Quotas and limits
This document lists the quotas and limits that apply to Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking.
Google Cloud uses quotas to help ensure fairness and reduce spikes in resource use and availability. A quota restricts how much of a Google Cloud resource your Google Cloud project can use. Quotas apply to a range of resource types, including hardware, software, and network components. For example, quotas can restrict the number of API calls to a service, the number of load balancers used concurrently by your project, or the number of projects that you can create. Quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing the overloading of services. Quotas also help you to manage your own Google Cloud resources.
The Cloud Quotas system does the following:
- Monitors your consumption of Google Cloud products and services
- Restricts your consumption of those resources
- Provides a way to request changes to the quota value and automate quota adjustments
In most cases, when you attempt to consume more of a resource than its quota allows, the system blocks access to the resource, and the task that you're trying to perform fails.
Quotas generally apply at the Google Cloud project level. Your use of a resource in one project doesn't affect your available quota in another project. Within a Google Cloud project, quotas are shared across all applications and IP addresses.
There are also system limits on VPC resources. System limits can't be changed.
To change a quota, see requesting additional quota.
Per project
This table highlights important global quotas for VPC resources in each project. For other quotas, see the Quotas page in the Google Cloud console.
To monitor per-project quotas using Cloud Monitoring, set up monitoring
for the metric serviceruntime.googleapis.com/quota/allocation/usage
on the
Consumer Quota
resource type. Set additional label filters (service
) to get to the quota type. For information about monitoring quota
metrics, including finding limit names and metric names, see Use quota
metrics. Each quota has a limit and a
usage value.
Quota | Description |
Network bandwidth | |
GCE VM to internet egress bandwidth Mbps | Total egress bandwidth from Google Cloud VMs in one region to destinations outside of a VPC network (using the default internet gateway). This quota's usage is charged to the project that contains the Compute Engine VMs that emit the packets. Excludes traffic sent to Google APIs and services by using Private Google Access. Excludes traffic sent to Google APIs and services from VMs with external IP addresses. |
Inter-region network egress bandwidth (Mbps) from Compute instances | Total egress bandwidth from Google Cloud VMs in one region to destinations that are routable within a VPC network (using next hops that are not the default internet gateway). This quota's usage is charged to the project that contains the Compute Engine VMs that emit the packets. |
Shared VPC | |
Cross project networking service projects | Number of Shared VPC service projects that can be attached to a Shared VPC host project. In addition to this quota, see Shared VPC project limits. |
General | |
Networks | Includes the default network, which you can
remove. |
Policy-based routes | The number of policy-based routes that you can create in your project. |
Routers | The number of Cloud Routers that you can create within your project, in any network and region. Networks also have a limit on the number of Cloud Routers in any given region. For details, see Cloud Router quotas and limits. |
Packet Mirrorings | The number of Packet Mirroring policies that you can create in your project, in any network and region. |
Load balancer and protocol forwarding rules See Forwarding rules in the load balancing quotas documentation. | |
Internal IP addresses | |
Internal IP addresses | The number of static regional internal IPv4 addresses that you can reserve in each region in your project. |
Regional static internal IPv6 address ranges | The number of static regional internal IPv6 address ranges that you can reserve in each region in your project. |
Static global internal IPv4 addresses | The number of static global internal IPv4 address ranges that you can reserve in your project, such as allocated IPv4 address ranges for private services access and IPv4 addresses reserved for Private Service Connect endpoints that are used to access global Google APIs. For IP address ranges, each range is a contiguous internal IP address range. |
Internal ranges | The number of internal range resources that you can reserve in your project. |
External IP addresses | |
Static IP addresses | The number of static regional external IPv4 addresses that you can reserve in each region in your project. |
Regional static external IPv6 address ranges | The number of static regional external IPv6 address ranges that you can reserve in each region in your project. |
Static IP addresses global | The number of static global external IP addresses that you can reserve in your project. |
In-use IP addresses | The number of static and ephemeral regional external IP addresses that you can use in your project simultaneously. |
In-use IP addresses global | The number of static and ephemeral global external IP addresses that you can use in your project simultaneously. |
Address move requests per minute | The global number of address move requests that you can make per minute. |
Address move requests per minute per region | The number of address move requests that you can make per minute per region. |
Bring your own IP (BYOIP) | |
Static BYOIP IP addresses | The number of bring your own IP regional external IP addresses that you can reserve in each region in your project.
