Golden Delicious is a very popular as a supermarket apple variety, and now undergoing something of a rehabilitation amongst apple enthusiasts who are re-discovering its potential.
The variety was discovered by a West Virginia farmer at the end of the 19th century. It is generally considered to be a seedling of Grimes Golden, to which it bears a strong resemblance. The variety was soon taken up by the famous Stark Brothers nursery, who were so impressed by it that they bought the original tree and an area of land around it. The tree lived on into the 1950s, by which time it had become firmly established as one of the world's great apple varieties.
Golden Delicious is now planted in all the major warm apple growing areas of the world. From a grower's perspective Golden Delicious is an attractive proposition - very easy to grow, heavy crops, and fruit which keeps in storage for a long time after harvest.
These qualities meant that by the mid-late 20th century Golden Delicious had become one of the mainstays of supermarket apple sales, along with Red Delicious and Granny Smith. Towards the end of the 20th century when flavour once again became important in apples, detractors saw Golden Delicious as bland and boring, and it became a victim of its own success.
However enthusiasts are increasingly re-discovering Golden Delicious, and recognising that behind the mass-production and supermarket shelf-appeal there is a very good apple. Part of the problem is that fruit picked for supermarkets is often picked when still green, and then stored for months before sale. In contrast when allowed to ripen to a golden-green color on the tree the true flavour is revealed - exceptionally sweet and rich, almost like eating raw sugar cane. Golden Delicious is also a versatile apple, and can be used both for dessert and cooking purposes, and it has an attractive appearance - which can indeed be golden if left to mature on the tree.
Furthermore, there is no doubting the importance of Golden Delicious in the sheer number of new varieties which have been raised from it. You do not need to be a professional grower to realise that crossing Golden Delicious with Cox's Orange Pippin (or their respective offspring) might lead to something with both the sweetness of Golden Delicious and the richness and complexity of Cox, and that is indeed what many have tried. That other supermarket staple, Gala, is a good example of this strategy.
Golden Delicious can grow well in the UK provided you have a warm and sheltered microclimate. Our photo shows an English-grown Golden Delicious - not the perfect specimen you might see in a supermarket, but still a nice crisp sweet apple.
The variety known as Yellow Delicious is believed to be a synonym for Golden Delicious, possibly the result of unauthorized propagation from the original Golden Delicious tree.
Golden Delicious apple identification images
All images copyright Orange Pippin unless otherwise stated.
USDA identification images for Golden Delicious
The identification paintings in the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection span the years 1886 to 1942.
Citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection. Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Parents and other ancestors of this variety
- Grimes Golden (parent)
Offspring of this variety
- Ambrosia - Probable parent
- Anna(distant descendant)
- Ariane(distant descendant)
- Arlet
- Crimson Crisp(distant descendant)
- Dalitron
- Dorsett Golden - Golden Delicious is probably the parent, or possibly grand-parent of Dorsett Golden.
- Elstar
- Enterprise(distant descendant)
- Estivale
- Evelina
- Falstaff
- Florina(distant descendant)
- Freedom(distant descendant)
- Freyberg
- Gala
- Ginger Gold
- GoldRush
- Greensleeves
- Herefordshire Russet
- Honeycrisp(distant descendant)
- Honeygold
- Jester
- Jonafree(distant descendant)
- Jonagold
- Kinsei
- Mollie's Delicious(distant descendant)
- Mutsu
- Nittany
- Novaspy(distant descendant)
- Opal
- Orin
- Ozark Gold
- Pink Lady
- Pinova
- Pixie Crunch(distant descendant)
- Polka
- Priam(distant descendant)
- Priscilla(distant descendant)
- Rajka(distant descendant)
- Red Baron
- Red Falstaff
- Red Gold
- Red Prince
- Rubinette
- Saturn
- Scarlett O'Hara(distant descendant)
- Scrumptious
- Sekai Ichi
- Shinano Gold
- Shizuka
- SnapDragon(distant descendant)
- Sonya(distant descendant) - Related via Gala - Sonya is even sweeter than Golden Delicious
- Spencer
- Spigold
- Suncrisp
- Sundowner
- Sunrise
- Tentation
- Toko
- Topaz(distant descendant)
- Tsugaru
- Virginia Gold
Sports of this variety
Sports are natural genetic mutations of the original variety.
See also
- Red Delicious - Golden Delicious and Red Delicious are not related, but are both commercially important varieties
Visitor reviews
- 30 Mar 2024I dont like any of the "delicious" varieties it seems. Terrible texture, Ugly shape, Mild taste. LONG LIVE THE HONEYCRISP (although sometimes too sweet so the search continues lol)
- 15 Sep 2020 MISSISSIPPI, United StatesGolden delicious is my very favorite apple. Sadly most of the stores in my area no longer have this apple.
- 23 Jul 2020 NSW, United StatesGreat tasting apple if picked when ripe should be yellow. After cool store extra sweet but not crispy. Hard to find any or good ones in the store unlike twenty years ago. Unfortunately no success growing it in Thomas Bouche hedge grows but has only had one in 15 years originally pruned for spurs then for tip does not tend to flower.
- 23 Jul 2020 NSW, United StatesGreat tasting apple if picked when ripe should be yellow. After cool store extra sweet but not crispy. Hard to find any or good ones in the store unlike twenty years ago. Unfortunately no success growing it in Thomas Bouche hedge grows but has only had one in 15 years originally pruned for spurs then for tip does not tend to flower.
- 06 Oct 2018 ABERDEEN, United KingdomWhen I was a lad the Golden Delicious apples in shops were yellow/golden and often freckled. They were choice apples and full of flavour. Move on some 30/40 years and I find it hard to recognise the apples sold under this name - they are hard and green and nothing like the apples from my childhood. I read somewhere that these apples are nowadays picked unripe for the British market as UK supermarkets like the keeping qualities of the unripe fruit - and the consumer has no idea what they're missing!
- 04 Oct 2018 MARYLAND, United StatesI've tried Golden Delicious both from grocery stories and directly from local Maryland orchards. I've never liked them. Even when tree ripened the flavor is weak (the famed "pear drop sweetness" is too mild) and it has none of the tartness or crunch I look for in a good desert apple. For cooking it might do well in a delicate French tart, but it can't hold up to other American heirloom apples for a good pie. On the plus side, I've noticed children like these apples and the partially self-fertile trees are good for the home gardener.
- 05 Mar 2017 United StatesInteresting to read these comments. I have a GD tree in my little home orchard in VT. It has been the most consistent, prolific bearer in the short five years I've lived there. Since I've been pruning, thinning and mulching I've seen some improvement and hope for more as I go. I recommend Michael Phillip's books on organic fruit growing. There's a lot to it, lots to learn. One thing that's true for sure is that there are many factors in fruit quality so that's why some people think GD are truly delicious and others think they are awful. I love studying about apple varieties and orcharding. Hope you do too.
- 21 Feb 2017 Czech RepublicVery very good variety !
- 05 Oct 2016 PENNSYLVANIA, United StatesVery solid reliable production and good pollinators. As with all fruit far better when grown local verses supermarkets. Dave. Duquesne, PA.
- 31 Mar 2016 SpainWe have two trees, one in the old orchard that was my favorite apple among the other varieties cultured, so in the new garden we planted another tree. Fruit at the supermarket varies from insipid to just fine, but picked directly from the tree is delicious. I must admit that both apple trees are small and, if untreated like mine, suffer badly from apple scab, maggots and/or brown rot depending on the year. In sum, my excitement for the variety has decreased in recent years and is not so versatile like other varieties, but if harvested at its peak directly from the tree is a very good summer apple to eat in fresh; crispy, sweet, moderately acidic, of a medium size and not floury at all.
