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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Back on thee BIG Screen in Denver

Denver's Continental Theatre has announced the next set of films in its FlashBack Features series.

These films are scheduled to play on Wednesdays at 9pm on the Giant 78-foot wide screen. Occasionally, the Flashback showing is moved to a smaller screen, so call ahead to confirm. 303 758-6732

With one exception, they aren't Flashing very far Back with this line-up. It will be interesting to see how well these titles perform.

03/11  300
03/18  Sin City
03/25  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
04/01  Starship Troopers
04/08  Star Trek: Generations
04/15  Serenity
04/22  2001: A Space Odyssey
04/29  South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

+ Bravo to Regal and the Continental management for continuing this series!
- It's a damn shame that 2001 won't be presented in 70MM. It's playing in 70MM several times in Europe this year. link

And on a personal note- I'm really hoping for showings of E.T. & The Princess Bride in the near future... my daughter is just old enough now.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Theatres showing Groundhog Day on the Big Screen today:

Coolidge Corner Theatre (Brookline,MA)
Brewvies 2 Theatre (Salt Lake City,UT)
Hamburg Palace Theatre (Hamburg,NY)


Thursday, January 22, 2009


I saw Star Trek II at 9PM on 01/21/09 at Denver's Continental Theatre.

After the technical difficulties of last week's Raiders of the Lost Ark, I'm happy to report that tonight's presentation was excellent.

The print was beautiful. The projection was spot on. The audience (about 150) was well-behaved. The soundtrack was slightly shrill, with a bit of occasional hiss, but nothing distracting.

All in all, it was a fantastic movie-going experience.
How could it have been better?
- A 70MM print.
- No pre-show garbage (a closed curtain instead)
- More showtimes.

Upcoming flashback features at the Continental (Wednesdays at 9)
01/28 Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
02/04 Jurassic Park
02/11 Top Gun
02/19 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
02/25 Live and Let Die
03/04 Blazing Saddles

Check out our Back on the Big Screen listings for upcoming screenings of classic films across the U.S.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Dark Knight Back on the Big Screen

Forget the low resolution video formats like DVD and Blu-Ray - get out and see The Dark Knight on a Giant Screen in IMAX! Opens 01/23/09

List of Theatres showing The Dark Knight for the January 2009 re-release

Read about the film formats used for The Dark Knight.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark at the Continental Theatre on 01/14/09 at 9pm.

With one notable exception, the entire experience was awesome.

After Regal's horrible pre-show commercials, general manager Mike Allen introduced the FlashBack series. He discussed the challenges of showing flashbacks in the large auditorium. 

Studios sometimes balk at the idea of moving current releases from the large screen, even for one showing a week. Hopefully, Regal and the studios will continue to work together on this issue. The great movie-going experiences provided by the flashback series are good for the industry as a whole, and someday those current releases may find their own place in the flashback series. To Mike's credit, he vowed to keep the series on the giant screen whenever possible.

Mr. Allen also mentioned the growing scarcity of 35mm prints as more and more theatres move to digital, which doesn't have enough resolution to hold up on such a large screen.

After giving away a few free passes, Raiders began. The print was excellent. It wasn't perfect - there was a faint green scratch left of center from time to time, and a small bit of dirt at the reel changes. It was also a tad dark. But these quibbles are minor. The 35mm image on the Continental's 78' wide screen was transportingly beautiful.

Sound was terrific as well. Volume was perfect and the wide front soundstage created an immersive experience. Surround presence was limited, due largely to the original mix. No outside noise was heard.

The crowd of 250 was respectfully quiet.

Projection was excellent - the film was perfectly focused and framed on the giant screen... until the reel change just after the flying wing fight. 

Suddenly the top quarter of the image was at the bottom of the screen.  I called the box office on my cell phone and politely told them to fix it immediately.  It was fixed as Indy rode his horse down the hill toward the truck. The problem occurred again at the final reel change when the credits began, and was not fixed.

I asked a (different) manager afterwards what happened. He explained that their projectionist did not splice the reels together correctly, and the print arrived too late for them to preview it for errors. 

This answer really isn't satisfactory. As mentioned, these prints are very rare, and should be handled by folks who know what they are doing. 

Additionally, if there isn't time for a preview screening, how hard would it be to send a projectionist into the booth every 20 minutes to monitor the reel change and make sure nothing is amiss?

If theatres want to remain in business, they must do a better job. This sort of problem does not occur when watching a movie at home.

I look forward to seeing more classics at the Continental, and trust they will strive to improve their presentation in every way possible.

Check out our Back on the Big Screen listings for upcoming screenings of classic films across the U.S., including more at the Continental.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back on the Big Screen Update

Back on the Big Screen listings have been updated with tons of classics screenings all across the U.S. for 2009. 

You'll find actual showings of reader favorites like Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Godfather, The Princess Bride, Se7en, Casablanca, and many more.

Get out and see a great film Back on the Big Screen.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

UA Denver Pavilions

On 16th St Mall at Tremont Place
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 454-9086

I saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button on 12/29 at 7:40 in Auditorium 6.

The screen was large, about 50-55 feet wide, with side masking. Projection was steady and bright.

The auditorium was sloped, with good sight lines.

Sound was good, with a wide front sound stage and deep bass...

However, at least one front speaker (right?) distorted during loud, high notes.

Auditorium 6

IF they fix the speaker(s): Cinema Grade = B

Sunday, December 28, 2008


It sure was nice to see a good Indiana Jones film on the Big Screen this year.

I saw Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom at the Esquire Theatre in Denver, Colorado at midnight on 11/27/08.

The print was beautiful, the decent-sized crowd was respectful, and the presentation was acceptable

I was struck by how "theatrical" the film was. Yet it still maintained an air of seriousness that was sorely missing from the abysmal Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was a great experience. I only wish these screenings were at a more accessible hour.

A "charming" introduction was made before the film by The Matt, who hosts the Esquire's midnight screenings.

Upcoming titles include:
1/02 & 03 Batman Begins 
(See it on the Big Screen before the Dark Knight Re-Release!)
1/09 & 10 Trainspotting
1/16 & 17 The Toxic Avenger
1/23 & 24 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1/30 & 31 Se7en
2/13 & 14 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2/2o & 21 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade