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Showing posts with label Riverchasers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Riverchasers. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, The New Monday

It was a long weekend up here in Canadia, where we celebrate the roving birthday of a long-dead lady with a crown. It seems she celebrated it every May, on the last Monday before the 25th.

I love long weekends. Who doesn't? Workoholics I guess, but I never acquired a taste for workohol.

A lot of home PC work filled up my weekend, but now my friend's computer is running well again, and mine is feeling fresh and error-free. Nothing like a format and reinstall to fix what ails ya.

BBQ on Sunday was uneventful, but involved copious amounts of food and fireworks.

I also now have one of these, which of course means I'm trying out a bunch of homemade soda syrup recipes. So far, cream soda is a piece of cake, and I'm tempted to pick up a few oils to try a cola. I was rather annoyed when I found out that even the non-diet syrup options from the company had a whack of articifical sweetners. Simple syrup is your friend (2:1 sugar to water, boiled and cooled).

I almost forgot about the Riverchasers game last night, since it was a long weekend and "Monday" didn't register. But I signed up, and got annoyed.

I jumped up early with a river suckout when I misread wwonka's hand terribly (he had two pair, I put him on air, but rivered the set). After that, I maintained with selective aggression, but when I made the right moves - isolating with the best hand, drawing in weaker hands, etc. - I got nailed by the RNG. At one point I was down to 850 chips and 25th place out of 25, but I got 3 successive pairs (33, KK, 77) that held up or scared away opponents to get back in the race. In the end, I got in with AQ vs KJ and the rivered J bubbled me out in 10th.

Story of my week in poker. It's enough to make one thing decision-based poker can kiss one's ass.

Limit Hold'em tonight in the Skillz Game, 9:30pm ET, Full Tilt, password: skillz. I'll be there, and I plan to chase every draw I can. I think there are but 8 games left in BBT4, and there have been plenty of multiple winners to thin the TOC herd. I really want a spot in that.

Oh - and an unoriginal thought re: the economy to finish this off. The phrase "worst economic crisis since The Great Depression" is tossed around less now, as people keep trying to fool everyone into thinking we're pulling out of it (we're not). Please bear in mind this: The Great Depression ended with WWII. The reason it did was because the majority of European and Asian industry had been literally destroyed. Factories bombed, cities levelled. North & South America were relatively untouched, and as such were the ONLY providers of manufactured goods and aid in the world. There's a tiny fraction of that production capability in industrialized nations now, and the US hasn't actually been a producer of things in years. So how do you pull yourself out of this one?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Wonder How I'd Do With 100%

Monday night PPI/Riverchasers BBT4 game. I don't think that sentence makes any sense in the real world. Then again, it lacks any sort of verb, so it's not even a sentence. This sentence no verb too.

Anyway, action words aside, I finished 5th in the game, for my first cash in this series, and my 3rd points hit. I got slapped in the face with the deck early, with KK twice, AA, and a flush, a straight, and AK at least once before the first break.

It died down a bit after that, but I still saw QQ a couple times, and folded JJ preflop after I pot-raised a raiser and two callers before me, only to see nzgreen come over the top all-in with significantly more chips than I had left. Then I was accused of making a move, like I ever bluff.

In the end, my QTh went down to and 89o that flopped the damned straight, and of course, for the first time in the history of poker, the flopped straight won.

During the 3+ hours of play, I made a pie crust, did two loads of laundry, washed dishes, watched The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, and generally gave about 40% of my attention to things other than the game. I wonder if 100% would have helped or hindered me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I fired up the Riverchasers game last night for some BBT4 action. Last week's Mookie was the first time I'd made the points in this thing, and I recall being mildly disappointed that I went out when I did.

Last night's adventure left something to be desired. To say my table was luckbox central would be an understatement. Yah, I know, the only thing worse than a blogger game is when the bloggers and riverchasers combine forces. Don, and to a lesser extent Chad, was berating the table for a good chunk of the night, but only one person took the bait and fought back.

I got my share of luck thrown my way, like turning quad 4's (84o in the SB) on the first hand and getting Waffles to pay me for it, or flopping trip queens, watching LuckTruck turn the flush against me and then me rivering the boat. But losing every other big hand I got in ahead with stung. I didn't play a particularly creative game, but I wasn't disappointed in my play or my decisions, which tempers the disappointment a bit.

Friday, May 23, 2008


It's late, and I'm not going to go through my HH or screenshots just yet. Look for 'em Saturday maybe. Hey, I have a life you know :)

But let's put it this way:

Down to < 1000 chips early on, to quickly become the chipleader. Give away chiplead. Give away more chips. Get all-in with 99 vs KK and get dropped to 450 chips at the final table. K9 rivers two pair to more than triple. A8 holds? Hammer wins! A3>JJ, AA is still gold, and eventually, chipleader. HU, back and forth... and WINNER!

Actually, I think played a pretty good HU game, and kept the chip lead well at the FT.

Wow. I'm such a luckbox. :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sports Report

Pittsburgh swept Ottawa out of the first round last night. This was totally expected by everyone, including Ottawa. Well, everyone but Fuel. So if the Pens purposely played for 2nd place to face the Sens in the first round - good call by them. Ottawa is a mess. Redden said he didn't see big changes, just some tweaks coming. Translation - he's gone. Emery's history too, and will be picked up by some team who thinks they can take his prima donna attitude. 11 free agents on a very talented team means a new look next year. I wonder if any will find their way into the Blue and White... I hope not.

Boston and Montreal could wrap up tonight if Les Habitants take it down. I didn't see the Bruins getting out of this series anyway, the only question is how many games it takes. Price had a good win the other day with his 1-0 shutout, but the Canadiens have to score to win. The power play is hurting in the playoffs, and it was their bread and butter in the regular season.

I have to say I'm a bit surprised by the Rangers 3-1 series lead over the Devils. New Jersey has been a consistently solid team over the years, and Brodeur is the x-factor that you can't discount. They play tomorrow, and even down 3-1, I can't count the Devils out. That said, it's looking like New York's series.

Washington-Philly, Calgary-San Jose, Anaheim-Dallas, and Colorado-Minnesota are also tonight. Those are some good matchups. I'm surprised the Avalanche-Wild are tied up at 2, but that could just be my ignorance of the Wild. I'm still picking Colorado to take it. Calgary and San Jose tied at 2 isn't that big a surprise, and San Jose owes a bunch to Thorton for his winning goal in the last game. I'm still picking the Flames to win it though. Except them to come out hitting tonight.

Philly over Washington in the series, despite the best efforts of Ovechkin. Not sure who takes it tonight though. I get the feeling Washington does, since the Flyers have a tendency to get complacent and cocky with a lead.

As for Anaheim-Dallas... I think the Ducks win tonight and tie the series. They know it's essentially must-win if they want a shot at the series. Expect some physical play. Don't be surprised if someone gets a hurt real bad.

Baseball - Jays and Orioles are now tied for second, 1/2 game behind both the Yankees and Sox. No surprise there, as it's early and there's lots of movement. Last night's marathon for the Jays against the Rangers was tough to watch. They emptied the bullpen and had to bring in Burnett for extra-innings relief. He starts in two days. There's no way he comes in at his best in this situation, and it showed as he gave up the win. Let's hope it doesn't affect his start. Unless Gibbons moves him down a spot in the order and has McGowan start in his spot. That wouldn't be a terrible thing to do anyway. Big 9th to tie it up for the Jays, and a few opportunities in the extras that didn't materialize. They need to finish off these comebacks.

But with Halladay starting tonight, I expect a Jays win. He's going to clamp down hard the day after a loss, especially with the bullpen exhausted. This will be Doc's thought process - "Shit, these guys fuck up my games when they're rested. There's no way I'm letting anybody screw me over today." Complete game Halladay. With luck it won't be 1-0. Watch for the big swings from the Jays tonight. 14 innings can hurt your running game more than your hitting game.

And of course, there's the Riverchasers at 9 on Full Tilt. I'm already registered, are you? Limit Hold'em is the game. Probably doublestacks. Sweeet merciful crap on a stick is this going to go late. Luckily, it starts at 9 instead of 10. I hate limit, but at least with Hold'em, the thinking gets reduced from Stud or Omaha.

Can't wait until the PL HA Skill Game on Tuesday though. That could be awesome.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Decisions and Mistakes

Time to break down some play last night, since I have very little to show for it.


My club's structure for the regular live tournaments go something like this:

4000 chips
15 min blinds

Action is very loose pre-flop, and still fairly loose on the flop. I try to stay out of pots early unless I have a strong drawing hand, strong ace, or decent pair.