- 28 Feb 2016 MICHIGAN, United Stateshere in southeast Michigan, we had the coldest winter in history in the winter of 2015. With one night during bloom time it hit -28 F. I wiped out every Peach, Cherry, Apricot and most of the Apples. The only tree in the large orchard that had apples was the Golden Delicious. This is also one my best tasting apples so I was pleased with that. I have a few in a sheltered area that produced but for some reason the flavor is best in the open orchard. Mine has a hint of ginger and very sweet. I do think they are far better if you let them sit for a week after picking them but they are great right off the tree too.
- 30 Oct 2015 MA, United StatesGolden Delicious apples were discovered in my home state, WV. Although I prefer the Macoun - popular in my new state of MA - Golden Delicious is a special apple, close to my heart as my mom wrote a children's book about it!
- 12 Oct 2015 OK, United StatesI've been trying to grow apples for the past five years. This year, I started with 40 thinned apples, several varieties, first ones, expecting a modest harvest. Raccoons got all but 2, both Golden Delicious. I ate one last night. Scrubbed the soot off with a vegetable brush. Totally russeted, dirty looking even when cleaned. Cored and sliced, beautiful juicy white flesh, no blemishes on the inside. Mostly sweet, some tart, nice crunch. Sweetness nuanced, not just sugary. This had a distinct cinnamon overtone into the finish, delightful! Clean appley residual, lasted about 10 minutes. Understand, this has been 5 years in the making so I'm sure that I am biased. I'm modifying my cages and have a trapping program in force. My family thinks I'm nuts. Ready for more next year.
- 10 Jan 2014 CA, United StatesWhen fresh off the tree, there no better apple. However, I have *never* had a store-bought one that comes anyone close. Most often, they are tragically mushy and bland. A fresh Golden is crisp and very sweet.
- 07 Dec 2013 CT, United StatesSupermarket goldens do not do justice to the goldens found at a farmers market!!!!!
- 18 Nov 2013 AL, United StatesI have two of these trees. One has yet to bloom, and the other has bloomed for years, and finally got a little pollen last spring. I got about seven apples from it. They did not look like the ones in the picture, but were more yellow with a hint of green. They were the best apples I'd ever tasted. I thought Gala was my favorite until I tried these from my orchard. I just added another Golden Delicious tree, and I have two Anna's and a Yellow Dorsette that are going in once I get more land cleared. I am very excited about the Golden Delicious.
- 16 Jul 2013 PERTH AND KINROSS, United KingdomI agree with Tom - the first post on here. Either the clone of Golden Delicious grown commercially or the treatment of the apple - the way it is grown or stored - has changed. In the mid 1970s, in a penny-pinching student hall of residence, we had cheap French Golden Delicious apples with cheap chalky cheese for our packed lunches; and they tasted great! This version of Golden Delicious was not juicy; it was firm rather than crunchy; never mushy or woolly. It had a subdued sweetness with a hint of honey. Anything sweeter would have clashed with the cheese; this complimented it perfectly. This itself was probably not the "real" Golden Delicious - the apple was already "owned" by the supermarkets - but it was a lovely version of it; I would plant it myself if I could find it. Meanwhile, the present-day supermarket offerings are bland, with an empty, watery sweetness and a sense of disintegration in the texture; almost the opposite of the mellowed honied firmness that I remember.
- 07 Dec 2012 DERBY, United KingdomThe ideal apple for supermarkets, consistent in shape, size and colour, but generally tasteless. If growing apples at home choose something with some taste that the shops don't stock.
- 13 Jan 2011 NW VA, United StatesLook for GDs from the eastern US - the limestone soil makes for great apples. Easy tree to grow and the best are YELLOW with a red blush. There's a reason that this is one parent from most other really good modern apples - it's fantastic and addictive when well grown.
- 11 Oct 2009 CARDIFF, WALES., United KingdomWe inherited a small young apple tree from my mother-in-law in 1990 which was growing in her garden 1.000 ft up in the South Wales Valleys, producing tiny fruits. We dug it up and planted it on our allotment in Cardiff - eventually it started to develop and for many years has produced volumes of apples. I use them for cooking in Sept/Oct when green - needing very little sugar, (I use lemon rind or mix with other fruits like Autumn raspberries, blackberries or cape gooseberries - grown in a greenhouse - to give added flavour). Later towards end October/Nov. when they ripen further and turn from green to yellow they are super juicy (and very sweet) - a very unexpected delight as I would not buy a golden delicious as to me they have little flavour. Until 3 years ago I had no idea the variety of this apple tree until an Italian allotmenteer suggested it was a 'Golden Delicious'. I was surprised as I'd no idea this apple could taste so surprisingly good. I am often picking them off the tree after the leaves have dropped when they are so good for eating. Not a great keeper unless kept in a cool place which is why I leave them on the tree for as long as possible and before the birds eat them all. I keep it fairly hard pruned so as not to grow too high and it never fails to produce lots of fruit. Also on the allotment I grow a fairly large green cooker, similar to Bramley, in addition to a small Sunset apple tree and Charles Ross - both excellent eaters especially the CR which are huge apples except it does not keep long after picking - goes dry and woolly in flavour. We planted one in our small garden 40 years ago supposedly on a small rootstock which produced wonderful apples, good enough for showing at Horticultural Shows until it grew too big and had to be severely cut/pruned - starting to grow a few fruits again.
- 09 Aug 2009 NORTHERN IRELAND, United KingdomHi Amy I have tree with two verieties grafted onto it James Grieves and Golden delicious which as you say have never been green or yellow but green with some red .I wondered if it was another variety as it looks more like the James Grieves.
- 18 Jun 2009 BELLEVILLE, IL, United StatesThe apple in the picture is what the Golden Delicious look like here at Shop n Save but not the apple I remember eating as a child. Am I correct in saying that apples do not ripen after they are picked? If so why are these very unripe hard and marginally digestible specimens being called Golden Delicious?
- 18 Jun 2009 BELLEVILLE, IL, United StatesTo:Amy from Cleveland, Oh RE: your red apples Some fruit trees are grafted They have the root stock of one variety and the trunk and branches of another. Your tree may have suffered the loss of the desired graft while retaining the rootstock and continued to grow. I may be wrong though.
- 07 Jun 2009 CLEVELAND, OH, United StatesDoes anyone know if Golden Delicious apples start out looking like a regular red apple and then change at some point? I have some growing on a tree that was tagged as Golden from the nursery but the apples are definately NOT yellow. They are greenish and red.
- 19 Sep 2008 BONN, Germanylast month I used GD for my experiment in lab. The rest was not used, and I though I'd just eat it. It was delicious: a bit tart, sweet and crisp. I love it! btw, one should try to buy the apples direct from orchard.
- 11 Sep 2008 VANCOUVER, CanadaI'm a little confused as to what this type of golden greeny apple is bred from? Is a green apple supposed to ripe and ready to consume? Or is it supposed to turn yellow? I'm a big fan and consumer of the yellow Golden Delicious.
- 29 May 2008 United StatesThe Golden Delicious is a very popular apple with people where I work and, knowing I'm a bit of an apple enthusiast, are always asking what I think of them. It'd been so long since I had one that I had to go and buy some in order to comment. I wish I hadn't. They were soft, sugary and crumbly. I would love to try one direct from and orchard, however, after reading some of the other comments.
- 21 May 2008 DONCASTER, United Kingdomi think the apples are very healthy for people who are loosing weaght
- 14 Apr 2008 NORTHAMPTON, United KingdomI find these too soft and crumbly too often.
- 12 Feb 2008 COLLEGE STATION, TX, U.S., United StatesThese are great for eating fresh and for kuchen and other desserts when just ripe (somewhere between green and gold.) When overripe, only Red Delicious is blander.
- 04 Jan 2008 WASHINGTON STATE, United StatesIf you want a good Golden Delicious, find one in the store that is "golden" in color with some russetting of the skin, not the insipid greenish examples normally found. Even better, when the Goldens are actually supposed to be in season, buy them direct from the orchards - at the numerous fruit stands in the Wenatchee area, you can find good Goldens direct since russetted fruit can't go to the packing houses.
