Well for an IMDB rating of over 8 which put this film in the same category as Star Wars and the God Father, I am very confused. I know film critics love to rate highly films that they think make themselves look smart but really, this film was unwatchable dribble. Ema Stone and William are great actors, but have gone for the "let's make some BS art film to try and get an award" award. But the worst thing about this movie is that critics like you and me also pushed the BS to give this a rating over 8 - shame on you!! When you give a rating high or low remember what you are comparing this film against. Your ratings matter, otherwise Hollywood will keep on pushing this type of pretentious dribble and we'll lose out on the real classics.
24 Reviews
I thought this was real :(
20 September 2022
Maybe I should have done my homework. I really thought I was watching something real. As an ex baseball player with two talented girls, I really thought this would be inspirational for them to see what they could achieve. And maybe it still is, but it wasn't real.
There have been real stars in baseball that have been female, and soon the landscape of baseball will change, but it will be through real talent and hard work. Something female baseball players are used to, not some flimsy, lack of acting ability as seen in this show.
Now I have 59 more characters to use to be able to add this, now done!!!
There have been real stars in baseball that have been female, and soon the landscape of baseball will change, but it will be through real talent and hard work. Something female baseball players are used to, not some flimsy, lack of acting ability as seen in this show.
Now I have 59 more characters to use to be able to add this, now done!!!
Mr. Right
(I) (2015)
The new love story
25 May 2022
Growing up I loved natural born killers. A love story about two very dysfunctional people. Mr right is a new take on this love story. When two people are inexplicably drawn to each other and have a talent, in this case to kill murderers. Both actors are just perfect in the roles they play. Just watch it with an open mind, this is what original movies are about!!
Emily in Paris
(2020– )
Paris in Emily
17 April 2022
There is not much to say about this show given its lack of substance. Basically a loud, unqualified, annoying girl goes to Paris to promote a brand. She seems to win lots of work through her lack of talent and the fact that she sleeps with basically everyone in the show. Would I recommend this show, well obviously not, but if you are desperate and there is no other show in the world, well then...still no, read a book!
Lose Megan and this is a great show
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I initially loved the show and I put up with Megan but as a show went on I found that I couldn't deal with her any more when she died or pretended to die I really thought the show would step up, but she didn't die, bugger now I'm at the end of the end of the third season start of the fourth season and the only thing I'm looking forward to it is the fact that I know that she's not gonna be in there for the end something will eventually happen to her it's very weird why are you watch a show based on this. James Spader is amazing the whole reason I watch it and I just want to have the show without Megan and her boy toy and everything associated with her it's really the worst thing that ever happened to the show and I really wonder about whoever did the casting. To summarise awesome show James Spader is amazing Megan sucks, simple.
Screams of laughter
14 February 2022
If you love slasher movies this is quite good. Put aside the main character's lack of acting ability this is a good comedy slasher film. If you like to pull apart massive amounts of holes in the plot, idiotic decisions made by all the characters, then this is your series. Very annoying but fun, what else can you ask for!
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Poor writing but great effects
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to the new Spider-Man but was very disappointed. Firstly, the effects are great and there are some funny one liners, but it stops there. Basically, Spider-Man using his teen brain decides he knows best, creates a rip in the multiverse so that he and his friends can go to college. In doing so kills his closest relative and likely thousands of innocent bystanders. So with such awful writing the only audience that would get anything from this movie would be the same young teens that are probably sitting there going at least his friend got into college at the end. Hopefully this type of teen "movie" is not the new trend for Marvel movies.
12 March 2021
It doesn't get any better than this. Mel Gibson didn't just star in this movie but directed and produced. No one will ever forget...
Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!
La Black Box
(II) (2020)
Another Blumhouse hit, always crazy, strange and definitely spooky.
8 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was a bit sceptical based on the synopsis but it was a great movie, as I would expect from anything with the Blumhouse name attached to it. The one thing I thought was odd however, was that Phylicia Rashad (who I grew up loving as Clair Huxtable on the Cosby Show) played the a character covering for an abusive son. Was this on purpose? I really hope that it didn't connect with her relationship with Bill Cosby...
The Mandalorian
(2019– )
Definitely Star Wars 101
4 August 2020
I was sceptical, but Jon Favreau does the old school love of the galaxy far far away justice. It does start a little slow but coming at this show without any spoilers I was very pleasantly surprised at how it embraces the theme while adding so many new angles to the Star Wars universe. I was always against Boba Fett, as we all were, but cool to see the other side of the equation.
Terminator: Dark Fate
Come on, this was pretty cool.
28 July 2020
Such a low IMDB score, sometimes people have a version of a movie in their head that can never be matched.
After terminator 2 (forgetting the other few afterwards ) this movie is the perfect finale.
A really entertaining end to the terminator saga, but as you all know... they'll be back. Just hopefully with Arnie and James.
