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Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardening. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Gumamela Cuttings from my 4th Grade Teacher

Just thought I'd make this post to thank my fourth grade Filipino teacher, Mrs. Orenza, for the beautiful gumamela cuttings she sent me yesterday. I appreciate it when my friends post beautiful flowers on their timeline. I commented on Mrs. O's post where she shared her beautiful white gumamela Flowers. I told her I didn't have any white ones yet. 

After awhile she messaged me and said she'll send me some cuttings. I was so shy to accept it at first, but I can never say no to plants. The cuttings were sent to me in less than an hour. I dipped the cuttings first in rooting hormone. 

After watering the plants in the garden, I worked on potting the cuttings. It took awhile before I finished since there were 5 cuttings. I wanted to make sure I mixed the soil correctly. I'm aiming to successfully encourage the cuttings to grow roots. Some of the cuttings had flowers. I'm not sure if I should remove them so the cutting can focus on growing roots. Hmm, I'll research more about it. 

Thank you again Mrs. O! I'm going to watch the cuttings like a hawk to ensure they all propagate properly!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Harvested on the First Day of March

Happy new month everyone! While doing my usual plant watering, Sweetie mentioned we should harvest the ginger. 

We watched videos where they just pulled the ginger out. It was so big we couldn't just pull it out. I didn't want to use a shovel because we might hit the ginger. With gloves on we wet the soil a bit and then dug through the pot to loosen the roots.

Eventually we were able to pull the leaves and ginger, but it still clung to the soil. Sweetie then washed off the soil with a hose. We were surprised with how much ginger grew out of the pot. It started with a few small ones I propagated in water.

Since there was a lot Sweetie gave some to our neighbor. He mentioned it's likely native ginger. It's more potent than regular commercial ones. Now we have to think what dishes to make, haha.

Great start for the month of March!


Monday, February 17, 2025

My Avocado Trees!

It's been six months since I propagated 6 avocado seeds. Five rooted, but only 4 grew leaves which I eventually planted in soil.

All 4 plants are almost 3 feet tall now and I'm so happy with the progress. I know it will take years before they bear fruit. I'm happy to wait.

We had a huge avocado tree before at the back of our house. It produced a lot of fruits and I remember my Dad would always make crushed avocado with milk for me. Mom would also make avocado shake often.

It would be wonderful to have avocado trees again in our backyard and get free avocado! Maybe I could even make some ice cream. Yum-yum!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Dear Mama Lola, Look! I Did It!

Happy Lunar new year everyone!

I got a huge surprise today! And I think my Mama Lola would be happy for me! I have been trying to grow some peppers for a few years now. I've tried, failed, tried, failed and just kept trying again. 

I have memories of my Mama Lola growing sili plants in my Mom's garden. Mom always grumbled about it because she prefers to keep ornamental plants. Mama Lola's sili plant was what fascinated me about growing vegetables. 

I managed to grow some bell peppers while we were in Singapore, but have been unsuccessful since we got home. I would save sili seeds from delivery food since we rarely eat them. I also save bell pepper seeds from the grocery. It's fairly easy to propagate, but something always goes wrong whenever they start growing.

Anyway, I was surprised today while I was watering the plants. There was one big pepper hanging nicely on the plant. I honestly didn't notice it growing since the avocado plant covered it. I moved it a few days ago and only noticed the pepper today. Yahoo! The plant probably likes the fish water we've been feeding it weekly. 

So happy!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Quick BGC Run and my Avocado Trees

We had to make a quick run to BGC to pick up something. There was a bit of traffic and surprisingly AQI was at 125. I only found out because I started sneezing like crazy. Good thing I brought my portable Tylex air purifier and Young Living Breathe Again oil. 

We managed to quickly finish our errand. Would have been faster if there were more lifts in the building. As soon as we got home, I watered the plants. I realized while watering the plants that I now have 4 avocado trees growing. Here's how they look now -

I'm so stoked that I managed to propagate four out of the six avocado seeds. The seedlings are now on their way to become trees. Yay!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Trees that Grew by Accident

We set up several pots in our backyard for composting. It surprisingly worked well. A few months later we were surprised to see something growing in it. As it grew, I realized it was a mango tree. Our neighbor has a mango tree and it's branches reached our backyard. Every so often, some fruits would drop to the ground. I guess one of it ended up inside the compost bin and nature found a way to grow. 

