are the richest and most winning franchise in the History of baseball......

I beleive the ownership group of this team knows that and doesn't just want to win 2 championships in 86 years....You have to built it and sustain it...if you don't you are the Marlins.....are they a great franchise, not buy any sense but they have 2 ws titles.....

If we are not supposed to take this for granted, then what really is the point of winning, I want and I'm sure a lot of fans want and expect another title next year....The bar ,as being a red sox fan, has been raised....

I don't want to hear about parody and things like that , because on paper right now we are the favorites to win again next year....

And the Bot , as terrible as it gets, can dance all he wants, as long as he is ready to go when he gets to Florida...

He has creatd himself a nice little persona...he's a friggin nutjob, but when he is on the mound ...........it's game over.....

laura k said...

I was just watching it, and I'd never think Flo would say "If you wear a Red Sox jersey, you're a bad motherfucker." I thought Flo would be more jolly than that but hell I'm no way fit to judge.

Sounds pretty jolly to me! :)

laura k said...

Honestly, I cannot believe some people here are saying they don't like all the publicity, Pap dancing (too forced, who cares), doing the talk show circuit. These guys JUST WON THE WORLD SERIES. They swept their 2nd WS in 4 years! They should do everything and anything in the public eye that they want, enjoy it to the max, milk it for all its worth.


laura k said...

I would *totally* include Lyndon in a Cabrera deal.

Have you told L-girl yet?

Heh. Luckily they don't consult with Allan (or any of us) before they make their moves.

laura k said...

I just don't want to see the fans taking the World Series for granted, like the Yankees do.

If there ever comes a time when some Red Sox fans take a WS for granted, I say BRING IT ON.

I'm with 9Casey here. We're fans win or lose, but we don't have to act all humble and amazed that we won. We can strut and preen all we like. It's way past time to shed the underdog and loser images.

All this fear of becoming like the Yankees and like Yankees fans seems ridiculous to me. There are many aspects of Yankeeland that should be very welcome by RSN. Expecting to win - having a FO that always keeps their eyes on the prize - and in my opinion, big spending, although wise spending is key, and I think the Sox FO has shown their ability to do that, and plenty.

I know everyone here is fully enjoying the win, but why does there have to be negative mixed in, fear of losing some kind of identity, fear of success?

If you don't like winning, you can always go root for the Cubs!

laura k said...

Another funny Onion headline

s1c said...

Luckily they don't consult with Allan (or any of us) before they make their moves.

Well why the heck not?

Show up in February ready to play and I could care less about the rubber chicken circuit.

nixon33 said...

i dont mind the publicity. just a bit tired of the dancing.
im sorry, but i'll NEVER take the world series for granted. maybe the new generation will. but certainly not I.

Amy said...

I am happy for the players to go out and party and do what they want (and make more money). Papelbon dancing is part of his charm. That whole loose clubhouse atmosphere is what makes the team special and not the MFY.

As for becoming like the MFY, I don't think the fans ever will take things for granted, but not because we expect to lose. Only because winning will always be exciting and new, year after year.

I do worry, however, about the front office buying superstar players just because they can without thinking about the overall mix and loose nature of the team. For example, I found this piece quite persuasive. It's in that way that I do not want the team to become like the Yankees: a mix of superstars who feel no connection to each other as individuals or to the team or its fans.

Amy said...

Oops, wrong link there. Sorry. I cannot seem to find the one I was looking for.

Amy said...

OK, found it. it is.

Not sure it was worth the time it took to find it again, but what the hell...

allan said...

I do worry, however, about the front office buying superstar players just because they can without thinking about the overall mix and loose nature of the team.

I don't think we have to ever worry about that with the current management. There might have been that attitude at the end of Duquette's run when Harrington was leaning on him to do all sorts of shitty deals to try and win it all before Jean Yawkey died, but now that we have won two titles in four years, that will not happen -- at all.

Amy said...

I hope you are right about that, Allan, but you know that I believe that signing ARod would be a major step in that direction, as the article I finally found the link for discusses. You have indicated that you would like to see the team sign ARod, which would seem to be one step towards doing just what you say the front office would never do.

allan said...

I guess I don't see Slappy the same way. Or I don't see one player as a trend towards anything.

This FO was set to bring him in before 2004.

An ESPN story says the MFY had to come to the table with a $350 million offer to talk with Slappy. If that is what is required for the Sox, I don't think they will be doing much talking. (I'm sure they have a # for A-Rod, over which they will not go. Just like they did with Damon and Pedro.)

9casey said...

redsock said...
(I'm sure they have a # for A-Rod, over which they will not go. Just like they did with Damon and Pedro.)

Yeah but they have already proven they will also overpay i.e. (Drew & Lugo)

But I believe the numbers for Damon and Pedro were based on what they had in the minor league system..

9casey said...

The thing I never understood about the Yankees was , if it is such a privilege to play there why do people always get more money then they deserve to play there...Drew looks like a bargain next Abreu's 16 mil...

Also with Fat Billy if he was wanting to go there so bad why so much money?

Clemens also said during the broadcast where Suzyn Waldman oragsasmed all over chair, he told Kay at the end of the season he would tell the one main reason he came back to the yankees, I have not hear that reason yet?

Amy said...

I saw that story also. Doesn't the fact that he thinks he should be paid $35 million for ten years say something about his arrogance?

Well, we just have to agree to disagree on ARod, I suppose. I will be at peace once he signs elsewhere!

allan said...

Doesn't the fact that he thinks he should be paid $35 million for ten years say something about his arrogance?

Not to me.

I don't think he'll get it, but he can ask for 35. Why not? Hicks was stupid enough to sign him to his 252 contract -- maybe someone is dumb enough -- and rich enough, remember -- to do it again.

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