Very good movie, very entertaining. Matthew Perry is a great actor I think. Bruce Willis was funny as well, and Amanda Peet shines in her supporting role (not to mention she has a nice body :o) OVerall its a good movie. *** out of ****
146 Reviews
La Maison de l'horreur
A good, scary movie.
28 October 1999
I liked it. The special effects were great, the gore was there, and the acting was good too. It had many scares and a good background story to rely on. I thought that Geoffrey Rush gave a great performance and was believeable in his character. The movie had a great eerie atmosphere as well entertainment. But dont expect a big extravagent movie. This is a 19m horror flick that shows, but we forgive it sometimes. 7/10
Les Rois du désert
3rd best movie of 1999 so far!
20 October 1999
Wow what a magnificent movie! It had everything: wit, thrills, acting and power that made me love this movie as soon as it started. Never did I know George Clooney or Ice Cube could give such wonderful performances, Mark Wahlberg gave a great performance in 1997's otherwise overrated Boogie Nights and gives another great one here. One word to describe the movie is masterpiece, and one that the movie will recieve is oscars!
10 out of 10!
10 out of 10!
What a waste!
12 October 1999
I was extremely disappointed with this new show. Dawnsons Creek is a great show and this just was nothing. There was no plot, the characters were under-developed and all-in-all a waste of time. I would give it a 3 out of 10. TV-14 for sexuality, language and brief nudity.
Le Projet Blair Witch
Whoever doesn't like this movie didn't understand it.
10 October 1999
Ok so for all ya'll who didn't like it, get over it cause The Blair Witch Project was a scary as sheet movie. It was original and it was very very intelligent. Anyone really pay attention to the ending? Anyone pay attention to the point the whole movie makes? I doubt it no one seemed to listen to it, or really understand what it was trying to prove: Movies can be scary without gore, or seeing anything. Um did Chris Rock ever think about the 35,000 (not 60,000) all going to crew, cast and stuff? Get over it people Blair Witch is a new classic, and it cannot be classified as anything else but that!
Halloween, 20 ans après
Probably the second it is the second best of the series!
10 October 1999
Halloween (1978) continues to reign supreme as a total and utter classic. I have watched it over 69 times and it never gets old. I have the limited edition DVD and I'm in love! 11/10 or 5/4 stars. (heh)
Halloween II came out and was also awesome. It contained all the scares and cleverness the first had, yet it wanted to more or less make money than be in the theatres, but thats ok 9/10 or 3.5/4 stars.
Halloween III skipped the Mikey thing and went on to different things. A good idea but the way they pulled it off was horrible and disgustingly stupid. 0/0 or 0/0 stars.
Halloween 4 was a surprisingly good sequel, and had scares as well as atmosphere there. 7/10 or 3/4 stars.
Halloween 5 was a loud, dumb and boring sequel that got most of its rating from style 5/10 or 2/4 stars.
Halloween 6 was ridiculous but surprisingly entertaining and well-made. 6/10 or 2.5/4 stars.
Now comes Halloween: H20 which takes place 20 years later from the first film. I found it to be extremely smart and clever as well as scary and funny. When you watch it listen closely and you will understand why it is so good to me. It tells u alot and makes u think! 10/10 or 4/4 stars. A new classic!
Halloween II came out and was also awesome. It contained all the scares and cleverness the first had, yet it wanted to more or less make money than be in the theatres, but thats ok 9/10 or 3.5/4 stars.
Halloween III skipped the Mikey thing and went on to different things. A good idea but the way they pulled it off was horrible and disgustingly stupid. 0/0 or 0/0 stars.
Halloween 4 was a surprisingly good sequel, and had scares as well as atmosphere there. 7/10 or 3/4 stars.
Halloween 5 was a loud, dumb and boring sequel that got most of its rating from style 5/10 or 2/4 stars.
Halloween 6 was ridiculous but surprisingly entertaining and well-made. 6/10 or 2.5/4 stars.
Now comes Halloween: H20 which takes place 20 years later from the first film. I found it to be extremely smart and clever as well as scary and funny. When you watch it listen closely and you will understand why it is so good to me. It tells u alot and makes u think! 10/10 or 4/4 stars. A new classic!