- Won an early hand with AQo. Flop came Q7x, two diamonds. Ends up HU against a likeable regular who talks a lot. I bet around 2/3 of the pot and he calls. I put him on the draw. 7 on the turn and he states "I don't like that 7." I check, he checks. Flop comes a brick, I check, he bets 1/4 of the pot and I call. Busted draw for him.

- I then pretty much folded for 45 min as I blind back down to near a starting stack. I loosen up as blinds climb and lose some chips. Then I find AQo again and call a < 3x BB bet preflop. One other caller. Flop comes 797, two spades (I have the ace). Bettor goes all-in and I tank. I can't see this particular guy having anything more than an underpair. I could be against AK. He's the only guy at the table I have covered. I call. He flips over ATo and I'm ahead. Spade on the turn, Ts on the river creates the "yes! no!" reaction as it sinks in that I just 4-flushed him.

- I raise with a couple decent hands and get blinds. I'm amazed that people actually realized how tightly I'd been playing to this point.

- Post-break I find 77 and a small stack. I raise 3x the BB from the cutoff and get called by the BB after he deliberates for not too long. Flop comes J9J. BB bets 1/2 the pot and I'm either pushing or folding. I don't put him on the J or 9. I think he's making a move with an ace. I push for not even a minraise and he calls... flipping over AA. Damn. No improvement for me and I'm done. Well, I was right about him not hitting the flop and having an ace...


- One hand of note. I have pocket 9's on the button. There's a standard raise to 180 before me and I call. Smizmiatch (really, Surly Poker Gnome is better) is in the SB and he pops it to 3x the bet, leaving 500 chips behind. I know the Gnome. I've played him enough times to know he's got SOMETHING here. I'm actually fairly sure I'm beat. Original raiser folds like a Gap employee. I decide to gambool and call. I don't recall the flop exactly, but I think it was something like J86. Gnome checks and I reverse-Hoy him for 499. He pushes his last chip and I call... and he flips over aces. I had him fairly well covered and was still alive.

- I went out against the Gnome when I baited with cowboys to get all-in preflop against his AJ. A on the flop, and then he goes and straightens out for fun (K on the river for the "NOW you come" reaction from me).


- I still loves me some PLO. I didn't pay nearly enough attention though and gave away too many chips. My big hole in this one was ignoring position, which is SO important in Omaha. I don't recall any hands in particular, but I went out 10th.

Made a few bucks in the blogger cash game to even out the night. It's easy to do with a boat and a set as the only two hands you get to the turn with.

Anyway. Congrats to wwonka for taking down the Mookie. I also want to point out the Goat's solid run of late. Cashes in both big games, 4th last night. If he keeps it up, he'll earn his own WSOP seat from cash alone. Where'd the funnyman learn to play poker so good?

Bayne took the Dookie, and was doing alright in the cash game too. Congrats.

And of course LJ keeps rolling, with a good finish in the $64k last night. No final table this time, but I imagine the payout wasn't terrible.

Riverchasers tonight (I never know if I should link to Al or Riggs). I believe we're in a non-NL week, but I have no idea what the game is.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Late Night Railing

After my early and unfortunate ouster from The Mookie last night, I stuck around for a bit. I fired up the Dookie and got creamed in that. As well as a $3 rebuy SnG sat to the $750k (fishing for T$), which only cost me $6, had me in the top 5 consistently after the add-on, and then saw my aces crushed by jacks after some great preflop luring on my part. I wisely pulled out of a Tier 2 token game. I unwisely played the 0.15/0.30 doublestack blogger cash game. I short-bought for $30, lost that, and the put in my last $38. In there somewhere I played a 50 FTP pushfest and went out down immediately. In my last orbit of the cash game, I took my $20 left to $60 and called it a night.

But not really. Noooo... I check out the final table of The Mook and saw a table full of people I'd like to see win. Joanne, Riggs, Lightning, Recess, Tripjax, PirateLawyer, and someone named Hellory. I immediately called for Hellory (at the time near the bottom) as the winner, for the simple reason that I had no idea who he was. It's a rule - if you're at a final blogger table and I'm railing and have no idea who you are, you'll win. Hellory proved me right by taking the whole thing down after an epic HU with Riggs.

Congrats to Hellory, and gg to everyone else, especially Riggs.

Damn I want another deep run.

