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Pokerblog – Charlie Shoten


TEACHES: Self-Mastery, Mind-Set of The Champion Players

How they maintain focus
Filter out distractions
Let go of negative thoughts
Keep their cool in the heat of the game
Consider implied odds and basic math
Know if a raiser has good cards or bluffing
The 6 conceptual ways pros play every hand
Preparation techniques to dominate the table
10 Mental Commitments to establish “positive persona”
Answers to your personal questions

NO-LIMIT LIFE…June 2005…Charlie Shoten
Finalist, “Best Books Award 2005” USA Book News
Category: Psychology/Mental Health

Lyle Berman: Founder of the World Poker Tour purchased 24 books to give to his family and friends.

Howard Schwarz: Founder of the Gamblers Book Shop: Book has soul and depth of character, A “mind clearing book” filled with advice about “positive persona”, maintain focus”, at the card table

Earl Burton; Poker, Sr. Editor, Top Pair Magazine: Probably the most unique and potentially, the most helpful book for a poker player, EVER! Improves the part of the game most have trouble with: The Mind.

Paul Maguire, Poker Player Newspaper: Improves the life and skill of any poker player at every skill level

See book for: Juan Carlos Mortensen, Vince Burgio, Men the “Master” Nyugen, Scotty Nyugen, “Miami John Cernuto”, Karen Cruey, Md. Psyciatrist, others.

Location: Las Vegas

For Dates and times: charlieshoten (at) msn [dot] com
818 288-3636

July 17, 2005



ISBN 978-0-615-12927-7
First Edition June, 2005

A Metaphysical-Self-Help book that highlights the authors Professional Poker Career on the World Poker Tour where in the year 2003 he was ranked in the top Ten Tournament players in the world by Cardplayer Magazine. It shares the authors roadmap to freedom through his Ten Commitments that help him let go of the poisonous memories, thoughts, ideas and beliefs he held onto, that had been sabotaging his game and his life ever since he can remember. The result is a radiant contagious smile, a joyous mind-set, and the ability to maintain focus throughout a poker tournament or an endeavor you wish to engage in. A beautiful full color, small coffee table type book with 61 cartoons and 41 mostly Shakespeare quotes to get his points across and justify his conclusions. Short and easy to read and relate to by the average person.

Continue reading “Introduction to NO LIMIT LIFE” »

January 21, 2005



We are pleased to offer the following article from Professional Poker Player and author Charlie Shoten. Charlie’s book, No limit Life has set him on a course to self improvement. We thank Charlie for sharing some of his thoughts with us.-Flipchip

Continue reading “NO LIMIT LIFE” »

January 11, 2005



This is not such an easy question as it appears because it searches very deeply into the essence of human life and perhaps all existence.

Continue reading “IS LOVE A FEELING?” »

January 04, 2005



These are the last words I will have written for my new book, NO LIMIT LIFE, to be published early in 2005.

With them I take the opportunity to wish all, in and out of the poker

Continue reading “NO LIMIT LIFE” »

December 07, 2004



An advanced copy of Charlie Shoten’s soon to be published book, “No Limit Life,” was provided to Dr. Karen L. Cruey for her review. We are pleased to present the full context of her in-depth review of the book. We look forward to the publication of the book by Charlie ‘Scotty Warbucks’ Shoten, well known professional poker player and television tournament star, and now author…. the editor.

Karen L. Cruey, M.D. Adult, Adolescent & Child Psychiatrist
Book Review of No Limit Life by Charlie Shoten

The new book by Charlie Shoten deserves to become a classic. Its simple, clear principles apply to anyone motivated to succeed, not only to the Texas Hold’em poker player. Negative self talk may stand in the way of success more than any other single obstacle for many people. The Shoten Ten Commitments provide a method for intensely focusing the attention on the present with a clear, compassionate mind while putting aside all doubts and fears. Insecure people preoccupied with past and potential future failures and disappointments can take new heart with the Ten Commitments. Thought Terrorists (TT) become the identifiable enemy that the Ten Commitment techniques help to destroy forever. This framework coaches the reader in the unquestionable value of having a joyous mindset. A whole new outlook can result by systematically identifying and destroying the insiduous negative thinking of a lifetime of poor self-esteem. Gratefully enjoying the new, liberated frame of mind may have a ripple effect on others. A wonderful potential exists, the book tells us, for the poker community to embrace these concepts and communicate them to others through the increasingly popular sport of televised poker games.

Continue reading “No Limit Life..Charlie Shoten” »

November 25, 2004



A very interesting hand came up at the 2003 World Poker Tour main event at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut that illustrates the practicality of how I use my 6th Commitment during a tournament.

Continue reading “NO LIMIT LIFE/POKER From Charlie’s Book, A hand with Greg Raymer” »

November 04, 2004



It is important that we make the distinction between poker entertainment and the gambling industries as two different entities.

Continue reading “My Challenge to the Poker Entertainment Industry” »