20 May 1999
In 1977, George Lucas wrote and directed a masterpiece of modern cinema. 'Star Wars' revolutionized science fiction in a whole new way. Anyone who has seen it, knows, that it is a true classic. Making 460 million dollars, 'Star Wars' has stayed a very popular film with people. Some seeing it more than once when it came out. Some not even seeing it. but through 23 years, everyone has surely seen at least the first 'Star Wars' once. If you haven't seen it, go out and but it. For it's time, the special effects were spectacular, and took movie-goers by surprise, and amazed them. The story being about a young Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who has to try and free his not-then-known twin sister Princess Leia. With the help of his droid friends C-3PO, and R2-D2, and the young, and suave Hans Solo, they fight and try and save her.
In 1980, George Lucas returned with the spectacular sequel, 'The Empire Strikes Back', which has been hailed as the best sequel of all time, and even hailed as better than the original. To me, the first was better, but that's just my opinion. Of course, everyone liking the original, went and saw this one. It did not disappoint. The special effects were improved, the fight scenes vastly enhanced, and the acting somewhat above par. This is what made Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and especially Harrison Ford stars. Not just the Empire Strikes back, but the entire series, known then as 'The Star Wars Trilogy'. In this one, Luke has to fight the federatuon, as well as learning some dirty family secrets. Some of the most spectacular scenes in this are: The lightsaber fight which pits Luke vs. his Dad, and all the outer-space fights. This is a great film as well as a great sequel.
In 1983, George Lucas brought us the excellent sequel 'The Return of the Jedi' which most say is the least of the series. But I say it is the best. I thought this was a great way to end a series, and great way to begin one. He made the audiences wait 3 years, before he made a new one. And most were disappointed. But to me, the special effects, the action scenes, and humor was better the first two. The little ewoks, and characters in this movie were charming as they were neat. I thought the best scenes through the movie was the race in the woods, and every other scene in this movie. I love it all.
Now, in 1999, May 19th, we have the long awaited (16 years!) prequel, Episode I: The Phantom Menace. When I went into this movie, my heart was racing. I was humming the score of the movie, and I was ready! Alas I thought, I get to see the first 'Star Wars', my dad, my mom, my family saw the other ones when they came out. Now I, get to expierence it. Being a strong fan of the triolgy, I knew I would not be disppointed. The theatre grew dark, the audience sat up, all eyes locked on the screen. After the previews the words: 'A long, long time ago in a far away galaxy', came up, and then it started. Cheers came throughout the theatre as all the people were excited to see and hear this movie.
We go back to the very start, before Darth Vader ever was, before Luke Skywalker. Now we go to Ben Obi-Won Kanobi and his master. Ewan McGregor plays Obi-Won Kenobi, Liam Neeson, plays Qui-Gon Jinn, his Jedi master. The film starts out with them, going on a ship. Being reconized as Jedis they are quickly attacked by battle droids, soon to destory them, they escape, and meet a friend creature named Jar-Jar Binks. After they escape, they land on a planet known as 'Naboo' run by the Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman). This peaceul planet is being challenged by an evil federation, who wants to take over the planet. They free the queen and land on a planet, where they meet the young Annakin Skywalker. Who everyone will know soon as Darth Vader. Annakin is a slave, who builds stuff with his free time. From here, if I tell anymore, it will ruin the plot. But let's just say it's excellent. The ending, pitting the good vs. bad, is more than incredible, and I think has the best special effects ever made. The last scenes with all the shootings and lightsaver action is great. And will be hailed as some of the best special effects ever made.
If this were made as the first in the series, it would be hailed as an astonishing achievment of visual effects. Underwater cities, creatures that look as though they are there, ships that fly through the night sky, and lightsabers that look amazing. The action scenes in this movie, were absolutely incredible. The nonstop action in the movie, was amazing. And the sound, man the sound was awesome. If you see this movie, try and see it in a theatre with THX Sound or better. Because if not you will the whole expierience.
Most critics are saying now, the acting in this film was not that good. I strongly disagree, and say that all the people: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, and young Jake Lloyd, all did an excellent job playing their characters. We are also given the first look at some favorite characters. A not yet finished C-3PO, R2-D2, Jabba The Hut, Obi-Won Kenobi, and young Annakin Skywalker. Seeing this film you don't. To me you live it, and that's exactly how I felt throughout the entire film. I was amazed at the special effects. Stunned at the way George Lucas wrote and directed this movie. And all together, I loved it. I will see this movie more than once. And althought 'Titanic' was good, I hope this beats the heck out of it!! See this movie today, tomorrow, and more than once. You won't get tired of it. At least, I know I will be seeing it, and I won't get tired of it.
I give it a 10!
Rated PG for sci-fi action and violence.
In 1980, George Lucas returned with the spectacular sequel, 'The Empire Strikes Back', which has been hailed as the best sequel of all time, and even hailed as better than the original. To me, the first was better, but that's just my opinion. Of course, everyone liking the original, went and saw this one. It did not disappoint. The special effects were improved, the fight scenes vastly enhanced, and the acting somewhat above par. This is what made Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and especially Harrison Ford stars. Not just the Empire Strikes back, but the entire series, known then as 'The Star Wars Trilogy'. In this one, Luke has to fight the federatuon, as well as learning some dirty family secrets. Some of the most spectacular scenes in this are: The lightsaber fight which pits Luke vs. his Dad, and all the outer-space fights. This is a great film as well as a great sequel.
In 1983, George Lucas brought us the excellent sequel 'The Return of the Jedi' which most say is the least of the series. But I say it is the best. I thought this was a great way to end a series, and great way to begin one. He made the audiences wait 3 years, before he made a new one. And most were disappointed. But to me, the special effects, the action scenes, and humor was better the first two. The little ewoks, and characters in this movie were charming as they were neat. I thought the best scenes through the movie was the race in the woods, and every other scene in this movie. I love it all.
Now, in 1999, May 19th, we have the long awaited (16 years!) prequel, Episode I: The Phantom Menace. When I went into this movie, my heart was racing. I was humming the score of the movie, and I was ready! Alas I thought, I get to see the first 'Star Wars', my dad, my mom, my family saw the other ones when they came out. Now I, get to expierence it. Being a strong fan of the triolgy, I knew I would not be disppointed. The theatre grew dark, the audience sat up, all eyes locked on the screen. After the previews the words: 'A long, long time ago in a far away galaxy', came up, and then it started. Cheers came throughout the theatre as all the people were excited to see and hear this movie.
We go back to the very start, before Darth Vader ever was, before Luke Skywalker. Now we go to Ben Obi-Won Kanobi and his master. Ewan McGregor plays Obi-Won Kenobi, Liam Neeson, plays Qui-Gon Jinn, his Jedi master. The film starts out with them, going on a ship. Being reconized as Jedis they are quickly attacked by battle droids, soon to destory them, they escape, and meet a friend creature named Jar-Jar Binks. After they escape, they land on a planet known as 'Naboo' run by the Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman). This peaceul planet is being challenged by an evil federation, who wants to take over the planet. They free the queen and land on a planet, where they meet the young Annakin Skywalker. Who everyone will know soon as Darth Vader. Annakin is a slave, who builds stuff with his free time. From here, if I tell anymore, it will ruin the plot. But let's just say it's excellent. The ending, pitting the good vs. bad, is more than incredible, and I think has the best special effects ever made. The last scenes with all the shootings and lightsaver action is great. And will be hailed as some of the best special effects ever made.
If this were made as the first in the series, it would be hailed as an astonishing achievment of visual effects. Underwater cities, creatures that look as though they are there, ships that fly through the night sky, and lightsabers that look amazing. The action scenes in this movie, were absolutely incredible. The nonstop action in the movie, was amazing. And the sound, man the sound was awesome. If you see this movie, try and see it in a theatre with THX Sound or better. Because if not you will the whole expierience.
Most critics are saying now, the acting in this film was not that good. I strongly disagree, and say that all the people: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, and young Jake Lloyd, all did an excellent job playing their characters. We are also given the first look at some favorite characters. A not yet finished C-3PO, R2-D2, Jabba The Hut, Obi-Won Kenobi, and young Annakin Skywalker. Seeing this film you don't. To me you live it, and that's exactly how I felt throughout the entire film. I was amazed at the special effects. Stunned at the way George Lucas wrote and directed this movie. And all together, I loved it. I will see this movie more than once. And althought 'Titanic' was good, I hope this beats the heck out of it!! See this movie today, tomorrow, and more than once. You won't get tired of it. At least, I know I will be seeing it, and I won't get tired of it.
I give it a 10!