I eventually moved the seedling to a proper pot. I would water it and give it some fertilizer. Lo and behold it's now much taller than me! I've been overdue to move it and decided to do it today since I plan to let it continue its growth in the tiny square garden. I had a hard time pulling the pot out from the pocket garden plant box, so Miggy wrangled it off for me. Then Sweetie helped me get it out of the pot. The sun set before I finished re-potting it. Hopefully it will live even with some of the roots gone. 

Another "accidental" tree is the weeping fig. It grew on our balcony. A bird probably dropped the seed and nature (again) found its way and it grew. Sweetie pulled it out and I told him to bring it home. The roots were still intact, so I again placed it in a pot and left it a few feet away from where the mango tree was growing. It surprisingly flourished and it's about half the mango tree already. I decided to re-pot it today too. 

The mango and weeping fig tree is part of the arsenal of trees I plan to eventually move to our future home (no idea when that will happen). The third tree is my curry tree. I'm trying to save it now since I think I may have over watered it the past few weeks (whoops!). I hope I'll still be able to save it! Then I have a couple of papaya trees growing. I think some may have been rooting in the plant box (whoops!). I'll check them tomorrow.

I'll probably get flagged already from gardening a lot this week. I missed working on our garden since we've been busy, plus I had to avoid getting exposed to dirty air due to the construction beside us (it's been really horrid!). We made a lot of progress this week, but need to check what I can still save from my Mom's garden. 

Lots of adulting stuff to do, ugh. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

Monday, January 20, 2025

Our Square Garden

We had a tiny garden across our pedestrian gate. It used to have a couple of plants and bamboo when we moved in a few years ago. The plants though died and the bamboo attracted insects. The cats also used the area as their toilet. Not good especially since it's the first thing you see when you enter our gate.

Anakin fell from the garage roof, he thought he could get down through the bamboo. We were on the other end of the house when we saw it happen. We ran to check on him. He was fine, he meowed and ran away after we checked if he had anything broken.

We decided then and there to remove the bamboo and fix the area. We got stepping stone tiles to cover the soil and placed sun loving plants. I placed flowering plants so it looks pretty. I got busy today re-potting the santan plants. I like that the tiny garden is a bit more organized now. I will also love the mango and fig tree there sometime this week. 

We also rearranged the philodendron row to make space for plants from Mom's garden. I also need to trim them and I need to re-pot the aglaonema since they've grown too. Lots to do in the garden, but have to take it slow so I don't get sick.

Happy Monday everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Gardening Helped Heal my Forearm Pain

I've been having forearm pain the past two weeks. I'm not sure if hand quilting triggered it (probably). My neuro told me to see her if I have pain since she flagged my scoliosis. She's out so I haven't been able to see her. The ointment my spine doctor has helped and I've been doing some of the exercises my PT taught me before.

I read on a hospital's page that you can do some gardening as home treatment for forearm pain. After exercising yesterday I felt I could give it a try today. I had to transplant the avocado I propagated in water anyway. Two avocados and one money plant was my plan. 

I ended up transplanting two avocados, the Ikea money plant, and re-potted some succulents into a bigger pot. Plus I prepared 2 big pots for calamansi and four smaller ones for seeds that sprouted from my propagation tray (I'm not sure what they are, haha). I didn't feel any pain and it felt good. It was good exercise and the cats watched me the whole time.

Hope to see my neuro next week! 

#BeKind #StaySafe

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Around the House

I dedicated the day to small bits of housework. I watered the plants, played with the cats, did some cooking and chatted with a friend who likes cooking. It was pretty humid, so I retired back to my sewing table to write this post and watch some TV. I wanted to hang out outside more, but it was too humid, plus the air quality was bad (construction beside us did some welding). 