The Riverchasers is tonight as always. I'm signed up, but will likely be both late and drunk. That's probably the best strategy for this donkfest.

And it hasn't been mentioned much.... but THE BIG GAME is THIS SUNDAY. 9 people are signed up so far I think. I'm trying for a token, but will likely reload and buy-in based simply on time constraints before Sunday. C'mon people, let's get this thing going! BBT3 points and BIIIIIG MONEY!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


My pursuit of victory in the weekly Wednesday convention was met with resistance. Whilst achieving a modicum of success with initiating holdings, my readjustment to orthodox initial collections of monetary tokens was perhaps incomplete. Aggressive tactics were occasionally rewarded, but ultimately resulted in supererogatory decreases in fortitude. An ousting in the fiftieth percentile is not a means to augment one's overall standings or secure a placement in the field of combat amongst other virtuosos of the medium.

On that topic, the realization has just struck that I have unintentionally created a conflicting schedule in regards to the aforementioned meeting of minds. This provides a quandary if I am to achieve success in my endeavours. That, perhaps, is a span best traversed upon approach. Regardless, extracurricular parlays and potential monetary gains continue to validate these pursuits.

Anon, the contiguousness of the scheduled wager-based delectations advances unhindered. My virtual embodiment shall most assuredly be in attendance, with my clarion objective apparent.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Congrats to Alan for taking down the Mookie. Wait a second. ALAN won the Mookie? Isn't he a huge tournament donk? Oh, wait... he had my cards.

Me? Out 32nd of 90. I think I was playing pretty well too. I once again was reading like a superuser, and taking pots with some solid aggression. I think I had one beat I didn't like where KT beat my AJ or something, and I lost more chips than I would have liked with AK against PirateLawer's A7s (7 on the flop, A on the turn, I figured he had 2 pair after his check-call, and didn't fall for it when he checked the river). I figured I needed some sort of karma after laying down AKc pre-flop in the first level to his all-in reraise with the Hiltons (too early for a coinflip for 35 BB). It was not to be.

In the end, actyper made some dorky-looking raise and I re-popped him with QJo, putting him on a steal or figuring I'd at least be live. Nope. He flipped over cowboys, and his 3rd king didn't come to give me a straight. I don't regret my move, as I was running out of space where I could make them.

I COULD use the excuse that the new cat spent the day vomitting as a distraction. I was up at 6:30am when she was retching on my bedroom carpet, and when I got home there were 4 different spots to clean up throughout the condo. After I called the vet, she let fly twice more. Appointment is at 11:30 this morning, although she seems to have made it through the night without a problem, and is otherwise normal. I won't though... because she was kind enough to keep the regurgitation to bookends. Once as the first hand was in the air, and again about 10 minutes after I shut down. Still, I hope she'll be okay.

Riverchasers tonight. I hope to be there.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I went for a few drinks post-work, and was then cajoled into going for some steak (amount of cajoling required: not very much). A nice bottle of wine and decent filet later I was in a cab on the way back home to fire up the Riverchasers, an hour after start time.

I sat down about 5 minutes after the break and folded for an orbit. Then my dealer realized I was there and started stacking the deck for me. AA, KK that flopped a set, AK, AJ, another KK that flopped a set, 99 that flopped a set over Kat's TT, etc. I was quickly in 5th place after starting with 1800 chips.

Then my dealer turned on me, I can only assume LJ showed a little leg or winked at him or something.

I get JJ in mid-late position and raise it up. LJ in the BB pushes and I call, having her covered and not not believing she has me beat. She flips over A7c. Of course the A falls on the flop and I lose. She claims I kept raising her blinds, which was only because I kept getting hands. I told her to stop listening to Chad.

So I'm down, but still around 3k in chips (blinds at 120/240). A little while later I have AKo and raise. LJ AGAIN comes over the top (not her blind this time), and I call. She flips over KQo and I say to myself, "Q on the river".... Kreskin's got nothing on me. IGH.

Then LJ doesn't even have the courtesy to take my chips and make the final table.

Ah well. It happens. You're bound to run into a luckbox eventually.

What was frustrating about it wasn't the beats (even if I was a 67% and 75% favourite), it was that I'd gone from the bottom of the heap after sitting out for an hour to top 5 so quickly, with half the field gone, and was obviously making the right reads and was getting stellar cards. In other words, I was primed for a deep run and got railroaded by the board. I think they call that poker.

