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Friday, July 18, 2008

OK, I lied. I still haven't made time to write.

Thank God for the weekend.

One insane video for you today. What this gal can do on a bike is insane.

If yer looking for something more funny than amazing than enjoy these little kids getting in a massive hockey brawl.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wow, this afternoon is the first time I have felt human in awhile. And I'm going to try and do some writing when I get home from work. Memories are fading, damnit, and I need to get on it.

For now, a colleague send me this video entitled: The Process, that will likely only be funny for those of us who work at ad agencies. Or maybe not. Back soon.

The one line that kills me is "No one reads." I worked for a creative director who used to constantly say, "No one reads on the web." For the love of God, I would think, that's all I do.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I haven't had a chance to regale you with WSOP stories but I shall when I feel better. Pretty sure I caught this bird flu from Pauly after my post-bustout meal with the Good Doctor. I'm managing to make it to work everyday but I'm coming home and immediately sleeping.

Which I'm going to do again right now.

Stay tuned, though.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"So you lost in the WSOP, right?"
A co-worker

Why, yes. Yes I did, thanks for pointing that out.

But that's the thing about tournaments, isn't it? Everyone but the nine at the final table feel like they just got kicked in the junk, despite their respective scores.

And so I'm back in the Real World.

I caught the damn bird flu upon flying home from Vegas. So beyond feeling mentally wiped, now I'm physically tapped out.

And yes, it sucks.

But mostly, I wish I was still playing.

LJ emailed me and pointed out that the Dane, Peter Eastgate, who ran over our table way back on Day One is at the final table.

I played with the guy for eight hours or so and can attest that he was easily the best player I encountered on Day One. He trounced me on a few pots and when I finally had a chance to trap him, he made a sick fold. I pretty much avoided him.

Looks like he's only 22, too.

Damn Scandi kids. I hate them all.

Hands down, the best players I played with were the Swedes and Danes. Hell, you can go back years into this humble poker blog and see many times where I've said I'd much rather play poker against Bubba from Texas than Sven from Sweden.

Tis a no-brainer.

So anyway, I'm hoping to do some writing on my experiences in this years WSOP Main Event but real life is still kicking my ass. I'm trying to catch up here but am overwhelmed. It was publicly announced yesterday that the ad agency where I work was acquired by the largest global ad agency network in the world, BBDO, a division of Omnicom.

And so give me a few days. For now, enjoy this short video on driving in India:

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