I'm journaling my daily activities to push myself to move around more. I checked the plants I re-potted and was happy to see the Heart of Jesus (caladium) improve a lot. Check out how much it has improved in 5 days. I transplanted it in a cactus mix soil and put it in an area with indirect sunlight. I think it grew a bit, noh?

I transferred the tiny leaves to a small pot

I'm also propagating some of my gumamela. The four pots I bought a year ago are still alive, but they've outgrown their pot. It will be hard to transplant them. I plan to trim them to make them healthier. I cut some stems and popped them in soil with perlite. I forgot to cover them to create humidity, so that's what I did today. Let's see if they grow some stems. What I hope to do in the future is graft the different colors to have a gumamela plant with different colors. (I've honestly never done any grafting. My Mom was good at it though). 

The bromeliad didn't look good, so I decided to remove the dead and yellowing leaves to give it a better chance to live.

The kittens were naughty today. It was drizzling just before I went out. It looks like they played in the rain. When they came to me they kept rubbing my leg and they were all wet! Haha. Naughty kittens! We're also trying to regulate their food because a lot of stray cats have been coming in since Grey disappeared. The strays probably caused the kittens to have cat flu! Sigh. 

I was going to do some ironing, but I've hit my limit. I know when not to push too hard. I don't want to get sick. I delegated the rest of the cooking duties to Miggy. All he needs to do anyway is let the marinade simmer and Sweetie will do the plating. I can iron tomorrow. Worse off, I'll squeeze myself in another pair of pants next week (haha). 

Happy weekend everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Monday, October 14, 2024

Buddha Belly, Desert Rose and Caladium Bicolor

I'm on a roll After realizing that the plants from Mom's garden were essentially succulents, I decided to immediately re-pot them today. I had been watering them like crazy and realized they might die without proper care.

I was pleasantly surprised with what I got. One of the plants is commonly known as Buddha Belly (Jatropha podagrica). I'm not sure if it's a common succulent, but I was happy to see it had flowers when I saw it in my Mom's garden. It's a beautiful plant and I hope it will bounce back after I've given it some TLC.

Another plant that caught my eye is a caladium or more known as the Heart of Jesus. It wasn't in peril, but I liked the color. It will also remind me of my Mom whenever I see it. 

Last plant I got were two pots of desert rose or commonly known as kalachuchi. I remember Mom didn't like it before because of the smell of the flowers. I'm not sure why there were two in her garden. They both badly needed TLC, so I re-potted them in big pots. Hopefully they recover.

I never thought I'd enjoy gardening this much. It's a lot of work, but it's also a great way to know my Mom more with the plants she kept. She always told me she didn't like cacti and succulents, but most of those I re-potted the past two days are succulents. She probably had a change of heart since they are flowering plants. I'm also enjoy figuring out what the plants are and researching how best to care for them. 

I hope I'll be able to save the plants. There's a gazillion more!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saving Mom's Garden, One Pot at a Time

I've been working on saving Mom's plants and after going around her garden I decided to get some plants that needed a lot of TLC. 

To be honest, I can only name a few of Mom's plants. Thanks to Google Lens I'm able to identify the plants. Identifying the plant is important so I know what kind of soil, watering and sunlight it needs.

The first plant I worked on is a bromeliad. It was strangely not potted, but had roots. There were mixed views on what kind of soil it needs. I decided to use cactus soil mix (loam soil + stones + perlite). If it survives that's when I'll re-pot it with peat moss. 

By the time I finished gardening, Meredith was probably cross because I occupied part of her bench. She hung on my gardening scissors and refused to give it up. It was her way of saying that it was time fo me to rest.

I had a productive day. I was able to re-pot most of my cacti and succulents. I also took the opportunity to propagate gumamela cuttings. Hope everything I worked on will flourish :)

#BeKind #StaySafe

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Avocado Update: Leaves, Finally!

Sweetie excitedly told me the other day that the avocado seeds I've been propagating for two months now have started to grow leaves! Finally!

In the past two weeks I increased the amount of honey and moved two of the seedlings with stems to a bigger jar. Sweetie also changed the kitchen curtains. The curtain was shorter and allowed more sunlight to come in. I think that encouraged the seedlings to progress faster.

