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Play for On-device AI - early access program interest form
We're bringing the benefits of Google Play and Android App Bundles to delivering custom ML models for on-device AI features.

Play for On-device AI takes the complexity out of launching, targeting, versioning, downloading, and updating on-device models so that you can offer your users a better user experience without compromising your app's size and at no additional cost.

Complete this form in order to express interest in joining the Play for On-device AI early access program provided by Google.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Your name
Your job title / role *
Name of requesting organization/person
Google Play developer account ID
Available on your Play Console Account details page

Your app package name(s)
Your app's ML model status
Planning to integrate
Integrated in test tracks
Integrated in prod track
Not planning to integrate
I don't know
Cloud-based LLMs (e.g. Gemini)
Cloud-based ML models (e.g. server-based TensorFlow)
On-device LLMs (e.g. Gemini Nano EAP or Gemma)
On-device ML models (e.g. TensorFlow Lite)
What Android form factors are you interested in delivering ML models to?
Are you using Play Feature Delivery or Play Asset Delivery in your app?
Effacer la sélection
By completing this document and clicking on the “Submit” button below, I also acknowledge that all information provided in this form will be subject to Google's Privacy Policy.
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N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
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