If you don't know about Pandora, and weren't interested I'm going to tell you anyway. It's a customizable music site. You create an account, find your favorite artists, create a station or get down to a QuickMix of all of your stations. It's like iTunes on crack, and very addicting. My only issue with this site is that you can only listen to 40 hours of music for free per month. Once I hit that mark, I head over to CBS Radio and listen to live streaming radio stations.
I work in a fish bowl. You know, the office that's encased in glass so that every moron that walks pass has a bird's eye view of your desk. I hate it, ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. Why??? Because those morons that I just mentioned, both male and female, will gawk, point, smile, wink, signal me to exchange numbers and the like... enough said. So when I crank on my music, I'm in an entirely different environment. Also as if I'm in an office by myself, with the door locked and closed. You may catch me snapping my fingers to Taylor Swift or bobbing my head side-to-side to Alicia Keys or Trey Songs. That's just what I do... and I love it :-)
P.S. If you own a Blackberry, you can download Pandora and enjoy it with no stipulations- unlimited access!
If you have a hard time getting through your workday and music is allowed in your office, try out this site. It'll make you smile, and before you know it the day will be gone. What are some things that you do to get through a rough workday or week?