- 18 Oct 2007 CRAWLEY, United KingdomI have never had a decent Golden Delicious!
- 17 Sep 2007 VIRGINIA, United StatesI grew up on the West coast & always hated golden delicious apples because they were mealy and bland. When I moved to Virginia 8 years ago I re-discovered this apple at the local orchards & it is now my favorite -- crisp, good sweet/tart balance & wonderful flavor. In Browning's book "Apples" he states that the Golden Delicious should never be grown West of the Mississippi -- he is absolutely right!! Try this again from an Eastern orchard and you may change your mind.
- 03 Aug 2007 United KingdomI've never considered an apple "boring". :Simple, yes, no complex mixture of flavors, but boring?
My question is, has Golden Delicious changed over the years? When I was a kid (I'm in my 40s), I could tell GD by looking; they'd have an almost translucent quality to their skin. And they were also perfect for long, long storage. They might get wrinkly, but they just got mellower, kept the good flavor, never got "mealy" or bruised or rotten. Now, what I see bagged as GD don't have any of those qualities!
Tree register
- United States131
- United Kingdom39
- France 2
- Germany 1
- Hungary 1
- Ireland3
- Italy 1
- Netherlands 1
- Portugal 1
- Spain 1
- Canada8
- Australia10
- New Zealand5
- South Africa1
- India5
- Poland1
- Iran1
United States
- Adam Dupps in Lawrenceburg, IN
- Adam Dupps in Lawrenceburg, IN
- Adrian Astur Alvarez in Woodinville, WA
- Albany Appleguy in Castleton, NY
- Alison Gardner in Albion, CALIFORNIA
- Amanda Gajdzik in SHELBYVILLE, KY
- Andrew in Broomfield, CO
- Annette Carpenter in Preston, IDAHO
- Arthur Patterson in Klamath Falls, OREGON
- Aurie Bradley in Kensington, CA
- Ben in Longmont, COLORADO
- Ben in Helenwood, TN
- Bill Martin in Bristol, TN
- Brentley Jacobs in Bend, OREGON
- Brian Phillips in Saint Johns, MI
- Brian Wilt in Jackson, OHIO
- Brian Wilt in Jackson, OHIO
- Brian Wilt in Jackson, OHIO
- Brian Wilt in Jackson, OHIO
- Brooke Schreier Ganz in Mill Valley, CA
- Bryan Houser in Elkton, MI
- Carl Thomas in Schaumburg, ILLINOIS
- Carolyn Drought in Franksville, WI
- Chris in Pataskala, OHIO
- Chris Meek in Lexington, OHIO
- Colleen Lunardi in Occidental, CA
- Craig Williams in Manning, IOWA
- Dale Johnson in Canon City, COLORADO
- Dale Johnson in Canon City, COLORADO
- Dale Paulson in Chaseburg, WI
- Dan Whitney in Cowiche, WA
- Darren Peters in Rock Spring, GEORGIA
- Daryl King in Denver, CO
- David in Kennesaw, GA
- David in Wilson, KS
- David in Wilson, KS
- David Baldwin in DUBLIN, CA
- DC Nachtrieb in Poncha Springs, COLORADO / CHAFFEE
- Dianne Giles in Henderson, IOWA
- Don Gowan in Philo, CALIFORNIA
- Donald Smith in Harwinton, CT
- Doreirei in Montevallo, ALABAMA
- Doug Wickert in MADISON, OH
- Douglas e Mason in Union Grove, NC
- Eddie Anderson in Mineral, VA
- Ephrem Shelby in Opelika, AL
- Eric Powell in MD
- Gale in Biloxi, MS
- George Hockel in Riverside, CALIFORNIA
- James Dierberger in Hebron, CT
- James Nichols in La Luz, NEW MEXICO
- James Roden in Estacada, OR
- James Wargo in SOUTHBURY, CT
- Jeff Rodriguez in NEWINGTON, CT
- Jerry Hudgins in Point Reyes Station, CALIFORNIA
- Joachim Peters in Palatine, ILLINOIS
- Joel Reigel in Gardners, PA
- John Lamplot in Loveland, OH
- Jonathan Bastedo in YUCAIPA, CA
- Joshua in Port Deposit, MD
- Juan Casero in PALM BAY, FLORIDA
- Judd Curran in MISSOULA, MONTANA
- Julia in Town Creek, ALABAMA
- Kathy in Castro Valley, CA
- Kathy in Castro Valley, CA
- Keaton Foster in BEAR LAKE, MI
- Keith in Rye, COLORADO
- Kellogg Hill Farms in South Dayton, NY
- Kevin Maphis in Big Pool, MARYLAND
- Kim Lapacek in Poynette, WI
- Lance Phillips in Emmett, IDAHO / GEM
- Larry Landis in Corvallis, OREGON
- Les Fetter in WALTON, OR
- Lloyd Bell in Beaverton, OR
- Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- Mark A. Rock in Columbia Station, OHIO
- Mark Abushady in Meshoppen, PENNSYLVANIA
- Mark Campbell in Centerville, INDIANA
- Matt in Emmett, MI
- Matt D in Canterbury, NH
- Michael Miller in Kennett Square, PA
- Michael Morton in Anderson Township, OHIO
- Michelle Williams in Glenwood, SUSSEX COUNTY,NJ
- Mike in Dayton, OH
- Mike Betts in Grattan Township, MICHIGAN/KENT
- Mike Haller in SIOUX CITY, IOWA
- Mike Mades in Westfield, WI
- Miriam Fuller in Cold Spring, KENTUCKY/CAMPBELL
- Mitch in Granger, IN
- Nancy Reubert in Littleton, COLORADO
- Natalie Scott in Chesapeake, VIRGINIA
- Nathan Shackelford in Aurora, IL
- Nickschweitzer@Comcast.Net in Sparta, MICHIGAN (MI)
- Paul Gerrish in Newbury, MA
- Peter in Johnson City, TN
- Phillip Hatcher in Sand Springs, OKLAHOMA
- Randall Cherry in Reading, PENNSYLVANIA
- Randy in Baxley, GA
- Randy Jensen in Ceresco, NE
- Regina White in FAIRMONT, WV
- Rex Callis in Pittsboro, IN
- Rob Bryant in Monticello, IN
- Rob Fosnaugh in FORT WAYNE, INDIANA
- Robert Crandall in Capac, MICHIGAN
- Robert Crandall in Capac, MICHIGAN
- Robert Crandall in Capac, MICHIGAN
- Robert Wallace in WESTMINSTER, VT
- Roger Miller in Madison Heights, VA
- Ron Davis in CHUCKEY, TN
- Roy Nichols in LA LUZ, NEW MEXICO
- Ryan in Cumming, GA
- Sam Murphy in WOODLAND, WA
- Sam Murphy in Woodland, WA
- Sean Grandin in Pleasant Hill, CALIFORNIA
- Stefanie in Oceanside, CA
- Stephen Mynhier in Fort Mill, SC
- Stephen Sain in Los Lunas, NEW MEXICO
- Steve in Silver Spring, MD
- Steven Shuman in Riverside, RI
- Steven Sypkens in Turney, MO
- Ted Edwards in West Mountain, UT
- Thomas Griffith in Cottage Grove, WI
- Tia Miller in VANCOUVER, WA
- Tim Cheney in Walpole, ME/LINCOLN
- Tom Gallopavo in HILLBILLYVILLE, MO
- Tony in Gloucester, VIRGINIA
United Kingdom
- Andrew Guille in St Saviour, GUERNSEY
- Colin Bowen in
- Dave Woolcock in Preston, LANCASHIRE
- David in Hereford,
- David Harmston in Ewerby Thorpe, Sleaford, LINCS
- David Hill in Braintree, ESSEX
- Deborah Kaufmann in Stalybridge,
- Elaine Evans in Mold, FLINTSHIRE
- Erika Keschner in Mytholmroyd, WEST YORKSHIRE
- Helen Kershaw in Liverpool, MERSEYSIDE
- Jacqueline Lawrence in Milford Haven, PEMBROKESHIRE
- Janet Coley in Bicester, OXFORDSHIRE
- Jason Marks in Bristol,
- Jason Saberton in Doddington, CAMBS
- Jonathan Dodd in Norwich,
- Judith Hook in Rowlands Castle, HAMPSHIRE
- l Griffiths in Littleport, CAMRIDGESHIRE
- Les Brear in Todmorden, WEST YORKSHIRE
- Linda Twidle in Nuneaton, WARWICKSHIRE
- Liz Robins in Kidderminster,
- Lorena Fernandez in Bristol, NORTH SOMERSET
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark in Chippenham, WILTS
- Mark Brisbane in Winchester, HAMPSHIRE
- Meadowcopse in Chester, CHESHIRE
- Mike Galtrey in Godalming, SURREY
- N. Buck in Cambridge, CAMBRIDGESHIRE
- Paul Haines in Llandyfriog, Newcastle Emlyn, CEREDIGION
- Peter Bowles in Swaffham, NORFOLK
- Richard Borrie in York, YORKSHIRE
- Robert Mchattie in Ayr, AYRSHIRE
- Terry Smith in Huntingford, DORSET
- Tony in Glasgow, SCOTLAND
- Vanessa Brooks (Mrs) in Stevenage, ENGLAND
- Victoria Birkett in Aberdeen, SCOTLAND
- Wayne Seagate in Kings Lynn, NORFOLK
- Andrew Dalby in Saint-Coutant, DEUX-SEVRES
- Jacqueline Lawrence in Rodez, AVEYRON
- Mark Searle in
- James A Nolan in Glynn, WEXFORD
- James Munro in Westport, COUNTY MAYO
- Shirley Cobbe in Portarlington, LAOIS
- Barbara Chinaglia in Lendinara, ITALY
- Cheuk A Lam in Amsterdam, NOORD-HOLLAND
- Bruno Carvalho Guerra in Lisbon,
- Jorge Ramirez in VALENCIA, VALENCIA
- Bill Cuell in Kaslo, BC
- Bill O'Keefe in Dobbinton, ONTARIO
- Erik Nordenson in Cobourg, ONTARIO
- Gordon Thompson in Orangeville, ONTARIO
- Leslie Chambers in Kelowna, BRITISH COLUMBIA
- Mitch in Springhill, NS
- Rylan in Courtice, ONTARIO
- Torebuch in Keene, ONTARIO
- Alison in Clunes, VICTORIA
- Bec in Coleraine, VICTORIA
- Bek Farry in Launceston, TASMANIA/
- Hayden in Winslow, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- Jenny in Melbourne, VICTORIA,
- Mark w in Melbourne, VIC
- Patrick Deasey in Mt Macedon, VIC
- Warren in Cobram, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA
- Wesley Hutson in Wandong, VICTORIA
New Zealand
- Anthony in Auckland,
- Jo in Gisborne, EAST COAST
- Mark Kingston in Rangiora, CANTERBURY
- Robert Mcbride in TAPANUI, OTAGO
South Africa
- Sean Freeman in Gauteng,
- Arwadoo in Srinagar,
- Jatin Fishta in Rohru, INDIA
- Rai Navneet in Kullu, HIMACHAL PRADESH
- Vishal Singh in Shimla, HIMACHAL PRADESH
- Richard in Krakow,
- Farzami Soroush in Tehran, TEHRAN
Spring blossom records for this variety
2023 season
- 1st May 2023 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
- 1st May 2023 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
- 9th April 2023 - tree owned by Ben in Helenwood, United States
2022 season
- 5th May 2022 - tree owned by James in Glynn, Ireland
- 26th April 2022 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 20th April 2022 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
- 20th April 2022 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
2021 season
- 7th May 2021 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
2020 season
- 24th April 2020 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 18th April 2020 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2019 season
- 25th April 2019 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 23rd April 2019 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
- 18th April 2019 - tree owned by Helen in Liverpool, United Kingdom
2018 season
- 11th October 2018 - tree owned by Bec in Coleraine, Australia
- 6th May 2018 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 28th April 2018 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2017 season
- 25th April 2017 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 25th April 2017 - tree owned by Cheuk in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 17th April 2017 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 10th April 2017 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2016 season
- 17th May 2016 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 14th May 2016 - tree owned by Cheuk in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 13th May 2016 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 12th May 2016 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 7th May 2016 - tree owned by Mike in Dayton, United States
- 22nd April 2016 - tree owned by Brian in Jackson, United States
- 30th March 2016 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2015 season
- May 2015 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 28th April 2015 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- March 2015 - tree owned by Phillip in Sand Springs, United States
2014 season
- 27th May 2014 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- 25th May 2014 - tree owned by Mike in Westfield, United States
- 7th May 2014 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 6th May 2014 - tree owned by DC in Poncha Springs, United States
- 15th April 2014 - tree owned by Stefanie in Oceanside, United States
2013 season
- July 2013 - tree owned by Janet in Bicester, United Kingdom
- 22nd May 2013 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 19th May 2013 - tree owned by Mike in Westfield, United States
- 17th May 2013 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- 12th May 2013 - tree owned by David in Ewerby Thorpe, Sleaford, United Kingdom
- 10th May 2013 - tree owned by Albany in Castleton, United States
- May 2013 - tree owned by Steven in Riverside, United States
- May 2013 - tree owned by Keith in Rye, United States
- April 2013 - tree owned by Judith in Rowlands Castle, United Kingdom
2012 season
- 25th May 2012 - tree owned by Robert in Ayr, United Kingdom
- 12th May 2012 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- 11th May 2012 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 9th May 2012 - tree owned by James in Estacada, United States
- 1st May 2012 - tree owned by DC in Poncha Springs, United States
- 1st April 2012 - tree owned by Tony in Gloucester, United States
- 26th March 2012 - tree owned by Ryan in Cumming, United States
- March 2012 - tree owned by Vanessa in Stevenage, United Kingdom
2011 season
- 23rd May 2011 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- 7th May 2011 - tree owned by Robert in Ayr, United Kingdom
- 6th May 2011 - tree owned by Ted in West Mountain, United States
- May 2011 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- 27th April 2011 - tree owned by David in Wilson, United States
- 23rd April 2011 - tree owned by Arwadoo in Srinagar, India
- 22nd April 2011 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 22nd April 2011 - tree owned by Vanessa in Stevenage, United Kingdom
- 10th April 2011 - tree owned by Don in Philo, United States
- April 2011 - tree owned by Vishal in Shimla, India
2010 season
- 15th October 2010 - tree owned by Mark in Rangiora, New Zealand
- 2nd May 2010 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 18th April 2010 - tree owned by Eric in Bristol, United Kingdom
- 16th April 2010 - tree owned by Natalie in Chesapeake, United States
- April 2010 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- 25th March 2010 - tree owned by Arwadoo in Srinagar, India
2009 season
- May 2009 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- 18th April 2009 - tree owned by N. in Cambridge, United Kingdom
- March 2009 - tree owned by Vanessa in Stevenage, United Kingdom
- March 2009 - tree owned by Linda in Nuneaton, United Kingdom
Record your blossom dates in our Fruit Tree Register - more >>.