Rated PG for sci-fi action and violence.
Une nuit en enfer 2 : Le Prix du sang
(1999 Video)
18 May 1999
Man what a bad movie, first of all, this does not, i repeat DOES NOT deserve to have From Dusk Till Dawn before it. It had mostly nothing to do with the original. They showed the bad 'Titty Twister' 1 time! That's where all the action took place in the first, and this one has nothing there. Second, the story was very contrived. A group of friends, go to steal money from a bank or something. Who-hoo havent we seen that before? On the way there they get caught up in vampires, and most are turned into vampires. I have to say, the first is a classic, but this is a piece of crap. The only thing good in it, was having Brude Campbell and Tiffany Amber Thiessan in the opening sequence, which wasn't that big, but at least it was better the rest of the movie. Now to the acting, the only good performance is the lead character, and he really doesn't do that good of a job. The gore looked like rubber paint, it was plentiful, but seemed fake looking. There was also a gratuitous porn movie too, where the men watching it discuss the way they are having sex. By this time, I was already out of it, and really didn't notice it. The ending is especially stupid, and to a certain point looks like John Carpenter's 'Vampires'. Another thing I didn't like, was the fact that the vampires looked like something from the 'Island of Dr. Moreau' (or however you spell it). I know most of you are going to see it anyway, but I am telling you, you will be extremely disapointed, and want your money back. Heck, I told Blockbuster they needed to take this off the shelf because it was so bad. But if you want to see a SEQUEL, that has something to do with original. Wait until 'The Hangman's Daughter', which tells more about Salma Hayek's character. Early reviews say its pretty good. But as far as 'Texas Blood Money'? It's a pure waste of time. It should be retitled From Dusk Till I Puke 2: Texas Crap Money. 2 out of 10. (only cause the opening sequence was kinda cool) Rated for strong horror violence and gore, language, strong sexuality, and nudity.
(1997 TV Movie)
If they got their info right, it might HAVE been good
12 May 1999
Boy, did they have their info wrong in this movie. I live in Kansas City, MO, and first of all, we don't have a downtown that looks like that. Second we have no dam. Third, this is a stupid movie. Although it had mediocre FX, it was still a bad movie. 3 out of 10.
One Flew Over One of the Best Movies Ever Made!!! (And that person was me)
19 March 1999
First thing's first, while I watched this movie, I found myself stunned. This movie so entertained the viewer, as it did fascinate, and inform. A chilling, disturbing, and revealing look into the mental institutions as seen through the eyes of a con. Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher, Brad Dourif, Danny DeVito, and Christopher Lloyd, round out the excellent, and very well casted cast.
Jack Nicholson brilliantly plays Randall Patrick McMurphy, an ex-con, who fakes being mentally insane, to enter the institution. As he goes to the hospital, he doesn't realize, that the people, and the atmosphere there is so out there. The patients are really psycho, and creepy. Randall, must try and survive these days, before he has to go to Jail. He has to entertain himself while at the same time, find good in this place of craziness.
Lousie Fletcher plays Nurse Ratched, a soft; but strong willed nurse, who will not take anything from anyone, or put up with misbehavior. She watches Randall, and notices something different about him, he's not as psycho as the others, but he is a little out there. Her job is tough indeed, having to put up with all these men, who don't listen, some go crazy and throw fits, and others just sit there and don't do anything.
Randall meets many new friends in this place, Brad Dourif who plays Billy Bibbit, is a mentally unstable, but voluntarily institutionalized person. Danny DeVito plays Martini, a slow but charming and sweet man, who means know harm in what he does or say. Christopher Lloyd plays Taber, a man, who also voluntarily institutionalized himself. He also meets Chief, a big 'dumb, and deaf' Indian, who happens to like to play basketball. Randall must try and survive these days with his new friends, and the hospital, as well as an everlasting war as to which they can watch the world series on TV. Put up with Nurse Ratched, and the other patients, doctors, vistors, and nurses. Ultimately leading up to a dramatic finale, that makes you want to stand up and cheer.
I think what was best about this film was the realism. I had no problem believing that this was happening. Almost like a documentary, it was striking and powerful, making the viewer not want to stop watching till the end. Some of the sequences are memorable as the basketball game, and the fishing trip. Jack Nicholson, who as always plays his character absolutely excellent, and makes the viewer want to hand him an Oscar himself.
The supporting cast, Louise Fletcher, Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd, and Brad Dourif also give terrific performances. Danny, Christopher, and Brad's careers all were made with this superb movie. It's all sentimental, funny, dramatic, intense, chilling, disturbing, diverting, and tragic. The finale leaves the viewer stunned and sitting there thinking about what he just saw. See this film, and believe it. I think you will find, its one of the BEST ever.
The second film to win all five major Oscars: Best Picture, Best Actor (Nicholson), Best Actress (Fletcher), Director, and Screenplay. And it deserved all of them.
Rated R for language, violence, sexual content, and brief nudity.
Jack Nicholson brilliantly plays Randall Patrick McMurphy, an ex-con, who fakes being mentally insane, to enter the institution. As he goes to the hospital, he doesn't realize, that the people, and the atmosphere there is so out there. The patients are really psycho, and creepy. Randall, must try and survive these days, before he has to go to Jail. He has to entertain himself while at the same time, find good in this place of craziness.
Lousie Fletcher plays Nurse Ratched, a soft; but strong willed nurse, who will not take anything from anyone, or put up with misbehavior. She watches Randall, and notices something different about him, he's not as psycho as the others, but he is a little out there. Her job is tough indeed, having to put up with all these men, who don't listen, some go crazy and throw fits, and others just sit there and don't do anything.
Randall meets many new friends in this place, Brad Dourif who plays Billy Bibbit, is a mentally unstable, but voluntarily institutionalized person. Danny DeVito plays Martini, a slow but charming and sweet man, who means know harm in what he does or say. Christopher Lloyd plays Taber, a man, who also voluntarily institutionalized himself. He also meets Chief, a big 'dumb, and deaf' Indian, who happens to like to play basketball. Randall must try and survive these days with his new friends, and the hospital, as well as an everlasting war as to which they can watch the world series on TV. Put up with Nurse Ratched, and the other patients, doctors, vistors, and nurses. Ultimately leading up to a dramatic finale, that makes you want to stand up and cheer.
I think what was best about this film was the realism. I had no problem believing that this was happening. Almost like a documentary, it was striking and powerful, making the viewer not want to stop watching till the end. Some of the sequences are memorable as the basketball game, and the fishing trip. Jack Nicholson, who as always plays his character absolutely excellent, and makes the viewer want to hand him an Oscar himself.
The supporting cast, Louise Fletcher, Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd, and Brad Dourif also give terrific performances. Danny, Christopher, and Brad's careers all were made with this superb movie. It's all sentimental, funny, dramatic, intense, chilling, disturbing, diverting, and tragic. The finale leaves the viewer stunned and sitting there thinking about what he just saw. See this film, and believe it. I think you will find, its one of the BEST ever.
The second film to win all five major Oscars: Best Picture, Best Actor (Nicholson), Best Actress (Fletcher), Director, and Screenplay. And it deserved all of them.
Rated R for language, violence, sexual content, and brief nudity.
Rusty James
A spectacular movie, one of the best ever made
17 March 1999
'Rumble Fish' is one of the best movies ever made, its ability to move the viewer while both entertaining, and fascinating, is just one of the specialties of the movie. Its acting, story, directing, and camera shots are just amazing.
Matt Dillon plays Rusty James, a young man, who is faced with the shadow of his brother, played by Mickey Rourke, and trying to live up to that shadow.
Mickey Rourke (Although some say he's odd), plays his character 'The Motorcycle boy' quite well.Their father, played well by Dennis Hopper, is a drunk, who most of the time is at the local pub drinking his heart away, and never paying attention to the kids he has left.
Although it doesn't work completely, it ultimately ends in an abrupt finale, that is both heart wrenching as much as it is compelling.
The characters are very well made out, with none of them being muddled, or washed out. Matt Dillon and Mickey Rourke give superb performances as the two brothers on the run from their life. Nicholas Cage, and Dennis Hopper give excellent supporting cast as does Diane Lane as Matt Dillon's ex-girlfriend.
Francis Ford Coppola who directed classics such as The Godfather Trilogy, Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Apocalypse Now, and more, strikes this film with a block of cement almost. He adapted the screenplay from J. Hilton's book, which also is well-known. Francis does a great job-directing as he does writing, and I think which makes this film even more the better.
Some may cringe at the fact that the movie is black and white, but to me it makes it even more authentic, and you get so involved in the story, you don't even recognize that the movie is in black and white, and some of the sequences with the fish are in color, and again, you're so absorbed in the story, that you don't even realize that you're watching a color sequence. With
all these points, this film deserves all the credit it gets, and gets my pick as one of the best films ever made. See it, experience it, and relive it over and over. By the way, this is Matt Dillon's third J. Hilton film, and Francis Ford Coppola's second (following The Outsiders).
Rated R for language, violence, some sexuality, nudity, and drug content.
Matt Dillon plays Rusty James, a young man, who is faced with the shadow of his brother, played by Mickey Rourke, and trying to live up to that shadow.
Mickey Rourke (Although some say he's odd), plays his character 'The Motorcycle boy' quite well.Their father, played well by Dennis Hopper, is a drunk, who most of the time is at the local pub drinking his heart away, and never paying attention to the kids he has left.
Although it doesn't work completely, it ultimately ends in an abrupt finale, that is both heart wrenching as much as it is compelling.
The characters are very well made out, with none of them being muddled, or washed out. Matt Dillon and Mickey Rourke give superb performances as the two brothers on the run from their life. Nicholas Cage, and Dennis Hopper give excellent supporting cast as does Diane Lane as Matt Dillon's ex-girlfriend.
Francis Ford Coppola who directed classics such as The Godfather Trilogy, Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Apocalypse Now, and more, strikes this film with a block of cement almost. He adapted the screenplay from J. Hilton's book, which also is well-known. Francis does a great job-directing as he does writing, and I think which makes this film even more the better.
Some may cringe at the fact that the movie is black and white, but to me it makes it even more authentic, and you get so involved in the story, you don't even recognize that the movie is in black and white, and some of the sequences with the fish are in color, and again, you're so absorbed in the story, that you don't even realize that you're watching a color sequence. With
all these points, this film deserves all the credit it gets, and gets my pick as one of the best films ever made. See it, experience it, and relive it over and over. By the way, this is Matt Dillon's third J. Hilton film, and Francis Ford Coppola's second (following The Outsiders).
Rated R for language, violence, some sexuality, nudity, and drug content.
Great fun, great humor, and all together just great
13 March 1999
Wes Craven produced this stylish, well-made, and extremely gory, and great movie. When I first saw this, my expectations were low, because people had said it was pretty bad. But I must say, it exceeded my expectations, and was a good, scary, and gory movie. Well-worth the watch, Wishmaster has become to me, a camp classic, and one of my favorites.
The movie starts out about 3,000 years ago, and gives us a message on what Djinn's are. What is a Djinn? Read on and you will learn. In the opening sequence, an ancient king has wished to have the best party in history. Well the Djinn (Played devilishly good by Andrew Divoff) is best described as a smarta--, and the wishes he grants backfires on the people who are wishing it. In this case, all the people at the party come to gruesome deaths, some turn into lizards, another has his skeleton come completely out of his skin, and his skeleton walks around attacking people. Another has something coming out of his stomach, and one gets smacked against the wall. The wizard, comes in and tells the king to stop before he makes his last wish, which would make the Djinn be able to take over the world. The wizard takes the jewel (too which the Djinn lives) and commands he goes back in, he does, and stays there for 3,000 years.
Then we see a statue, being delivered to a man named Raymond Beaumont (Robert Englund, best known as Freddy Kruegar). He has bought a new statue to put in his collection at his museum-house. While the statue is being lowered, the crane operator spills his coffee on the controls, and drops the statue on a man below, causing it to bust in pieces. One of the construction workers spots a jewel, and takes it out and puts it in his pocket.
The man brings the jewel to a museum to which Alexander Amberson (Tammy Lauren) works. She investigates the jewel, and tries to find out how old the jewel itself is. She asks her friend Chris Lemmon (Nick Merrit), a jewel anologist to find out how old, and what kind of jewel it is. When he puts the jewel into the computer to be analyzed the laser hitting ther jewel causes the jewel to explode as well as the cpu, and injures Chris. The Djinn is now released, and asks Chris, if he wants the pain to go away, Chris wishes it away, and it does, but so does Chris's life. The Djinn is now free to find the one that released him to which that is Alexandra.
He takes human form as Nathaniel Demerest, and goes out to ask people what they wish to do or not to do. And if they wish, they die. Say one wishes that his enemy would get cancer, and he grants his wish, and his enemy dies of cancer. A woman, wishes that she would have eternal beauty, and turns into a manequinn.
The Djinn, who was released by Alexandra, makes her see all that he does. If he kills she sees, if they wish she sees, and has to live it all up. She has to proctect herself, as well as her sister from this evil Djinn, and try to make him not take over the world. Nathaniel, then goes to the party to which Raymond is at, and of course Raymond wishes to have a party that will go down in history, and he does (I won't spoil it). Alexandra must now, find out how to defeat this Wishmaster without dying herself, or her friends. Her final thought of defeating him is brilliant.
As is the movie, I found myself entertained to the limit. I found no flaws, no gratitous gore, and no dumb story. Andrew Divoff who plays Wishmaster, and Nathaniel Demerest, does a brilliant performance, and a wicked one at that. And really gets into his performance, mixing with with terror. As does Tammy Lauren, she does a great job as her character, and gets realistically into it. Robert Englund (Who as always) plays his character well.
As the movie itself? It had some great suspense sequences, most coming toward the end, and a really high count of graphic violence/gore. But what got me the most, was how fun the movie was. It was never flawed, never boring, nor was it stupid. The make-up effects on Andrew Divoff, spectacular. And the gore effects, with people being ripped open, and one gets his mouth ripped off, this is definitely not for the squeamish. But, But, If you are a horror fan, who loves fun movies, this is one for you, believe me, I don't think you'll be let down.
Just great!!
A 10!! Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, and for language.
The movie starts out about 3,000 years ago, and gives us a message on what Djinn's are. What is a Djinn? Read on and you will learn. In the opening sequence, an ancient king has wished to have the best party in history. Well the Djinn (Played devilishly good by Andrew Divoff) is best described as a smarta--, and the wishes he grants backfires on the people who are wishing it. In this case, all the people at the party come to gruesome deaths, some turn into lizards, another has his skeleton come completely out of his skin, and his skeleton walks around attacking people. Another has something coming out of his stomach, and one gets smacked against the wall. The wizard, comes in and tells the king to stop before he makes his last wish, which would make the Djinn be able to take over the world. The wizard takes the jewel (too which the Djinn lives) and commands he goes back in, he does, and stays there for 3,000 years.
Then we see a statue, being delivered to a man named Raymond Beaumont (Robert Englund, best known as Freddy Kruegar). He has bought a new statue to put in his collection at his museum-house. While the statue is being lowered, the crane operator spills his coffee on the controls, and drops the statue on a man below, causing it to bust in pieces. One of the construction workers spots a jewel, and takes it out and puts it in his pocket.
The man brings the jewel to a museum to which Alexander Amberson (Tammy Lauren) works. She investigates the jewel, and tries to find out how old the jewel itself is. She asks her friend Chris Lemmon (Nick Merrit), a jewel anologist to find out how old, and what kind of jewel it is. When he puts the jewel into the computer to be analyzed the laser hitting ther jewel causes the jewel to explode as well as the cpu, and injures Chris. The Djinn is now released, and asks Chris, if he wants the pain to go away, Chris wishes it away, and it does, but so does Chris's life. The Djinn is now free to find the one that released him to which that is Alexandra.
He takes human form as Nathaniel Demerest, and goes out to ask people what they wish to do or not to do. And if they wish, they die. Say one wishes that his enemy would get cancer, and he grants his wish, and his enemy dies of cancer. A woman, wishes that she would have eternal beauty, and turns into a manequinn.
The Djinn, who was released by Alexandra, makes her see all that he does. If he kills she sees, if they wish she sees, and has to live it all up. She has to proctect herself, as well as her sister from this evil Djinn, and try to make him not take over the world. Nathaniel, then goes to the party to which Raymond is at, and of course Raymond wishes to have a party that will go down in history, and he does (I won't spoil it). Alexandra must now, find out how to defeat this Wishmaster without dying herself, or her friends. Her final thought of defeating him is brilliant.
As is the movie, I found myself entertained to the limit. I found no flaws, no gratitous gore, and no dumb story. Andrew Divoff who plays Wishmaster, and Nathaniel Demerest, does a brilliant performance, and a wicked one at that. And really gets into his performance, mixing with with terror. As does Tammy Lauren, she does a great job as her character, and gets realistically into it. Robert Englund (Who as always) plays his character well.