Static BYOIP IP addresses global | The number of bring your own IP global external IP addresses that you can create in your project.
Public advertised prefixes | The number of public advertised prefixes (PAPs) that you can create in your project.
Public V2 advertised prefixes create requests per minute | The number of create requests for regional public advertised prefixes that you can make per minute. This quota applies to both v1 and v2 public advertised prefixes.
Public V2 advertised prefixes delete requests per minute | The number of delete requests for regional public advertised prefixes that you can make per minute. This quota applies to both v1 and v2 public advertised prefixes.
Public V2 advertised prefixes announce requests per minute | The number of announce requests that you can make per minute for regional public advertised prefixes.
Regional public delegated prefixes | The number of regional public delegated prefixes (PDPs) that you can create in each region.
Global public delegated prefixes | The number of global public delegated prefixes that you can create.
Regional public delegated prefixes create requests per minute per region | The number of create requests for regional public delegated prefixes that you can make per minute per region.
Regional public delegated prefixes delete requests per minute per region | The number of delete requests for regional public delegated prefixes that you can make per minute per region.
Regional public delegated prefixes announce requests per minute per region | The number of announce requests that you can make per minute per region for regional public delegated prefixes. This quota does not apply to withdraw requests.
Public delegated prefix with variable prefix length | The number of regional IPv6 public delegated prefixes that you can create, per project per region.
Private Service Connect | |
PSC internal LB forwarding rules | The maximum number of Private Service Connect endpoints (forwarding rules) that a service consumer can create to connect to producer services. This quota is per region, per project. Quota name: |
Number of Regional Endpoints per project per region |
The maximum number of Private Service Connect endpoints that a service consumer can create to connect to regional endpoints. This quota is per region, per project. Quota name: |
Service attachments | The maximum number of Private Service Connect service attachments that a service producer can create. This quota is per region, per project. Quota name: |
Network attachments | The maximum number of network attachments that a Private Service Connect consumer can create. This quota is per region, per project. Quota name: |
Service Connection Policies per project per region | The maximum number of service connection policies that a service consumer can create. This quota is per region, per project. Quota name: |
Service Connection Maps per project per region | The maximum number of service connection maps that a service producer can create. This quota is per region, per project. Quota name: |
Per network
This table highlights important network quotas. For other quotas, see the Quotas page in the Google Cloud console.
Information on monitoring the available metrics using Cloud Monitoring is available at Use quota metrics. Each quota has a limit and a usage value.
A per-network quota usually has a corresponding per-peering group quota applicable when VPC Network Peering is used. Per-peering group quotas have the concept of an effective limit.
