Do you have a phobia? Well, I do. My phobia is all things medically related. You know, the doctor, dentist, gynecologist! I just hate going to the doctor, it's weird I know!
Part of the reason behind my non-obsession with this profession, is that I always feel like something may be wrong (even though it never is). I start to make myself believe that something is wrong with me, even when it's not! It's absolutely pathetic.
A few months ago, my boyfriend forced me into the nearest dentist office. I had a crater in the middle of one of my back teeth. I mean, the cavity was ridiculously big! But it didn't bother me at all. So I scheduled an appointment to see the dentist, and was told that I'd need a few fillings and a root canal on that horrible tooth!
I couldn't believe it, so I got a second opinion from my boyfriend's dentist. Instead, he wanted to save my tooth (thank you very much!), and gave me a filling. WOW, that was a very painful ordeal. I had nerve-wrecking pain for an entire month! I was constantly popping Advil, Vicodin, anything to help make the pain subside for a while. Eventually the pain went away, but not for long.
I returned to the dentist a few days ago after noticing an abscess (spelling, eh?) on that "saved tooth". Wake up call! I still need to have a freaking root canal done, which I also learned is a 3-step process! Why on earth do I need to go to the dentist 3 times for a root canal??? I don't understand.
Anywho, so this gut-wrenching appointment is scheduled for the 29th; just 2 days before my first day at my new job! I'm really hoping that this root canal doesn't interfere with me functioning properly. I'd hate to start my new job in pain.
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Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts