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Kraven More Kraven
14 February 2025
Kraven the Hunter was much better than I expected it to be.

It blends its origin story with the current events rather well making for an engaging adventure movie full of the usual over the top action sequences.

Crowe is really solid however he is on the verge of being type cast as everyone's daddy!

I doubt we will see a sequel which is a of a shame I would have actually watched it which is a lot more than I can say for other rescent not so super hero movies.

Forget the reviews and the hatred of this movie, be bold and just check it out for yourself. You will get a nice suprise, its not terrible :)
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Uncharted (2022)
A Pretty Snoozefest
14 February 2025
Uncharted had all the ingredients for a thrilling treasure hunt-exotic locations, hidden maps, and high-flying action-but instead delivers a predictable, by-the-numbers blockbuster that never quite finds its own identity.

Tom Holland is charming as Drake, but he feels more like Spider-Man on vacation than a seasoned treasure hunter. Wahlberg, as Sully, seems uninterested, and the chemistry between them never fully clicks. The action sequences, including the over-the-top cargo plane scene, are dull and feel like cutscenes from the game rather than an immersive adventure.

Despite flashy set pieces and some nostalgic nods to the game, Uncharted plays it too safe, following the formula of better adventure films like Indiana Jones or National Treasure without bringing anything new to the table. It's watchable but forgettable-a treasure hunt without much treasure :)
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Code Momentum (I) (2015)
I Watched It 2 Weeks Ago And Nearly Forgot All Of It
14 February 2025
Momentum wants to be a slick, action-packed thriller but stumbles at nearly every turn. Olga Kurylenko stars (but not really) as a high-tech thief caught in a deadly conspiracy, but even her efforts can't salvage a script full of generic dialogue, predictable twists, and uninspired action sequences.

The film struggles with pacing-scenes drag when they should be tense, and the forced attempts at cool, stylish action fall flat. James Purefoy plays the villain, but his character is more cartoonish than menacing.

Despite a few decent fight scenes, Momentum lacks the originality and energy to make it memorable. Instead of a high-speed thrill ride, it feels like a direct-to-video knockoff of better action films.

Junk :)
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Scarier Than Burnt Toast
14 February 2025
EB tries to summon the spirit of the 1973 classic, but the results are more uneven séance than true resurrection.

While the atmosphere is eerie, and the performances (especially from Leslie Odom Jr.) are solid, the scares feel predictable, and the emotional weight never fully lands. The attempt to blend multiple faiths into the exorcism concept is interesting, but it lacks the unsettling, slow-burn horror that made the original so terrifying.

Fans of The Exorcist might appreciate some callbacks, but the film leans too heavily on nostalgia without delivering anything truly groundbreaking. It's not a disaster, but it's not exactly a revelation either. Possessed, yes-but not quite compelling.

Last thoughts: I didn't hate it :)
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Boy Erased (2018)
Have A Think
13 February 2025
Boy Erased is good presentation of a sad tale.

The film avoids excessive dramatization, instead opting for a subtle and personal approach, making the story feel more authentic. Director Joel Edgerton, who also plays the head of the conversion program, presents the experience without sensationalism, focusing on the real emotional impact on those involved.

Boy Erased is an important and well-acted film that raises awareness about the lasting effects of conversion therapy. It's a story about finding your voice and standing in your truth, even when the world around you tries to change who you are.

Nicely put together :)
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Wall Street (1987)
Money money money money MONEY, money, money
9 February 2025
If you ever wanted a crash course in capitalism, ambition, and the dangers of slicked-back hair, Wall Street delivers in style. Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko is the ultimate finance villain, if that's a thing.

Smooth, ruthless, he could probably convince you to mortgage your house for "a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity."

Charlie Sheen, in his pre-Winning days, delivers a similar niave performance that was featured in Platoon.

The dialogue? Sharp. The fashion? Peak 80s power dressing. The life lessons? Don't trust anyone with suspenders and a million-dollar smile, especially your uncle!

Wall Street is still a thrilling ride with a moral buried somewhere under all the dollar signs. Definitely worth the watch :)
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Whimsical Joy
24 January 2025
Benedict Cumberbatch is a quality actor who acts his socks off in this movie.

Cumberbatch delivers the right amount of quirkiness to inject life into the character of Louis, telling an enthralling, colourful trip down fantasy lane.

Its quaint, sweet, engaging and quite fun and funny and importantly never dull.

Filled with rich characters the movie grabs your attention whether you are ready for it or not.

A nice movie about an endearing man who tried his best but didn't always succeed. As I wrote this review I discovered I liked the movie more than I realised so I gave it two more stars! :)
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M3GAN (2022)
No Reason To Watch This
24 January 2025
So bad, its bad. How bad is it? Bad. You know...its Bad.

What a waste of someone's hard drive space creating this cesspool of a movie.

Rips of all the aspects of Child's Play without doing it justice and without offering anything new.

The cast is woeful and simply contribute to making this horrible excuse for a horror movie even more awful. Producers hang your heads in shame

They will probably end up making 19 sequels because I'm sure it made money, but God help us if that becomes true.