Harvest records for this variety
2023 season
- 4th week October 2023 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
2022 season
- 2nd week October 2022 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
- 2nd week October 2022 - tree owned by James in Westport, Ireland
2021 season
- 2nd week October 2021 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
2020 season
- 4th week October 2020 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
2019 season
- 4th week October 2019 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 3rd week October 2019 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2018 season
- 3rd week October 2018 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
- 3rd week October 2018 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
2017 season
- 2nd week October 2017 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 1st week October 2017 - tree owned by Jerry in Point Reyes Station, United States
2016 season
- October 2016 - tree owned by Elaine in Mold, United Kingdom
- October 2016 - tree owned by Erika in Mytholmroyd, United Kingdom
- 2nd week September 2016 - tree owned by Eric in , United States
- September 2016 - tree owned by Kevin in Big Pool, United States
- 3rd week March 2016 - tree owned by Patrick in Mt Macedon, Australia
2015 season
- 4th week October 2015 - tree owned by Mike in Godalming, United Kingdom
- 3rd week October 2015 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- September 2015 - tree owned by Roger in Madison Heights, United States
- August 2015 - tree owned by Phillip in Sand Springs, United States
2014 season
- 3rd week October 2014 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 2nd week September 2014 - tree owned by David in Braintree, United Kingdom
2013 season
- 3rd week October 2013 - tree owned by Craig in Manning, United States
- 2nd week October 2013 - tree owned by Janet in Bicester, United Kingdom
- 2nd week October 2013 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- September 2013 - tree owned by Judith in Rowlands Castle, United Kingdom
2012 season
- 2nd week November 2012 - tree owned by James in Estacada, United States
- 4th week October 2012 - tree owned by Andrew in St Saviour, United Kingdom
- 2nd week October 2012 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- October 2012 - tree owned by Colleen in Occidental, United States
- 1st week September 2012 - tree owned by DC in Poncha Springs, United States
2011 season
- 4th week October 2011 - tree owned by Arthur in Klamath Falls, United States
- 2nd week October 2011 - tree owned by Torebuch in Keene, Canada
- 2nd week October 2011 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- 4th week September 2011 - tree owned by Brentley in Bend, United States
- 3rd week September 2011 - tree owned by Don in Philo, United States
- 1st week September 2011 - tree owned by Randy in Baxley, United States
- August 2011 - tree owned by Vishal in Shimla, India
2010 season
- 1st week October 2010 - tree owned by Leslie in Kelowna, Canada
- August 2010 - tree owned by Vanessa in Stevenage, United Kingdom
2009 season
- Species: Malus domestica - Apple
- Parentage: Grimes Golden ???
- Originates from: West Virginia, United States
- Introduced: 1890s
- Developed by: Anderson Mullins
- UK National Fruit Collection accession: 1969-019
- Country of origin: United States
- Period of origin: 1850 - 1899
- Fruit colour: Green
- Fruit colour: Green - light
- Fruit colour: Green / Yellow
- Flower colour: White
- Leaf colour: Green
- Popularity: Best sellers
- Annual cycle: Deciduous
- Awards: RHS AGM (former) 1993
- Alleles: 2
- Alleles: 3
- Picking season: Late
- Keeping (of fruit): 3 months or more
- Flavour quality: Good
- Flavour style (apples): Sweeter
- Cooking result: Keeps shape
- Discoloration of fruit: Oxidising
- Vitamin C content: Low
- Cropping: Heavy
- Fruit persistence: Normal ripening
- Food uses: Eating fresh
- Food uses: Culinary
- Picking period: early October
- Wildlife: RHS Plants for Pollinators
- Gardening skill: Average
- Flowering group: 4
- Pollinating others: Good
- Ploidy: Diploid
- Vigour: Average vigour
- Bearing regularity: Regular
- Fruit bearing: Spur-bearer
- Attractive features: Attractive flowers
- Self-fertility: Partially self-fertile
- Frost resistance of blossom: Good resistance
- Cold hardiness (USDA): Zone 5 (-29C)
- Chill requirement: Low-chill 700
- Climate suitability: Temperate climates
- Climate suitability: Warm climates
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Cool ( 20-24C / 68-75F)
- Summer average maximum temperatures: Warm (25-30C / 76-85F)
- Cold hardiness (RHS): H6 (to -20C)
Other qualities
- Canker: Some susceptibility
- Scab (Apple and Pear): Some susceptibility
- Powdery mildew: Some susceptibility
- Fire blight: Some susceptibility
- Cedar apple rust: Very susceptible
Where to buy trees
The following tree nurseries offer Golden Delicious apple trees for sale:
- Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (USA) United States
Golden Delicious apple trees - Orange Pippin Fruit Trees (UK) United Kingdom
Golden Delicious apple trees - Thomas Fruit Trees (EU) France
Golden Delicious apple trees
Where to buy fresh fruit
The following orchards grow Golden Delicious:
United States
- Crow Mountain Orchard, Fackler
- Isom Orchards, Athens
- Mountain View Orchards, Jemison
- Scott's Orchard, Hazel Green
- Beatty's Orchard, Hereford
- Briggs & Eggers Orchards, Willcox
- Date Creek Ranch, Wickenburg
- Cox Berry Farm & Nursery, Clarksville
- Roberson Orchards, Omaha
- Apple-A-Day Ratzlaff Ranch, Sebastopol, CA
- Denver Dan's, Camino
- High Hill Ranch, Placerville
- Jack Creek Farms, Templeton
- Julian Cider Mill, Julian
- Knaus Apple Ranch, Tehachapi
- Meyer Orchards, Wynola
- Mother Lode Orchards, Camino
- Noble Orchards, Paradise
- Parrish Pioneer Ranch, Yucaipa
- Peacefield Orchard, Julian
- Prevedelli Farms, Watsonville
- Raven Hill Orchard, Julian
- RB Family Orchard, Tehachapi
- Riley's at Los Rios Rancho, Yucaipa
- Riley's Farm Fort Cross Orchard, Yucaipa
- Seven C's Family Orchard, Tehachapi
- Sky Meadow Farms, Leona Valley
- SLO Creek Farms, San Luis Obispo
- The Apple Farm -- Bates & Schmitt, Philo
- Apple Valley Orchard, Penrose
- Bolton's Orchards, Grand Junction
- Ela Family Farms, Hotchkiss
- Happy Apple Farm, Penrose
