Tammy and the Bachelor (1957)
"Cute" movie for the time it was released. Has special meaning for me.
26 December 2004 - 26 out of 32 users found this review helpful.
Being in my early 60's, I saw 'Tammy and the Bachelor' when I was a teenager. It was a wonderful movie to me then: the poor girl who gets the handsome, affluent beau. I still like the movie for its simple message: one should be judged by his/her character, not by social status. "Tammy" was the first song that I ever sang in a talent contest (and I won first place), so I have a reason to remember the title song with much interest. A friend of my older brother came from New York to North Carolina for a visit back then and had me to sing "Tammy" over and over. Back then, I felt as if I WERE Tammy. Such movies don't wear as well with time as the classics, but they're nice to remember and to watch again.
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