I've been hesitant to move the jars to another spot with better sunlight because I might forget to top up the water (out of sight, out of mind!). I'm debating whether I should move the seedlings to soil already, but videos said they need to have leaves already. So I'll wait.

I hope to eventually harvest some fruits!

#BeKind #StaySafe 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Mom's Garden is Amazing

Did some adulting stuff today and took the opportunity to take stock of what is in my Mom's garden. We had the garden cleared so we could walk around. I was afraid that Mom's plants have died.

The garden is still very lush. Mom left a lot of knick-knacks but her true treasure is her garden. My Mom was a "mega-evolved" plantita. If there are stages to being one, she's at the highest level. Anything she touched would grow and thrive. Even without maintenance her garden is still very lush.

Plants usually don't survive when you do construction. I've been trying to work out a plan to save my Mom's plants. Weeds have taken over the grass and only a small patch is alive. There's a lot of potted plants, but some are being choked already by vines. The invasive vines will probably die when work is done on the property.

I think the first step I would take is to identify and make an inventory of Mom's plants. Then I can research and plan how to save them. I think we can probably move those that need full sun and less watering to a side that won't be disturbed. This way I can prioritize to take what needs more maintenance and bring it home. For bigger plants/trees, we can probably propagate them to grow new ones.

You might ask why I'm trying to do this. Why save my Mom's plants? It's going to be a lot of work. Well, it was my Mom's wish to preserve her garden. All of us have fond memories of her in her garden. She poured a lot of love in it and it will be my way of preserving her memory.

Good luck to us 😊

#BeKind #StaySafe

Monday, September 30, 2024

What Happened to the Calamansi Seeds I Propagated?

Thirteen months ago I bought 2 kilograms of calamansi from a neighbor. They were big and juicy so I decided to propagate the seeds. I know it's easier to graft a piece of a plant, but I like growing plants from seed. It's more exciting for me.

It grew very, very slowly. I grouped the seedlings into several pots since I wasn't sure if it would survive. Every so often caterpillars would eat the leaves, so I had to be consistent spraying it with Neem oil. I also gave it rice water weekly and topped it up with compost when I remember. 

I was surprised to see that most of those I transferred to soil grew steadily. I started to re-pot them to bigger pots this month. They're definitely calamansi because the leaves smell like citrus. Here are some I re-potted earlier this month:

Here's two before I re-potted them.

I now have 7 big pots! I'm going to be so stoked when they start bearing fruit.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Ugh, My Bell Pepper Plants are Sick

I made the mistake of treating my bell pepper plants with garlic spray. I thought it had aphids just like my gumamela plants. I thought the white flies were aphids too, apparently not. Aside from white flies it also has fungus. Some leaves would just fall off. 

I was able to successfully grow bell peppers in Singapore. I never had pest issues there since we were on the 22nd floor. I've been trying to grow bell peppers here and it's been hard since there's so many pests. I watched a video on Epic Gardening and Kevin said you can try hydrogen peroxide to treat fungus. I've been spraying my plant for a few days now and it seems to be recovering. 

I noticed earlier that the white flies are still there, so I'll try baking soda with Castile soap tomorrow. I tried Neem oil already, but it burned the leaves. So, let's see if if it works or maybe I'll have to go back to square one. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Our Eugenia Plant Always have Red Leaves

The Eugenia Plant in our pocket garden has been there since we moved. We try to keep it at 4 feet high so it's easier to manage. One has grown to more than 10 feet. We suspect Brimsley buried one of her kittens under it and that's why it grew so tall. Birds have been making nests on it, so we just trim it.

So far the Eugenia plants have been the easiest to manage. It's not a water guzzler and just requires some trimming every so often. I spray it with Neem oil every few weeks. What I like best about it is when it grows red leaves and sometimes berries.

I discovered the easiest way to encourage it to grow red leaves by accident. I've been using sun dried coffee grounds for my plants and I out some on the ground where the Eugenia plants are located. A few days later it started sprouting red leaves!