Kat's Donkament is tonight (9pm, password: donkarama). I imagine I'll be there. I imagine I might also play a few other games at the same time. I haven't seen a 50-50 in a while... or a 24k or 28k. It's always wise to play in serious tournaments while simultaneously rebuying in the biggest donkfest on the 'net.

Monday, November 12, 2007

1-Day Turnaround

A fairly standard weekend. Saw American Gangster on Friday - good flick, great cast. Doesn't rate a DVD buy for me, but I enjoyed it. Even Russell Crowe didn't annoy me.

Saturday was spent largely at home worrying about one of the cats, as he was showing a complete change in behaviour to being a total asshole. Behaviour changes are usually a sign of a larger problem. I'm keeping an eye on him, and he seems to be falling back in line. It could just be another phase of the acclimatization process to the new cat.

Now if the new one would stop throwing up once a day, I'd be happy. It is cute when she steals my laundry though.

Enough about cats. Blogs about cats are lame.

My best friend was over Saturday as well, and much Guitar Hero was played between brunch and dinner. I still love it. Plus I got to open up my newly-arrived copy of The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. . Have I mentioned I'm a Bruce Campbell fan? Yet again, something brought me back to a younger age. Good times. My friend hated it.

And then poker on Sunday. It started as possibly the worst day of poker I've ever seen. I couldn't win a peep to save my life, and I think I took 3 or 4 shots at a last-minute FTOPS #7 ($1 mil NLHE) spot, only to run into megadonkery. I LOVE when I push an obvious steal and he CALLS with J6o and turns a jack to outpair me. That was but one retarded call-and-catch I saw.

All-in-all, if I hadn't reloaded the roll earlier to head off the inevitable, I'd have gone busto.

However, I returned later and started up the $22+2 Turbo 1-table SnGs and went 2-3-2 to recover a good portion of what I'd lost earlier. I still couldn't win a peep, but did at least cash in it. I played that "one more game" of a $22 Turbo, only to Gigli it after the LONGEST period I've seen before anyone got knocked out of a 1-table turbo. We were at 100-200 when I finally kicked in 9th out of 9. That's what? 21-24 minutes? In a TURBO?

Dinner was intresting. I have some chicken and roasted red pepper tortellini that I needed to use. Naturally I figured Alfredo would be a good sauce. Problem being - the jars of Alfredo I have are apparently crappy. So I made my own. Small issue - no cream. Looking up substitutes I decided to go with evaporated (not condensed) milk, as I had a can sitting around. Used my last clove of garlic, and every shred of parmesan in my place (had EXACTLY the right amount between the fresh stuff and the jar of store-bought grated), and it turned out okay. I still had some evaporated milk leftover though, so I chilled it and turned it into a quick chocolate mousse, which helped use up the 68% and 75% dark chocolate I had around, and most of the 70% too. Now I have a giant bowl of the stuff. It's amazing how far 140ml of milk and 106g of chocolate go.

My SnG run definitely improved the confidence heading into today and the MATH. I'll take one more shot at a token before just buying in, and then it'll be time to focus on a level II for The Big Game on Sunday. Look for me in the frenzies.

I'm feeling good today. This could be the MATH for me... or I could Gigli. Who knows? That's poker. All I know is that I'm missing the Riverchasers this week, so I need to kick ass in the MATH and Mookie this week to (a) regain my leaderboard lead, (b) win the the weekly points, and (c) get in the TOC. Three easily-attainable goals, right?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Presto Can Keep Puckering Up

Congrats to The Truck o' Luck on his TOC spot and Riverchasers win. I was happy to see so much action with the final four.

Out 33rd of 96 in Ye Olde Riverchasers to my old nemesis, presto. I was pretty damned short and after the blinds, antes, raise, and a slightly smaller push in front of me would effectively triple me up, I pushed with KQo to run into 55 and call it a night. I typed "gg" as soon as I saw it.

I got crushed a couple times running a weaker ace into AK, and sucked out huge once when my A6c met AKd and I rivered the 6. AK vs AK was disappointing, and losing with a flush to a rivered boat early on didn't help my mood. I'm just pointing out that my luck isn't endless. It was also a night designed to separate me from my chips as I would constantly flop great hands and get called to shitty turns and rivers for me, forcing me to lay it down to all-ins and large bets on boards that could beat my set in numerous ugly ways.