- Hummingbird Orchards, Palisade
- Peachfork Orchards & Vineyard, Palisade
- Red Mountain Ranches, Cedaredge
- Third Street Apples, Penrose
- YA YA Farm & Orchard, Longmont
- Allyn's Red Barn, Ledyard
- Averill Farm, Washington Depot
- Bishop's Orchard, Guilford
- Ellsworth Hill Orchard & Berry Farm, LLC, Sharon
- Emerald Green Farm & Gardens, Wallingford
- Hindinger Farm, Hamden
- Irish Bend Orchard, Somers
- Lyman Orchards, Middlefield
- Norton Brothers Fruit Farms, Cheshire
- Palazzi Orchard, East Killingly
- Scott's Yankee Farmer, East Lyme
- Seek No Further Orchard, Hebron
- Staehly Farms, East Haddam
- Fifer Orchards, Camden Wyoming
- T.S. Smith & Sons, Bridgeville
- Aaron's Apple House, Ellijay
- B.J. Reece Apple House, Ellijay
- Freedom Farms - Apple & Peach Orchard, Chatsworth
- Hillcrest Orchards, Ellijay
- Hillside Orchard Country Store, Lakemont
- Mercier Orchards, Blue Ridge
- R & A Orchards, Ellijay
- Red Apple Barn (Little Bend Orchard), Ellijay
- Anderson Apple Ranch, Emmett
- Apple Creek Farm, Jerome
- BYU-Idaho Apple Orchard Museum, Rexburg
- Candy Apple Orchard, Emmett
- Garrett Ranches, Wilder
- Kelley Orchards (Weiser), Weiser
- Tyler's Rocky Point Orchard, Emmett
- Williamson Orchards & Vineyards, Caldwell
- All Seasons Apple Orchard, Woodstock *** Feature Orchard ***
- Braeutigam Orchards, Belleville
- Camp's Orchard, Roseville
- Christ Orchard, Elmwood
- Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch, Champaign
- Eckert Orchards, Inc., Belleville
- Edgewood Orchards, Quincy
- Heinz Orchard, Green Oaks
- Homestead Orchard, Woodstock
- Jefferies Orchard, Springfield
- Jonamac Orchards, Malta
- Kuipers Family Farm, Maple Park
- Lang's Orchard, Woodstock
- Lipe Orchards, Carbondale
- Meadowmoor Orchard, Woodstock
- Mileur Orchard, Murphysboro
- Mills Apple Farm, Marine
- Okaw Valley Orchard, Sullivan
- Orchard Ridge Farms, Rockton
- Pleasant Row Orchard, Cuba
- Prairie Sky Orchard, Union
- R.E. Arends Orchard, Laura
- Rendleman Orchards, Alto Pass
- Stone's Apple Barn, East Moline
- Tanner's Orchard, Speer
- Valley Orchard, Cherry Valley
- Woodstock Country Orchard, Woodstock
- Anderson Orchard, Mooresville
- Apple of His Eye, Anderson
- Apple Works, Trafalgar
- Beasley's Orchard and Gardens, Danville
- Blue River Orchard, Fredericksburg
- Bright Meadows Orchard, Lawrenceburg
- Bruick Brothers Produce / Advanced Tree Technology, New Haven
- Chandler's Farm, Fillmore
- Cook's Orchard, Fort Wayne
- County Line Orchard, Hobart
- Crosby's Orchard, Lawrenceburg
- Deer Creek Orchard, Galveston
- Dispennett's Orchard, Pine Village
- Ditzler Orchard, Rosedale
- Doud's Countyline Orchard, Wabash
- Dougherty Orchards, Cambridge City
- G. W. Stroh Orchards, Angola
- Garwood Orchards, LaPorte
- Goley's Orchard, Madison
- HighPoint Orchard & Farm Market, Greensburg
- Kercher's Sunrise Orchards Farm Market, Goshen
- McClure's Orchard, Peru
- Melton's Orchard and Country Market, Bloomington
- Mowry's Fruit Farm, Crown Point
- Orchard Hill Farms, Kendallville
- Pleasant View Orchard, Fairland
- Radke's Orchards, Michigan City
- Schafer Orchards, Princeton
- Tuttle Orchards, Greenfield
- Villa Orchard, Batesville
- Wea Creek Orchard, Lafayette
- Whiteland Orchard, Whiteland
- 3 Bee Farms, Griswold
- Allen's Orchard, Marion
- Appleberry Farm, Marshalltown
- Appleberry Orchard, Donnellson
- Applecart Orchard, Vinton
- Berry Patch Farm, Nevada
- Center Grove Orchard, Cambridge
- Community Orchards, Fort Dodge
- Deal's Orchard, Jefferson
- Ditmars Orchard, Council Bluffs
- East View Orchard, Fredericksburg
- Gravert's Apple Basket Orchard, Sabula
- Hillside Orchard, Hamburg
- Hubbard Orchards, Hubbard
- Iowa Orchard, Urbandale
- Mincer Orchard & Farms, Hamburg
- River Sioux Orchard, River Sioux
- Schneider Orchard, Lacona
- Smalls Fruit Farm, Mondamin
- The Big Apple Orchard, Mount Vernon
- Timeless Prairie Orchard, Winthrop
- Upstream Gardens & Orchard, Altoona
- Wills Family Orchard, Adel
- Wilson's Orchard, Iowa City
- 86th Street Orchard, Topeka
- Cain City Orchard, Bushton
- Fieldstone Enterprise, Overbrook
- Stephen's Orchard, Bonner Springs
- Delicious Fruit Orchard, South Shore
- Evans Orchard & Cider Mill, Georgetown
- Hidden Hollow Orchard and Wildlife Sanctuary, Louisville
- Hinton's Orchard & Farm Market, Hodgenville
- Reed Valley Orchard, Paris
- Sandusky's Orchard, Liberty
- Conant Orchards, Etna
- Eden Acres Family Farm, East Waterboro
- Hope Orchards, Hope
- McDougal Orchards, Springvale
- Megquier Hill Orchard (formerly Goss), Otisfield
- North Chester Orchard, Chester
- Pietree Orchard, Sweden
- Pine View Orchard, Berwick
- Roberts' Orchard, Poland
- Sweetser's Apple Barrel and Orchards, Cumberland Center
- Baugher Apple Orchard and Farm, Westminster
- Bragunier Orchard, Big Pool
- Lewis Orchards and Farm Market, Cavetown
- Linden Hall Orchard, Hagerstown
- O'Keefe Orchard, Colesville
- Arcadian Farms, Holliston
- Autumn Hill Orchards, Groton
- Bolton Orchards, Bolton
- Bolton Spring Farm, Bolton
- Brook Farm Orchard, Ashfield
- Charlton Orchard, Inc., Charlton
- Cider Hill Farm, Amesbury
- Drew Farms, Westford
- Green River Farms, Williamstown
- Hyland Orchard Inc., Fiskdale
- Lakeview Orchard, Lanesboro
- Mann Orchards, Methuen
- Marino Lookout Farm, South Natick
- Meadowbrook Orchards, Sterling
- Parker's Orchard, Westborough
- Peters Family Orchards and Cider Mill, Acushnet
- Ragged Hill Orchard, West Brookfield
- Red Apple Farm, Phillipston
- Russell Orchards, Ipswich
- Sholan Farms, Leominster
- Tougas Family Farm, Northborough
- Wheel-View Farm, Shelburne
- (A.W.) Overhiser Orchards, South Haven
- Alber's Orchard & Cider Mill, Manchester
- Apple Valley Orchard, Saginaw
- Bayne's Apple Valley Farm, Freeland
- Bennett's Orchard, Ottawa Lake
- Brainerd Farms, Onsted
- Crane's U-Pick, Fennville
- Earth First Farms, Berrien Center
- Elliotts Orchard, Bellaire
- Erie Orchards and Cider Mill, Erie
- Erwin Orchards U-Pick & Cider Mill, South Lyon
- Evans Brothers Fruit Company, Frankfort
- Flavorland Farms, Baroda
- Forraht Farms, Berrien Springs
- Friske Orchards & Farm Market, Ellsworth
- Fruit Ridge Hayrides, Kent City
- Grand View Orchard, Hudsonville
- Granny's Orchard, Eaton Rapids
- Gull Meadow Farms, Richland
- Hildebrand Fruit Farms, Berrien Springs
- Husted Farm Market and Cider Mill, Kalamazoo
