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De Agostini Editore

De Agostini Editore

Book and Periodical Publishing

About us

De Agostini Editore S.p.A., 100% owned by De Agostini S.p.A., is responsible for the co-ordination and strategic management of all the Group’s operating companies in the publishing sector in Italy and throughout the world. The company is organised in this way: De Agostini Publishing, a leader in Partworks and Direct Marketing Print&Collectible business, with a production that ranges from courses and soft-educational products for children and adults, to model collecting, to general knowledge, for paper and for new digital platforms as well; DeA Planeta Libri, joint venture between De Agostini Libri S.p.A. and Editorial Planeta Sau, Grupo Planeta’s company, develops business in the Trade Books sector in Italy, focusing on books for children and teenagers, Italian and foreign adult fiction, essays, illustrated works and on the sectors of publishing promotion and commercial services; De Agostini Scuola, one of the leading school publishing operators in Italy, with a production aimed at schools of all levels and university; Digital De Agostini, a division created to strengthen and develop the presence of De Agostini on digital platforms (television, online, mobile).

Book and Periodical Publishing
Company size
10,001+ employees
Privately Held
Publishing, Digital platforms, Content Provider, Books, and Television


Employees at De Agostini Editore


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