Quota | Description |
Instances & alias IP ranges | |
Instances per VPC network | The total number of VM instances with a network interface (NIC) in the VPC network. Quota name: Available metrics:
Instances per peering group | From the perspective of a VPC network, the total number of VM instances with a network interface (NIC) in either the VPC network itself or in one of its directly connected peers. Quota name: Available metrics:
IP aliases per VPC network | The total number of alias IP ranges used by network interfaces (NICs) of VM instances in the VPC network. This quota counts the number of alias IP ranges without regard to each range's size (subnet mask). In addition to this quota, there is a per-VM limit on the number of alias IP ranges per network interface. Quota name: Available metrics:
IP aliases per peering group | From the perspective of a VPC network, the total number of alias IP ranges used by NICs of VM instances local to the VPC network and in its directly connected peers. This quota counts the number of alias IP ranges without regard to each range's size (subnet mask). In addition to this quota, there is a per-VM limit on the number of alias IP ranges per network interface. Quota name: Available metrics:
Subnet IP address ranges | |
Subnetwork ranges per VPC network | The total number of subnet IP address ranges used by subnets in the VPC network. Includes primary IPv4 address ranges, secondary IPv4 address ranges, and IPv6 address ranges. Quota name: Available metrics:
Subnetwork ranges per peering group | From the perspective of a VPC network, the total number of subnet IP address ranges used by subnets local to the VPC network and in its directly connected peers. Includes primary IPv4 address ranges, secondary IPv4 address ranges, and IPv6 address ranges. Quota name: Available metrics:
VPC Network Peering | |
Peerings per VPC network | From the perspective of a VPC network, the total number of other VPC networks it can connect to by using VPC Network Peering. Quota name: Available metrics:
Static and dynamic routes | |
Static routes per network | From the perspective of all regions of a VPC network, the total number of static routes local to the VPC network. This quota applies to the aggregate of IPv4 and IPv6 static routes. Quota name: Available metrics:
Static routes per peering group | From the perspective of all regions of a VPC network, the total number of static routes local to the VPC network and in its directly connected peers. This quota applies to the aggregate of IPv4 and IPv6 static routes. Quota name: Available metrics:
Dynamic routes per region per peering group | From the perspective of each region in a VPC network, the total number of dynamic routes local to the VPC network and in its directly connected peers. This quota applies to the aggregate of IPv4 and IPv6 dynamic routes. Quota name: Available metrics:
If the number of dynamic routes exceeds this limit, Google Cloud adjusts how it imports dynamic routes according to the following rules:
Load balancer and protocol forwarding rules See Forwarding rules in the load balancing quotas documentation. | |
Private Service Connect | |
PSC Google APIs forwarding rules per VPC network | The maximum number of Private Service Connect endpoints (forwarding rules) that can be used to access Google APIs. This quota applies to the total number of forwarding rules used to access Google APIs in all regions. This quota can't be increased. See per project for additional important details about how many global internal addresses you can create. Quota name: Available metrics:
PSC propagated connections per VPC network |
The maximum number of Private Service Connect propagated connections that can exist in a consumer's VPC network. This quota can't be increased.
Quota name: Available metrics:
PSC ILB consumer forwarding rules per producer VPC network |
The maximum number of Private Service Connect endpoints and propagated connections that can access a service producer VPC network. This quota applies to the total number of endpoints and propagated connections that access services in all regions of the service producer VPC network. Endpoints contribute to this quota until they are deleted, even if the associated service attachment is deleted or configured to reject the connection. Propagated connections contribute to this quota until the associated endpoint is deleted, even if connection propagation is disabled on the hub or the propagated connection's spoke is deleted. Quota name: Available metrics:
Deprecated quotas
Google Cloud no longer enforces the following quotas:
Subnetworks: The Subnetwork ranges per VPC network quota is the replacement.
Routes: The Static routes per network quota is the replacement.
Limits can't generally be increased unless specifically noted.
Shared VPC limits
The number of service projects that can be attached to a host project is a configurable per-project quota. In addition to that quota, the following limits apply to Shared VPC.
Item | Limit | Notes |
Number of Shared VPC host projects in a single organization | 100 | To request an update to this limit, file a support case. |
Number of host projects to which a service project can attach | 1 | This limit can't be increased. |
Per network
The following limits apply to VPC networks. These limits are
enforced by using quotas internally. When per-network limits are exceeded, you
errors with the internal quota names.