Since then I feed it with sundried coffee grinds. It's really nice since it provides color to my otherwise very green garden :)

Happy Sunday everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Touchdown Avocado!

Last minute win for the month of August! We've been busy the past few days, but I made sure that the avocado seeds were submerged halfway. I noticed they've been sipping a lot of water and I had the top it up everyday. 

I'm propagating two sets of seeds. I started the first three on August 9. The second set on August 17. The first awed that started to open was from the second set. It's one of the bigger seeds and I guess the most mature one. 

We were out the whole day, so I was only able to check the seeds in the evening. I was surprised to see almost an inch of root from one. Yasss!

Another seed is also developing a root. In a few days it will be like the big seed.

My aim is to grow a couple since I'm sure the next challenge is to properly transplant it to soil. I have to wait a few more weeks until the seedlings have leaves already. This small win is a great start!

#BeKind #StaySafe

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trying to Grow Avocado

When I was growing up, we had a huge avocado tree in our backyard. It produced a lot of fruit and my Dad always made avocado with milk for me to eat. It was the only way I eat avocado, until I discovered avocado shake (haha) and well, guacamole. As a Filipino, I don't eat avocado as a salad. 

The avocado tree in my childhood home is long gone. I'm not sure if it fell during a typhoon or was taken down due to security issues. Since our avocado tree before was prolific I thought I could try growing another tree. We recently got some avocado from a neighbor. It was perfect, so I saved the seeds. 

I watched a couple of videos to learn how to germinate avocado seeds. I chose to put it in water. To make sure I added some honey to make sure it doesn't rot. Hopefully, the honey will help encourage the seed to grow roots. It will take a while to germinate, just like bell pepper and papaya seeds. 

Let's see where this goes. I have two other trees that are growing nicely, mango and weeping fig. Both grew unexpectedly. The mango grew inside the compost bin. The weeping fig grew randomly on our balcony. And oh, I have a curry tree too. I'm growing them in pots for now since I plan to plant them eventually in our future house. 

*Just a thought, maybe I should throw one of the seeds in the compost bin, hehe. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Bell Peppers Soon?

I've been planting bell pepper seeds whenever I have store bought peppers. You have to be very patient with growing bell peppers. It takes about 3 weeks before the seeds sprout and then you need to move it around when the weather changes.

The seeds I planted last January have started to produce flowers. I didn't expect it since it's been growing super slowly. I think it hibernated when we had extremely hot weather. I watered it everyday and consistently gave it rice water weekly. It had a growth spurt when I moved it to a sunnier area. I think the rain also helped. 

I've been so afraid to re-pot it. I bit the bullet and re-potted it the other day. I placed it in a spot that gets about 6 hours of sun. It won't get any rain though, so I'll have to observe whether I should move it. I hope the flowers get pollinated so I can harvest some bell pepper soon! 

I also have to review what kind of fertilizer it needs. I was in Singapore when I successfully grew some bell pepper. The fruit though was deformed which meant it lacked something. I would very happy if my bell pepper plants finally produce something! 

#BeKind #StaySafe

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

3 Hour Gardening Workout

My thighs are so sore after 3 hours of gardening. I sat on bangkito (the plastic kind) for a few hours to re-pot my cacti and succulents. We heard something crash outside my sewing room the other night. I told Sweetie it was likely the cacti. We paused the video we were watching and Sweetie investigated what happened.

We think Grogu was chasing after Anakin. The kitten probably went up the planter and hit the pots. It came tumbling down, hitting the pots below. It was a huge mess. I didn't expect it would happen since we just covered the sides of the plant stand last week to keep the cats away. 

Oh well, I've been meaning to re-pot the cacti and succulents since some have outgrown their pots. It took me awhile to finish re-potting since there were a lot of pups and some had to be separated. Since I re-potted some of them in bigger pots, I asked for help from Sweetie to add support. That way they won't topple down easily if ever a cat goes up again. 

Added bamboo to support the pots

It was a good workout and I enjoy working quietly while gardening. The cats kept me company. Anakin was quite naughty. He even tried biting the cacti. So kulet. I had to separate him and Grogu to avoid having another accident. 

#BeKind #StaySafe