If you have a sense of self esteem do the right thing and give this movie a very wide pass, otherwise enjoy :)
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Berlin Nobody (2024)
Not Worthy Of A Good Review Title
24 January 2025
Oh what a waste of an hour and a half this turned out to be.

A snoozerama from start to the who cares ending.

The entire cast sucked, the story was was mindnumbingly dull and they were the best bits.

The film searches for a story to tell resulting in a bouncing around a number of ideas without really settling for a core one. The outcome? A mosaic of mediocrity that gets more torturous by the passing of each minute.

There is not one redeemable part of this movie that I could pull from the drudgery of its existance that would compell you to watch the garbage.

This is a serious waste of money :)
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What A Mission
11 January 2025
To get the most out of these types of films I think it helps to try and put yourself in their shoes, being empathetic as possible. Imagine if it was you these events were happening to.

The Covenant is an incredible story and the film does a tremendous job of putting us, the viewer, in the middle of it.

The acting is excellent, visually the movie is awesome but it is simply the story that wins the day.

This is not a film about glory or action sequences its a story of survival and loyalty and is wonderfully told.

Guy Ritchie places himself behind the story rather than at the front like his other material and that was an inspired decision. Great movie :)
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Arcadian (2024)
Movies For Mates
11 January 2025
Another example of an actor helping out a mate, co worker etc to get a project realised that should never have made it to the big screen.

Cage is barely in it but just enough to feature on the poster!

The plus side is the creature/bug/alien. Its super creative with a great if not blurry look (that does get frustrating).

The down side, we have seen it all before. And, we are offered nothing new in terms of why any of this has happened so its just giant wolf/roaches attacking people for...food?

Almost all the characters in the film are at some level dispicable and not really worth investing in, a bit like the movie :)
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Margin Call (2011)
Some First Class Acting Here
11 January 2025
A cast driven piece that delivers a great script.

Margin Call is a very entertaining drama that shys away from bombastic scenes but still manages to grab your interest and emotions.

Telling an intimate, internal story, of a major global event Margin Call allows the cast to flex their muscles with each key member lifting the story as it moves along. Unlike many ensemble films this one doesn't waste any of the talent it has available.

The movie also balances the provision of character depth without getting bogged down in unnesecary story elements allowing the story to flow.

Margin Call was a satisfying experience :)
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Alien: Swimsuit Section
11 January 2025
Alien Resurrection is not exactly hitting it out of the park.

Ripley has now become a break glass in case of emergency character offering little in nuance and plenty of quips. Winnona Ryder is at best an odd choice and at worst sleeping with the director.

Having said all of that I was still great to be travelling through space waiting for the Xenomorphs to pop or ooze out of the shadows and deliver the bad news to those on board.

Looks and sounds like a super model but is missing depth...oh wait....ok so Alien Resurrection IS a super model. So enjoy the view just don't ask it to save the planet :)
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Criminal Was The Casting
11 January 2025
I really liked the film.

I was pulled short from loving it by my response to the casting. So inspired casting would be Woody Harrelson in Natural Born Killers (who saw that coming?) He just sold you the character of Mickey.

Costner can sell angry (so he works great in some of this movie) but he can't sell crazy. Mel Gibson, he can sell crazy, not that I'm saying he should have been in this.

As for the rest of the cast, they didn't really add anything, Reynolds and Jones could have been anybody, Gadot can't act and Oldman was truly lacking.

Better choice in casting would have seen a much better outcome :)
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Freeman Is The Magic
11 January 2025
Make no mistake The Magic of Belle Isle is a chick flick.

But...it is a chick flick that will amuse and get a laugh out of most men. Its not romantic (generally speaking) its more a meandering through a summer movie where you contemplate your life's decisions.

Its not preachy or anything like that, just an exploration of some relationships.

Where the movie worked particularly well in my opinion was its humour. Morgan Freeman has a underlying humour to his delivery (as he does in most roles) thats fits this character and story line well.

So it keeps it fun and entertaining. Its not really a family movie as most kids would be bored to death :)
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I was Hoping For Classic
11 January 2025
100 Riffles simply couldn't nail it.

It had all the elements, good cast, ample story, great settings and expansive visuals but its missing the intangables and is way too long for what it is offering.

Perhaps part of the 'lack' is as a result of Jim Brown and Raquel Welch, they can both exhibit on screen presence but acting is not really their strength. Additionally, Reynolds, who can act, seems to be dialing one of his paint by numbers performances. The charm, smile, acting stupid and the early days of the Smokey and the Bandit laugh.

Perhaps the film deserved more nuiance from its cast than they delivered :)
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Big And Bold
10 January 2025
Prometheus is not Aliens so it doesn't have the horror/thriller elements that make those movies so captivating.

Yet Prometheus is still a fantastic film that offers universal insights to the 'Alien' world.

It looks fantastic and immediately draws you in to absorb everything the story has to offer.

Michael Fassbender was an inspired choice and carries much of the film, easily outshining his other co-stars on the big screen.