Item | Limit | Notes |
Subnet IP ranges | ||
Primary IP ranges per subnet | 1 | IPv4-only and dual-stack subnets must have exactly one primary IPv4 range (CIDR block). This limit can't be increased. For more information, see IPv4 subnet ranges. |
Maximum number of secondary IP ranges per subnet | 170 | IPv4-only and dual-stack subnets can optionally have subnet secondary IPv4 address ranges. This limit can't be increased. For more information, see IPv4 subnet ranges. |
Routes | ||
Maximum number of network tags per route | 256 | The maximum number of network tags that you can associate with a static route. This limit can't be increased. |
IP address limits
Item | Limit | Notes |
Public delegated prefixes per public advertised prefix | 10 | The number of public delegated prefixes (PDPs) that you can create from a public advertised prefix (PAP). |
Per instance
The following limits apply to VM instances. Unless otherwise noted, these limits can't be increased. For quotas relevant to VMs, see Compute Engine quotas.
Item | Limit | Notes |
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) | Between 1,300 bytes and 8,896 bytes (inclusive). Common values include 1460 bytes (default), 1500 bytes (standard Ethernet), and 8896 bytes (jumbo frames). |
For more information, see Maximum transmission unit. |
Maximum number of network interfaces | 8 | Network interfaces are defined at instance creation time, and can't be changed by editing the instance later. |
Maximum number of alias IP ranges per network interface | 150 | The number of alias IP ranges that you can assign to a network interface as long as you don't exceed the quota for the total number of assigned alias IP ranges in the VPC network. Google Cloud does not consider the size of the alias
IP range's netmask. For example, an individual |
Network interfaces per VPC network | 1 | Each network interface must be connected to a unique VPC network. An instance can only have one network interface in a given VPC network. |
Maximum duration for idle TCP connections | 10 minutes | VPC networks automatically drop idle TCP connections after ten minutes. You can't change this limit, but you can use TCP keepalives to prevent connections to instances from becoming idle. For details, see Compute Engine tips and troubleshooting. |
Maximum egress data rate to an internal IP address destination | Depends on the machine type of the VM | See Egress to internal IP address destinations and machine types in the Compute Engine documentation. |
Maximum egress data rate to an external IP address destination | all flows: about 7 Gbps (gigabits per second) sustained or 25 Gbps with per VM Tier_1 networking performance single flow: 3 Gbps sustained |
See Egress to external IP address destinations in the Compute Engine documentation. |
Maximum ingress data rate to an internal IP address destination | No artificial limit | See Ingress to internal IP address destinations in the Compute Engine documentation. |
Maximum ingress data rate to an external IP address destination | no more than 30 Gbps no more than 1,800,000 packets per second |
See Ingress to external IP address destinations in the Compute Engine documentation. |
Connection logging limits
The maximum number of connections that can be logged per VM instance depends on its machine type. Connection logging limits are expressed as the maximum number of connections that can be logged in a five-second interval.
Instance machine type | Maximum number of connections logged in a 5-second interval |
f1-micro | 100 connections |
g1-small | 250 connections |
Machine types with 1–8 vCPUs | 500 connections per vCPU |
Machine types with more than 8 vCPUs | 4,000 (500×8) connections |
Hybrid connectivity
Use the following links to find quotas and limits for Cloud VPN, Cloud Interconnect, and Cloud Router:
Effective limits for per-peering group quotas
Each per-peering group quota has the concept of an effective limit. This section describes how the quota's effective limit is calculated. The effective limit is always greater than or equal to the value of the per-peering group quota's limit.
Most per-peering group quotas have a corresponding network quota—for
. The
effective limit calculation described in this section applies to all per-peering
group quotas, even those that do not have a corresponding per-network quota.
A per-peering group quota's effective limit is calculated in the following way:
Step 1. Select a VPC network. When VPC Network Peering is used, each network has its own peering group. A network's peering group consists of the VPC network itself and all other VPC networks that are directly connected to it through VPC Network Peering. Effective limit calculations are repeated for each per-peering group quota on a network by network basis.
Step 2. For the selected VPC network, find the greater of these limits:
- the limit for the per-peering group quota
- the limit for the corresponding per-network quota
If no corresponding per-network quota exists, use the per-peering group quota's limit.