- Jacques Orchard, Hemlock
- Keeney Orchards, Tipton
- Klackle Orchards, Greenville
- Knaebe's "Mmmunchy Krunchy" Apple Farm Cider Mill, Rogers City
- Koan's Orchard, Flushing
- Kreps Apple Barn, LaSalle
- Lewis Farm Market & Petting Farm, New Era
- Long Family Orchard and Farm, Commerce
- Markillie Orchard and Cider Mill, Howell
- McCartney Farm, Sodus
- Miller Family Orchard, Vassar
- Miller's Big Red Apple Orchard, Washington Twp
- Moelker Orchards & Farm Market, Grand Rapids
- Morrison Farms, Williamsburg
- Nye's Apple Barn and Farms, St. Joseph
- Orchard Beach Farm, Quincy
- Orchard Hill Farm, Caledonia
- Pankiewicz Cider Mill & Farm Market, Casco
- Phillips Orchards & Cider Mill, Saint Johns
- Porter's Orchard Farm Market & Cider Mill, Goodrich
- Red Apple Orchard, Britton
- Rennhack Orchards, Hart
- Ridgeway Farm Market, Bangor
- Robinette's Apple Haus and Winery, Grand Rapids
- Schultz Fruitridge Farms, Mattawan
- Sietsema Orchards & Cider Mill, Ada
- Speaker Lone Oak Orchard, Melvin
- Springhope Farm, Galien
- Steffens Orchard Market, Sparta
- Tompkins' Orchard and Country Store, Vassar
- Uncle John's Cider Mill & Fruit House Winery, St. Johns
- Uptegraff's Orchard, Davison
- VerHage Fruit Farms, Kalamazoo
- Westview Farm, Mattawan
- Westview Orchards & Winery, Romeo
- Wiard's Orchard and Country Fair, Ypsilanti
- Hanulcik Farm Market, Ionia
- Big Woods Orchard, Winona
- Southwind Orchards, Dakota
- Sunrise River Apple Farm, Wyoming
- Bear Creek Farms, Walnut Shade
- Blue Heron Orchard, Canton
- Centennial Farms, Augusta
- Huffstutter Orchards, New Franklin
- Jackson Country Orchard, Rolla
- Kithcart's Orchard, Rich Hill
- Lehman Family Orchard, LLC, Spickard
- Mother Earth Market LLC, Waverly
- Ozark Mountain Orchards, Springfield
- Peters Orchards & Market, Waverly
- Schweitzer Orchards, St. Joseph
- West Orchards, Macon
- Apple Acres Orchard, Kearney
- Degroot Orchards, Madison
- Martin's Hillside Orchard, Ceresco
- Union Orchard, Union
- Vala's Pumpkin Patch & Orchard, Gretna
- Sweet Farm, Fallon
New Hampshire
- Applecrest Farm Orchards, Hampton Falls
- Appleview Orchard, Pittsfield
- Butternut Farm LLC, Farmington
- Carter Hill Orchard, Concord
- Demeritt Hill Farm, Lee
- Hackleboro Orchards, Canterbury
- Hetnar Orchard Inc., Epping
- Lull Farm, Hollis
- Smith Orchard, Belmont
New Jersey
- Alstede Farms, Chester
- Apgar Cider Press, Phillipsburg
- Battleview Orchards, Freehold
- Beemerville Orchards, Sussex
- Best's Fruit Farm, Hackettstown
- Colin's Apple Pit, Montague
- Crest Fruit Farm, Manalapan
- DeCou's Farm Market & Orchard, Shiloh
- Delicious Orchards, Colts Neck
- Demarest Farm, Hillsdale
- Eastmont Orchards, Colts Neck
- Everitt's Fruit Farm, Lafayette
- Fruitwood Farms, Inc., Monroeville
- Green Market Farms, Inc., Hammonton
- Heritage Station, Richwood
- Hillview Farms, Gillette
- John Himich Farms, East Brunswick
- Johnson's Corner Farm, Medford
- Larchmont Farms, Inc., Elmer
- Lee Turkey Farm, Hightstown
- Longmeadow Farm, Hope
- Mackeys Orchard, Belvidere
- Matarazzo Farms, Belvidere
- Mood's Farm Market, Mullica Hill
- Mountain Top Orchard, Glen Gardner
- Neale's Orchards Farm Market, Glassboro
- Parks Farms, Chester
- Peaceful Valley Orchards, Pittstown
- Peaches Plus, Moorestown
- Pleasant Valley Farm, Mays Landing
- Pochuck Valley Farms Market and deli, Glenwood
- Race's Farm Market, Blairstown
- Riamede Farm, Chester
- Ripple Hill Farm, Basking Ridge
- Robert Schober Orchards, Monroeville
- Russo's Fruit & Vegetable Farm, Inc., Tabernacle
- Sandy Acres Market, Hightstown
- Schober Sons, Inc., Monroeville
- Shady Brook Farm, Egg Harbor City
- Simone's Apple Farm, Vineland
- Stoneyfield Orchards, Belvidere
- Strawberry Hill Farm, Chesterfield
- Terhune Orchards, Princeton
- Tree-Licious Orchards, Port Murray
- Wightman's Farm, Morristown
New Mexico
- Alary Farm, Corrales
- Cadwallader Mountain Farms, Mountain Park
- Costanza Apple Orchard, Belen
- Costanzas' Orchards and A-Bee Honey, Edgewood
- Fred & Ruby Martinez Orchards, Dixon
- Manzanar Los Silvestres, Abiquiu
- Manzano Mountain Retreat and Apple Ranch, Torreon
- Pat Montoya's Family Orchard, Velarde
- Rancho Arco Iris, Dixon
- Romero's Orchard, Embudo
- The Fruit Basket, Velarde
- Von Bock Farm, Abiquiu
New York
- Apple Barrel Orchards, Penn Yan
- Apple Ridge Orchards, Warwick
- Bellinger's Apple Orchard, Fultonville
- Bidwell Orchards, Fort Plain
- Borden's Orchard, Schaghticoke
- Bowman Orchards, Rexford
- Cherry Ridge Farms, Hudson
- Dr. Davies Farm, Congers
- Fishkill Farms, Hopewell Junction
- G and S Orchards, Macedon
- Goold Orchards, Castleton on Hudson
- Grisamore Farms, Locke
- Harvest Moon Farm & Orchard, North Salem
- Hathaway Farms LLC, Ripley
- Hurds Family Farm, Modena
- Indian Ladder Farms Inc., Altamont
- LoveApple Farms, Ghent
- Masker Fruit Farms Inc., Warwick
- Mead Orchards LLC, Tivoli
- Minards Family Farm, Clintondale
- Morgan Farms LLC, Marion
- Ontario Orchards Farm, Market & Cider Mill, Sterling
- Oriole Orchards, Red Hook
- Prospect Hill Orchards, Milton
- Rose Hill Farm, Red Hook
- Rulfs Orchard, Peru
- Samascott Orchard, Kinderhook
- Seven Ponds Orchard, Water Mill
- Smith's Orchard Cider Mill, Lockport
- Soons Orchards Inc., New Hampton
- Spring Wagon Orchards, Penn Yan
- Stone Ridge Orchard, Stone Ridge
- Trapani Farm LLC, Milton
- Weed Orchards, Marlboro
- Whittier Fruit Farm, Rochester
- Windy Hill Orchard & Farm Market, Cassville
North Carolina
- AH & W Farm, Boomer
- Billy Laughter Orchards, Hendersonville
- Bohlen Farms, Chapel Hill
- Brushy Mountain Farm&Orchard, Moravian Falls
- Creasman Farms, Hendersonville
- Devil Dog Orchard, Reidsville
- DH Orchards, Moravian Falls
- Haight Orchards, Reidsville
- JH Stepp Farm's Hillcrest Orchard, Hendersonville
- Justus Orchards, Hendersonville
- Lyda Farms, Hendersonville
- Millstone Creek Orchards, Ramseur
- Mountain Fresh Apples, Hendersonville
- Old Cider Mill, Bat Cave
- Piney Mountain Orchards, Hendersonville
- River View Orchard, Arden
- Silver Orchard, Bakersville
- Skytop Orchards, Flat Rock
- Sugar Loaf Orchards, Taylorsville
- Tall Pine Apple Orchards, Hendersonville
- The Orchard at Altapass, Little Switzerland
- Apple Hill Orchards, Mansfield
- Arrowhead Orchard, Paris
- Bauman Orchards, Rittman
- Beckwith Orchards, Cider Mill and Gift Shop, Kent
- Burnham Orchards, Berlin Heights