After terminator 2 (forgetting the other few afterwards ) this movie is the perfect finale.
A really entertaining end to the terminator saga, but as you all know... they'll be back. Just hopefully with Arnie and James.
Real Steel
A great fun family movie
7 March 2020
Just watched this movie with my 8 yo daughter and it was a lot of fun, she really loved it and I thought it was very well done and easy to watch. Lot's of very negative reviews not sure what they were expecting, I don't think anyone involved was planning a trip to the Oscars. Sometimes it's good to just relax and not over critique everything.
A good Aussie drama, but with one flaw.
13 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy this show, a great remake. All the Aussie actors are very believable and make the show a success, except for one late addition, Rita. Played by Leah Purcell, she is an undercover police officer in a maximum security jail that is somehow allowed to wear jeans, leather boots and leather jacket. All of the other prisoners have to wear the standard issue prison clothes but the secret undercover agent is dressed in regular clothes, for the entirety of the show even at night when she sleeps - leather boots and jacket. Does this actor have a clause in her contact or something, very strange and for some reason really bugs me.
Otherwise a good show!
Otherwise a good show!
Captain Marvel
Female Superhero like President Trump
28 June 2019
As a father of two girls I am all for female superheros but every superhero needs to have limits. It seems Captain Marvel is without equal, able to crush worlds with a click of her fingers.
So instead of developing a rich background and a character that the audience connects with we instead have a god like superhero that just defeats all enemy's because she is captain MARVEL.
Bring on more female role models for my girls but at least make them strong, believable superheros, and while you're at it think about casting an actress who can actually act.
I still haven't managed to make it to the end of this movie after 3 attempts, sleep always wins.
So instead of developing a rich background and a character that the audience connects with we instead have a god like superhero that just defeats all enemy's because she is captain MARVEL.
Bring on more female role models for my girls but at least make them strong, believable superheros, and while you're at it think about casting an actress who can actually act.
I still haven't managed to make it to the end of this movie after 3 attempts, sleep always wins.
Pour l'amour du jeu
For everyone who knows the love of the game
17 May 2019
I played baseball since I was 6 years old, playing for my local club, playing for my city and even my state. I am now 43 and I have never forgotten the love of the game, the smell of leather, the feeling of sliding home, everything that is baseball.
This movie took me back to this time in my life where the world revolved around a strike or a ball, when your team members were your best friends and when life was a lot easier.
I have watched this movie more than a dozen times, my wife always knows that if I am watching "for love of the game" than I will have a tear in my eye by the end.
Kevin Kostner brings his love of the game, given his baseball background, to this movie to deliver not just the perfect game but the perfect performance.
For me this is a movie for those of you that have had the pleasure of feeling that moment of sporting truth, the feeling of comradery, and the memory of being part of the greatest game in the world,
For Love of The Game.
This movie took me back to this time in my life where the world revolved around a strike or a ball, when your team members were your best friends and when life was a lot easier.
I have watched this movie more than a dozen times, my wife always knows that if I am watching "for love of the game" than I will have a tear in my eye by the end.
Kevin Kostner brings his love of the game, given his baseball background, to this movie to deliver not just the perfect game but the perfect performance.
For me this is a movie for those of you that have had the pleasure of feeling that moment of sporting truth, the feeling of comradery, and the memory of being part of the greatest game in the world,
For Love of The Game.
Mes vies de chien
A beautiful way of life...
13 April 2019
I just watched this movie again, but this time with my kids, and although there were some tears the central theme was just so beautiful I wanted them to experience it, with me. Death is not the end and that what you do in this life is part of your next life - a magic and a sense of wonder, something all kids should believe in!!
Apprentis parents
A great mix of laughs and drama
3 April 2019
Marky Mark continues to impress in the "more than just an action star" category and teamed with the very funny Rose Byrne to create a great well rounded movie. Very funny in parts but also a bit of a tear jerker. A must watch, especially for any parents looking to adopt...
Better Things
It verges on the watchable
10 February 2019
Each episode leaves me feeling like I was just ripped off, not that I actually wanted to see any more. Definitely not a comedy but that is fine, the worst thing however are the kids and the mother who lets her kids behave so disrespectfully and then complains about how disrespectful they are... Surprise, Surprise.
Steve Carell - more than the office.
3 March 2014
A simple question, if you know that all will end how would you live your final hours? Steve Carell is brilliant in playing the person that I hope I would be in this situation. This movie is both light and heavy, a bit of humor before it leads you into a powerful realization of what is important in life. At the end of everything just having someone next to you, just having that special person means that you can deal with the end of the world. A little deep I know, but I loved this movie, normally Steve Carell settles with being a comedian but I think he is wasting his talent with just being Michael Scott. Seeking a Friend for the end of the earth is a beautiful movie, makes you think of what is important....
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