At least my salad was tasty, although none of my avocados were ripe enough to use. Smoothie was good too.

Out tonight, plans tomorrow, and the family possibly coming by on Sunday means a weekend generally free of poker. I might get on late tomorrow, or during the day Sunday, but I doubt it will be for more than a SnG here or there. Time to start working on those big tokens for the Big Game next week.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


First - congrats to DNasty for winning the Mookie. At least, that's who I've heard won it. Not alot of coverage out there at the moment. D ended his blog in January, and hasn't posted on Tripjax's since March it seems. What a slacker :).

Me? I went out 71st of 107. I pushed my AQo into someone's (willwonka?) AKo directly to my left. Whoops. I was short after being outflushed by Donkette earlier in the match, knocking me waaaay down from the top 10. It was a stupid loss by me. I knew she had me outflushed, but I HOPED she just rivered the straight and was stupidly trying to scare me off with a flush on the board. My re-re-raise to put her all-in obviously doesn't work when she's got the nuts. I couldn't be upset with anyone but myself, no matter how much I tried to refocus my anger in her direction. So I ended up needing to double up or steal a lot of blinds. That didn't happen. Ah well.

It's a shame, because I was playing pretty well last night too.

Riverchasers is tonight. I have historically sucked in these, so I will obviously have to win tonight.

Friday, October 26, 2007

I Get Brokeback Mountain...

... because cowyboys fucked me in the ass. The difference being that I didn't want them to. Also, no Randy Quaid denying me work the following summer.

Riverchasers last night, and my least favourite thing in Poker happened. I'm playing a pretty tight game, especially with Lucko two to my left, when I find KK in the BB. UTG raises, it folds to me and I push my rapidly shortening stack (M=7ish), knowing I'd get a call. As expected, I got the call, by a man with Aces. To seal it, there was an A on the flop, followed by the board pairing fours on the turn, and my night is over in 39th place.

Congrats go to Lucko for getting his TOC seat and winning the Chasers. The man just built his stack all night.

What really smarts is that with jjok coming in 19th and Lucko getting 1st, I dropped to 3rd on the leaderboard. I wanted to close out the first week in first place. Dagnabbit. And naturally, with Lucko in the last-longer, he won that too.

Ah well, Kat's Donkament is tonight and I've managed to more than triple my measly Tilt bankroll with my blogger cashes this week, so I'll likely be donking it up instead of doing something like having a social life.

Well, that and finishing up my costume for the Halloween party tomorrow. It's gonna rock sixteen ways. I was Zoot last year, and I think this year's will rank as just as cool, but more recognized. I may need more green spray paint though...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

BBToo Continues

Riverchasers tonight. 30th on Sunday, 6th on Monday, 2nd last night, the trend points to first. Alternately, I could tiptoe through a minefield amongst a bunch of drunk elephants and hope to make it to the other side unscathed. But hey, I'm a luckbox, right? I should have no problem making it with my 17 pocket aces, 23 cowboys, and 107 rivered nut flushes. My real money makers are the turned boats with 52o.

But enough of that. Did everyone see that you can write your way into the TOC? I seem to have missed that option. Two seats for whomever writes the best fictional account of their time in Melbourne after winning the TOC and having Full Tilte send them and a guest off to the land down under (great, now that song's stuck).

The real question is - if you win a seat by playing, can you still win a seat by writing, thereby eliminating even more competition?

See you at the 'Chasers. I expect 100 to be broken yet again. Maybe even 120 this time? That's a very full fishtank.

In the meantime:

It was dark and stormy night... in Australia...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Luckbox? Me?

My first 19 hands in the HORSE today. Which made up the entire first level - limit holdem. That's 10 minutes. I was in 2nd when that ended. I'm so going to get smoked in this.



As expected, by the time lvl 3 and razz rolled around.. I was in last. Now in third last. Nobody out yet.


Ugh, up to 1st, held it for a while and then a quick a quick drop to last (14th). Yay points. Boo Omaha, razz, flopped middle sets, overplayed pocket pairs (me), and inability to read an Omaha board (me again).

Ooo! 13th. Bayne 14th. Time to triple up. Thrice.


No dice. Out 13th. Yah, I completed for an all-in with a Q showing. I had 483 chips left with 500/1000 blinds and 100 antes... nothing connected, what the hell. Ah well.

Congrats to Jeciimd for FINALLY cashing in a BBT event!