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Showing posts with label easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easter. Show all posts

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sunday Miracles: Easter 2023

Writing a post this Easter is in itself a miracle for me. The cross of having a chronic illness is heavy, but I find comfort in the fact that I never going to be alone. Papa Jesus and my boys will always be with me through good days and bad days. Surrender all your pain and worries to Him and He'll lead you to the right path. 

Have a happy and blessed Easter everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Sunday, April 17, 2022

He is Risen! Time to Rediscover the World

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all had a good Holy Week. I just spent it at home with family. It was a good time to reflect, reset, recharge and remember how much Jesus loves us.

In the last few days I realized I need to up my efforts to get better. I was gaining momentum last month, but things went haywire when I got my booster shot. Stepping out in unfiltered air has been very difficult for me. To be honest, I enjoy just staying home, but I have responsibilities. I know Mom wants to see more of me. We could probably bring her to the house until I get a bit better. 

I was ecstatic yesterday when Sweetie said we could go on a joyride. It was a joyride like no other because we were able to go to Alabang! Traffic was light and the parking angel immediately gave us a space after entering the parking area beside Makati Supermart. I only wanted to go to Fully Booked and buy spaghetti at Makati Supermart. We were in and out in an hour (Miggy was already texting after 45 minutes hahaha).


I would have loved to hang out at Fully Booked longer. I haven't visited a bookstore since 2019. I wanted to remove my mask so I could smell the books! Haha. I didn't so I just bought some books so I could smell the books at home, hahaha. Which reminds me, I need to watch out for Big Bad Wolf PH heehee. 

Of course, we couldn't resist getting some Krispy Kreme doughnuts after visiting Fully Booked. It reminded me of that time when I did a gig for them together with Mica and Az. I loved doing it, but Sweetie is much better at social media than me. My muse does not want to be tamed. Oh boy, the doughnuts were amazing! I think it's been three years since I had a KK original glazed doughnut. I also strangely liked their iced mocha more than my usual SB white chocolate mocha. 

The highlight of the trip to Alabang Town Center was getting my favorite spaghetti at Makati Supermart. The last time I had it was on my birthday in 2019! I got two orders of spaghetti. I ate one last night and I'm going to eat the other one tonight because why not. I forgot to ask if we could order online and just get it via Grab Express. Since I've been able to get my favorite spaghetti, then next would be my favorite burger -- Dayrits!

And that is how I'm rediscovering the world. I just need to remember to bring my inhaler though hehe. 

P.S. Here are the contact numbers of Makati Supermart Coffee Shop in case you're a spaghetti monster like me! I just copied the numbers from their menu, let me know if it doesn't work. :)

Alabang - 8850-7687; 0995-1343233

Unimart Capitol Commons - 8652-1832; 0905-4973035

Unimart Greenhills - 8721-0594; 0945-1402784

#BeKind #StaySafe #VoteWisely  

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter 2018

Happy Easter everyone!

Our family is celebrating Easter here in Singapore today. I have lost count how many Easters we have celebrated here. I miss Easter at home though. Visita Iglesia. Going to mass everyday. The washing of the feet which my Dad was oftentimes a part of. I most especially miss serving in Church. Since I was 14 years old I was part of our church choir and every year we would prepare for Holy Week. We also always had Easter egg hunting for the kids back then. It's been many years since I was able to be part of it and a lot of my friends have also moved to other places with their own family. I hope someday when I finally go home we'll all be together again.

I most especially miss Mom and Dad. I remember during Lent they would always encourage me to sacrifice something for 40 days. One Lenten season they challenged me not to drink soda. It was really hard because they would both drink during meals and taunt me haha. I survived and broke my fast at the dinner in the convento after the midnight Easter mass. My parents were also very active in Church so I was always in tow (Mom still does it whenever I'm home).

Me being naughty, running away with my Dad's slippers.

In my younger years we used to go to Bicol during Holy Week together with our neighbors. The biggest contingent was 12 families if I remember correctly. It was really fun although I was already really shy back then and preferred to play on my own. It was in one of those trips when my Dad and my Titos decided to roast a pig. They started around 9 in the morning, but since it was their first time it took them awhile to figure out how to do it. We ended up having the lechon for dinner hahaha. The hardest part of those vacations though -- no swimming during Good Friday! After those years though we've always just spent Holy Week at home.

What about you? What are your best Holy Week memories?

Friday, April 21, 2017

Cultivating Silence

I hid in my shell in the last month and a half. I have not blogged. Limited use of social media. I would read posts of family and friends just to keep updated, but posted sparingly. I thought it would just be good to take a step back and just "listen". I did this for two reasons: (1) as part of my Lenten sacrifice; (2) to recharge and detoxify from all the negativity. I also felt I was unproductive and helpless. I needed a reboot.