- CherryHawk Farm, Marysville
- Eshleman Fruit Farm, Clyde
- Fuhrmann Orchards, Wheelersburg
- Granville Orchard, Granville
- Hidden Hills Orchard, Marietta
- Highwater Orchard, Newark
- Hoen's Orchard and Market, Delta
- Hucks Orchard, South Charleston
- Hugus Fruit Farm, Rushville
- Johnston Fruit Farms, Swanton
- Legend Hills Orchard, Utica
- Lynd Fruit Farm, Pataskala
- M & M Orchard, Ashtabula
- Monroe's Orchard & Farm Market, LLC, Hiram
- Moreland Fruit Farm, Wooster
- Ochs Fruit Farm, Lancaster
- Peifer Orchards, Yellow Springs
- Richardson Farms, Medina
- Rittman Orchards, Doylestown
- Sunrise Farm Market, Garden & Gift, Burton
- Tüken's Farm Market and Orchard, West Alexandria
- Votaw Farms, Pioneer
- Wesler Orchards, New Paris
- West Orchards, Perry
- Weymouth Farms & Orchard, Hinckley
- High-Fence Farm LLC, Sand Springs
- Beilke Family Farm, Brooks
- Bells Orchard, Beaverton
- Haury Farms, Salem
- Kiyokawa Family Orchards, Mount Hood Parkdale
- Randall Pratt Farms, Grants Pass
- Rasmussen Farms, Hood River
- River Bend Farm/Pleasant Hill Orchard, Eugene
- Territorial Road Orchard, Corvallis
- Thomas Orchards, Kimberly
- Thompson Creek Organics, Applegate
- B&P Hitz Fruit Farm, Woodburn
- Andrews Farm Market, Saint Thomas
- Apple Castle, New Wilmington
- Boyer Orchards, New Paris
- Brown's Orchard and Cider Company, McDonald
- Brown's Orchards & Farm Market, Loganville
- County Line Orchard, Kempton
- Dries Orchards, Sunbury
- Emerald Cider Mill, Slatington
- Flinchbaugh's Orchard and Farm Market, Hellam
- Godfrey Run Farm, LLC, Lake City
- Graybill's Fruit Farm, Richfield
- Gulicks Fruit Farm, Bangor
- Half Crown Hill Orchard, McDonald
- Hollabaugh Brothers, Biglerville
- Holy Root Farm, New Tripoli
- Kauffman's Fruit Farm, Bird-in-Hand
- Kistaco Farm, Apollo
- Klim Orchard, Lake Ariel
- Masonic Village Farm Market, Elizabethtown
- McConnells' Farm, Aliquippa
- Miles Orchard (Miles Farm Produce), Coudersport
- Northrop's Apple Acres, Lake City
- Orton's Fruit Farm, North East
- Oyler's Organic Farms, Biglerville
- Pappy's Orchard, Coopersburg
- Paulus Orchards, Dillsburg
- Rice Fruit Company, Gardners
- Ringing Hill Orchards, Pottstown
- Rocky Ridge Orchards, Kane
- Shanesville Fruit Farm, Boyertown
- Shaw Orchards, Stewartstown
- Shenot Farm, Wexford
- Simmons Farm, McMurray
- Soergel's Orchards, Wexford
- Strites' Orchard, Harrisburg
- Sycamore Spring Orchard & Farm Market, Jonestown
- Taggart's Orchard, Washington
- Townsend Brother's Fruit Farm, Spring Church
- Weaver's Orchard, Morgantown
Rhode Island
- Appleland Orchard, LLC, Greenville
- Barden Family Orchard, North Scituate
- Dame Farm & Orchards, Johnston
- Rocky Brook Orchard, Middletown
- Steere Orchard, Greenville
South Carolina
- Blue Haven Orchards, Long Creek
- Bryson's Apple Orchard, Mountain Rest
- Chattooga Belle Farm, Long Creek
South Dakota
- Hoversten Orchards LTD, Brandon
- Baxter's Orchard, Cosby
- Breeden's Orchard & Country Store, Mount Juliet
- Fairmount Orchard Inc., Signal Mountain
- Hurricane Hollow Apple Orchards, Buffalo Valley
- Indian Cave Orchards, New Market
- Melody Orchard, Rogersville
- Shade Tree Farm and Orchard, Adams
- Sonlight Apple Orchard, Mason
- Young's Orchard, Wichita Falls
- Burgess Orchards, Alpine
- Fowers Fruit Ranch LLC, Genola
- Glendale Orchard, Glendale
- Little America Organic Fruit, New Harmony
- McMullin Orchards, Payson
- Olsen Orchard, Providence
- Zollinger Fruit & Tree Farm, Inc, Logan
- Ayers Orchards, Cana
- Berrier Farms, Inc., Cana
- Carter Mountain Orchard, Charlottesville
- Chiles Peach Orchard and Farm Market, Crozet
- Crooked Run Orchard, Purcellville
- Dickie Brothers Orchard, Roseland
- Drumheller's Orchard, Lovingston
- Fitzgerald's Orchard, Tyro
- Graves Mountain Farm, Syria
- Hill High Farm and "The Pumpkin Patch", Winchester
- Hollin Farms, Delaplane
- Ikenberry Orchards, Daleville
- Jenkins Orchard, Woodville
- Johnson's Orchards & Peaks of Otter Winery, Bedford
- Kinzie (R.M.) Orchard Company, Troutville
- Layman Orchards, Daleville
- Marker-Miller Orchards Farm Market, Winchester
- Morris Orchard, Monroe
- Reed Orchard, Bent Mountain
- Richard's Fruit Market, Middletown
- Rinker Orchards, Inc., Stephens City
- Rock Hill Orchard, Monroe
- Saunders Bros., Inc., Piney River
- Showalter's Orchard & Greenhouse, LLC, Timberville
- Silver Creek and Seamans' Orchards, Inc., Tyro
- Stribling Orchard, Markham
- Thornton River Orchard, Sperryville
- Virginia Farm Market, Winchester
- Borton Fruit, Yakima
- Skipley Farm, Snohomish *** Feature Orchard ***
- Tonnemaker Hill Farm, Royal City
West Virginia
- Ruggles Orchard, Levels
- Door Creek Orchard, Cottage Grove
- Hillside Apples, Casco
- Orchard Store at Old Homestead, Franksville
- Rim's Edge Orchard, Germantown
- Sacia Orchards, Galesville *** Feature Orchard ***
- Sutter's Ridge Orchard, Mt Horeb
United Kingdom
England - south-east
- Kimpton Manor Apple Press, Andover
- Les Vergers de Vendée, Maureuil sur Lay
British Columbia
- Apple Luscious Organic Orchards, Salt Spring Island
- Blue Haze Farm, Victoria
- Fruit Forest Certified Organic Farm, Cobble Hill
- Orchard Corners Organics, Kelowna
- Ravenskill Orchards, Gabriola Island
- Roseridge Orchards, Kelowna
- Spencer Hill Orchard, Grand Forks
New Brunswick
- Verger Belliveau Orchard, Memramcook
Nova Scotia
- Sarsfield Farms Inc., Canning
- Vista Bella Farm Orchard and Apiary, Malagash
- DeVries Fruit Farm, Fenwick
- Dixie Orchards, Caledon
- Juicy-Fruit Orchards, Thedford
- Kennette Apple Orchard, Lakeshore
- Meleg's Lakeview Orchard & Cider Mill, Kingsville
- Moore Orchards, Cobourg
- Mountain Orchards, Mountain
- O'Keefe Grange, Dobbinton
- T & K Ferri Orchards, Clarksburg
- Wagner Orchard and Estate Winery, Maidstone
- Les Vergers de la Colline, Ste-Cécile de Milton
- Heritage Fruits Society, Fairfield
Himachal Pradesh
- 98 Apple Orchards,
- AC Orchards, Shimla
- Happy Star Orchard, Shimla
- R K Sahota Orchard, Chamba
- Shiva Orchards, Kotgarh,
- Singh Apple Estate, Shimla
- Vishal Singh, Rohru
- Cedar-Apple Rust
Author: Stephen Vann, University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture (FSA7538)
Rated as highly susceptible - control always needed where CAR is prevalent. - Apples for the 21st Century
Author: Manhart - Apples of England (1948)
Author: Taylor - Fruit Expert
Author: Hessayon