Step 3. Create a list consisting of the greater of these two limits in each peer network:
- the limit for the per-peering group quota
- the limit for the corresponding per-network quota
If no corresponding per-network quota exists, use the per-peering group quota's limit.
Step 4. Find the smallest value from the list created by Step 3.
Step 5. Take the greater of the two values from Step 2 and Step 4. This number is the effective limit for the per-peering group quota from the perspective of the selected VPC network.
Effective limits example
Suppose that you have four VPC networks, network-a
, network-c
, and network-d
. Because there are four
VPC networks, there are also four peering groups, one from the
perspective of each network.
Suppose the network peering connections are as follows:
is peered withnetwork-b
, andnetwork-b
is peered withnetwork-a
is peered withnetwork-c
, andnetwork-c
is peered withnetwork-a
is peered withnetwork-d
, andnetwork-d
is peered withnetwork-c
Suppose the limits for two corresponding quotas are set as follows:
network-a |
500 | 600 |
network-b |
350 | 300 |
network-c |
300 | 300 |
network-d |
400 | 300 |
quota are as follows:
Peering group for
—direct peers arenetwork-b
.- In
:max(500,600) = 600
- List of maxima for direct peers:
:max(350,300) = 350
:max(300,300) = 300
- Minimum of the list of direct peers:
min(350,300) = 300
- Effective limit for
:max(600,300) = 600
- In
Peering group for
—one direct peer,network-a
.- In
:max(350,300) = 350
- List of maxima for direct peers:
:max(500,600) = 600
- Minimum of the list of direct peers:
min(600) = 600
- Effective limit for
:max(350,600) = 600
- In
Peering group for
—direct peers arenetwork-a
.- In
:max(300,300) = 300
- List of maxima for direct peers:
:max(500,600) = 600
:max(400,300) = 400
- Minimum of the list of direct peers:
min(600,400) = 400
- Effective limit for
:max(300,400) = 400
- In
Peering group for
—one direct peer,network-c
.- In
:max(400,300) = 400
- List of maxima for direct peers:
:max(300,300) = 300
- Minimum of the list of direct peers:
min(300) = 300
- Effective limit for
:max(400,300) = 400
- In
Manage quotas
Virtual Private Cloud enforces quotas on resource usage for various reasons. For example, quotas protect the community of Google Cloud users by preventing unforeseen spikes in usage. Quotas also help users who are exploring Google Cloud with the free tier to stay within their trial.
All projects start with the same quotas, which you can change by requesting additional quota. Some quotas might increase automatically based on your use of a product.
To view quotas or request quota increases, Identity and Access Management (IAM) principals need one of the following roles.
Task | Required role |
Check quotas for a project | One of the following:
Modify quotas, request additional quota | One of the following:
Check your quota
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Quotas page.
- To search for the quota that you want to update, use the Filter table. If you don't know the name of the quota, use the links on this page instead.
Using the Google Cloud CLI, run the following command to
check your quotas. Replace PROJECT_ID
with your own project ID.
gcloud compute project-info describe --project PROJECT_ID
To check your used quota in a region, run the following command:
gcloud compute regions describe example-region
Errors when exceeding your quota
If you exceed a quota with a gcloud
outputs a quota exceeded
message and returns with the exit code 1
If you exceed a quota with an API request, Google Cloud returns the
following HTTP status code: 413 Request Entity Too Large
Request additional quota
To adjust most quotas, use the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Request a quota adjustment.
Resource availability
Each quota represents a maximum number for a particular type of resource that you can create, if that resource is available. It's important to note that quotas don't guarantee resource availability. Even if you have available quota, you can't create a new resource if it is not available.
For example, you might have sufficient quota to create a new regional, external IP address in a given region. However, that is not possible if there are no available external IP addresses in that region. Zonal resource availability can also affect your ability to create a new resource.
Situations where resources are unavailable in an entire region are rare. However, resources within a zone can be depleted from time to time, typically without impact to the service level agreement (SLA) for the type of resource. For more information, review the relevant SLA for the resource.