It was a slow painful process since I've been used to a daily routine -- wake up, reach for the phone, check social media, comment, post, do it again until I realize I'm running late for the bus. I timed myself and found out that I was spending way to much time online outside of work. So I started to limit time I spent online outside of work. I thought about getting out of social media but it's so far the best way to keep in touch with family and friends and it's a means for me to keep in touch with the communities I manage. So the limited time I spent online I just read, liked posts, commented and shared posts. No new content from me.

I call it "disentaglement". I was caught in a reactive maze and I had to get out of it. You read posts, get all worked up, comment, re-share and end up not really doing anything. I needed the silence to re-focus and become productive again. By late March I was a bunch of nerves preparing for our quarterly review. I was freaking out because in my own mind I didn't do well for the first quarter. My output wasn't at the level I expected. The stress was making me sick.

I was in a daze while presenting my reports because of the meds my doctor gave me. The good thing though, I was only stressed because of work. The added external stress from external negativity (I emphatize too much that's why) was no longer there.  As my Mom advised whenever I had to face a "test", remain calm. I did and I passed the review. I actually received more work to be done, but they said it's a good thing (haha).

Since Easter I decided to post again since I want to keep in touch with family and friends and let them know that I'm still alive and a busy bee as ever. I'm glad I went through the exercise of cultivating silence. As our coaching mentor taught us last year - growing and leading isn't about speaking your thoughts all the time, listen and ask the right questions.

Feeling anxious? Unproductive? A mess? Maybe you just need to disengage for awhile so you can go back to the spot where you can be your old productive self.

And, of course, pray. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

What has this World Come To?

Easter has come once again. A great time for redemption (more than new year!). I sat in church yesterday thinking about what I could improve on. I know I need to learn to be more patient. Be more forgiving. Be more thoughtful, more loving. Be stronger. Be accepting of who I am and my weaknesses. I was sad because I feel I had made some choices that have severely affected my family. I could've done things that could have corrected things much earlier.

That's me. My life, but with the chance to change. To correct. To fix. I can move it to a better path which means love would still win.

I read about what happened in Pakistan. Innocent children died because of hatred. It is so sad. I have been trying to understand why this is happening, but I do not have an answer. To those who have a conscience this is horrible. An act against humanity. But to those who do this, they do not have a conscience. They do not respect life.

What can we do? As an individual there's very little we can do except to be mindful of our surroundings. The Singapore MRT video reminds us every day to be watchful and to report anything suspicious. Today's world is really scary and as Superman said, "Man has built a world where no one can remain good." A great philosopher once said, "Man is good" and I believe that. There's good in all of us. We can just hope and pray that those who are lured to do evil would let the good in them come out.

And that is what Easter is about. Be good. Make the right choices and help make this world better. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Easter Miracle

Easter last year marked a huge milestone for me a year ago. I was stuck in Singapore for three whole months after my heart surgery. My doctors wouldn't allow me to go home to Manila because of my condition. My surgeon had a hard time operating on me and we encountered a few complications. I was in ICU for almost a week and I was in so much pain for many weeks after. The meds didn't really help ease the pain and I just prayed and prayed for it to go away.

At some point I dreamt I was with my Dad. The pain was really unbearable at some point I wished my Dad would just come and get me. I remember waking up from the dream and looked for my Kuya instead. Despite how I was feeling I knew that if I called out for my Dad my family would worry a lot. My brother had to go back to Jakarta the day before my surgery, but he surprised me and arrived the day after I looked for him.

My Kuya and his family (including those in Jakarta via Google Hangout) prayed over me. It was only then I felt calm and more settled. I was discharged two weeks after surgery but the road after was a difficult one. I couldn't sleep well and I couldn't even lie down. Two weeks after I had to go through another surgery to drain water in my heart and lungs. I had to stay in the hospital for another two weeks. Recovery was very slow and I can honestly say that it's only in the last month that I started to feel stronger.

I have been asked several times where I got the strength to go through heart surgery. It took me a decade to finally decide to go through it. I wasn't scared because I knew Papa Jesus will take care of me and Mama Mary would watch over me as well. My doctors said that I was the cheeriest patient they had (they weren't around at night when the pain would set in!). I didn't see them worry the whole time I was in the hospital, but my doctor told me during my check-up last February that they were actually very worried about me and that I had given them a huge scare. I just gave my doctor a huge smile and thanked him. I pulled through this whole ordeal because of my faith, my family, my friends, my whole community and my work family who prayed for me to get well.

And that's why Easter for me has a whole new meaning. A new lease on life and a chance to have a better quality of life with my family and everyone in my life.

And this is me recently at Angkor Wat. I never imagined that I'd be able to visit 2 huge religious temples (the other one was Boroburdur last June) within a year after surgery.

Happy Easter everyone!