Prometheus gives plenty of aspects to sink your teeth into and often raises more questions than it answers.

Quality, entertaining and enthralling. Prometheus is quite a movie :)
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Art Vs Money
10 January 2025
Alien: Covenant sets up hope for a more immersive exporation of the Alien universe only to have it cut short by movie executives as they didn't like the lack of money this movie made. Does every movie have to make billions of dollars and earn it all in the first week?

I always liked Clint Eastwood's approach to movie making. Make a cash cow and then use the money to make something quirky. Can't big studios do the same thing?

Alien: Covenant is a good movie but more than the movie it got things moving again just to hit a red light and leave us all stuck in traffic.

Fans want more so bring it on :)
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Good But Not Great
10 January 2025
Unfortunately the character of Venon was in this instance far better than the movie. I have loved this Venom trilogy, I just crank up the amp and let her rip.

So the Last Dance gave me that level of audio visual satisfaction but the story itself fell well short of anything to sink all those teeth into.

Eddie and Venom's struggle with their intergalactic foe failed to reach any emotional deeps or heights which ever direction you prefer to go. So the story didn't take you for the same ride that the effects were attempting to .

As for the bound cliche wanting to be released from gaol (Australian and British spelling) I say MEH. Who cared, not invested in him and what superhero doesn't have one of those stored away somewhere? That aspect of superhero movies is old and tired.

Venom rules, movie doesn't :)
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Juré n°2 (2024)
10 January 2025
I have never associated Clint Eastwood with the word mediocre until now. Juror #2 was a massive disappointment.

We already have 2 versions of 12 Angry Men, we didn't need a third inferior one.

The acting was fine, however the story was weak, dull and full of plot holes and implausabilities. No real moments of drama or suspense could be found much like evidence in the movie.

I challenge you, if you think this was good or even great watch either of the 12 Angry Men and then compare it to Juror #2, see if you change your mind, just like the characters in the movie.

I sincerely hope it is not Eastwood's last movie :)
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Went Past...It Doesn't Suck...All The Way To Great
4 January 2025
I Loved it!

I can see what some reviews are saying, Romulus is a bit of a greatest hits but it does add new elements and it does give us an opportunity to take the franchise somewhere on the back of this film.

I was so happy to be back in this universe, the same sounds and look (which was a great decision by Alverez), it just drew me straight in. I alway get nervous about this kind of movie being made and how it will be butchered but this was awesome.

My only concern was the use of Ian Holm. It was an amazing idea, looked pretty good and add depth that would have been hard to achieve otherwise. Ethically though, is dead no longer dead? Should this be happening? I don't know.

Great movie :)
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Needs More Than Amusing Gore
4 January 2025
For creativity Terrifier and the character of Art the Clown is a solid plus but the film lacks in too many other elements to be anything more than an average movie.

Visually the movie looks great, its colourful and bold and the gore is wonderfully over the top. However for a movie that seems hellbent on grossing people out if kind of falls short. The gore elements are amusing rather than disturbing, they are just absurd.

Its this over the top aspect of the film that also sucks any horror out of the picture. Terrifier 2 is simply not scary.

The other problem is lack of real story or character development. Ok the kids have daddy issues but thats it! Put some meat on Art's bones (then he can rip it off) :)
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Blackjack! No Its Poker! No Its Revenge?
3 January 2025
This is an odd film that is somewhat misrepresented by its title.

You don't card count in Poker that's all I'm going to say on that matter.

The real story is about revenge. Its strangly delivered as an aside to the card playing aspects of the film.

The acting is really good and it draws you into the characters.

The story lets you down a little, skipping details or elements that could have added a juicy back story as the film lacks a little depth.

At its conclusion I felt a little shorted and unsatiated as the movie just pulls up stumps and goes home.

Worth a look but I don't think anyone would want to watch it twice :)
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L'Épreuve du feu (I) (2018)
Its A Love Hate Film
3 January 2025
Ugh, don't get me started.

I will try not to rant but I don't make any promises.

This a fantastic movie, that tells a disgusting and shameful story that should be an embarresment to all involved in the real life saga.

This movie represents a number of problems with the justice system which I won't go in to here.

The performances are captivating especially by Jack O'Connell, drawing out an abundance of emotions from this viewer.

Ok small rant. This film illustrates the one major problem with capital punishment that proponants are seemingly happy to live with. Every now and then an innocent person gets executed. :)
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Its Not Me Its You
3 January 2025
The Adventures of Hercules is stunningly awful.

It only gets the 3 stars because I like this genre, I like Lou Ferigno and...I can't think of a reason for the third star, that's a bit awkward.

Awkward would be a very kind description for this shocker of a movie. The plot is a wooden as a Trojan horse. The real crime though is the makers 'capitalisation' of new visual effects that we like to call 'lasers'. I can't recall a more ill fitting application of an effect that simply engorges the films stupidity.

If you are into the genre, then give it look as there are (hard to believe) worse efforts than this but really there is nothing to see here :)
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