As the movie itself? It had some great suspense sequences, most coming toward the end, and a really high count of graphic violence/gore. But what got me the most, was how fun the movie was. It was never flawed, never boring, nor was it stupid. The make-up effects on Andrew Divoff, spectacular. And the gore effects, with people being ripped open, and one gets his mouth ripped off, this is definitely not for the squeamish. But, But, If you are a horror fan, who loves fun movies, this is one for you, believe me, I don't think you'll be let down.
Just great!!
A 10!! Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, and for language.
Smart, stylish, sleek, and scary, a good Halloween sequel
12 March 1999
One can love or one can hate Halloween 5. But me, I'm in between. I thought the movie was technically well-made, with a great opening title sequence and moments of true suspense. A pointless, but entertaining sequel, is what Halloween 5 is best described as. But while watching the film, I found it is a worthy and pretty good Halloween installment, marked by good performances especially by Danielle Harris, and as usual Donald Pleasence.
The opening sequence is quite clever, with a Michael Myers, slicing and dicing his way through the credits, but slicing a pumpkin. They show the ending of Halloween 4, which shows Mike trying to get in the truck, to which Jamie Lloyd and her stepsister, Rache; are in. They stop, he falls, and stands back up. The police shoot him, and think he is dead. Jamie goes and checks, but Michael grabs Jamie, and the police shoot again, and he falls to his death into a mine shaft. But alas, he's not dead.
After the horror and the ending of Halloween 4, young Jamie Lloyd, is in a hospital, and bed-ridden. Still having nightmares about that terrifying night, she still thinks Michael Myers isn't dead, and is coming after her once again to kill her. Dr. Loomis, whose character seems a bit odd in this movie, still is trying to help young Lloyd get away from Mike, and he knows she can sense what he is doing.
Michael who is still alive, goes and terrorizes Rachel, and stalks her in her house while she takes a shower. Jamie can sense something is going to happen, and Loomis tries to call her, and she answers, and finds out what Jamie is thinking, she goes and looks, and behold The Shape is there. Well there's Mike's first death.
After that, and no one notices that she's dead. Tina, Rachel's best friend, has a costume party to go to and promises Jamie, that Michael will not be there. But of course he is, and he terrorizes and slaughters teens.
Tina, and Rachel, along with a boy from the hospital she is in, have to go up against Michael Myers and all his terror, only to find, he's actually a sensitive guy, which you find out, when Jamie begs for her life, and big Mike cries.
With Jamie's telekentic persona to her uncle, she, Tina, the boy, and Dr.Loomis, and find out, who and where he is going to kill next. Leading up to a suspenseful finale, and a shocking, but routine ending. And leaves it wide open for Halloween 6.
The performances are credible, with the lead by Danielle Harris, like Halloween 4, she does a good job as her tortured by her uncle character. If you haven't seen Halloween 4 here is who she is. Jamie Lloyd is Laurie Strode's daughter (Jamie Lee Curtis from H1 and H2). Laurie Strode died, and Lloyd was adopted, to a family. How they killed or mentions how Laurie Stode died, I don't remember.
Donald Pleasence gives a good, but uneven performance as the imfamous Dr. Loomis, who like in the last 3 tracks down Michael Myers, using Jamies pyschic powers. Although he played his character best in the first and second Halloween, in 4 he did a good job, and in this he does too, but he seems weird, or underacting. He sadly only played Dr. Loomis one more time in Halloween 6 before dying.
The other supporting performances by Ellie Cornell who plays Rachel, and Wendy Kaplan who plays Tina, they do give some good performances, that are even, and interesting. But I think the stand-out is Danielle Harris, who is probably the most even performance of the movie, and the most realistic.
Some of the sequences I liked to, like the opening. The hospital sequence with the laundry shoot, was original, and quite suspenseful. The Barn, and the last car sequences, were also credible and suspenseful. Now the film itself, was well-made, and stylish, it's also a bit far-fetched and overly done, but still it's a good movie, and merits its award of being a worthy Halloween sequel. See it for fun, no more.
7 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, and for some sexuality.
The opening sequence is quite clever, with a Michael Myers, slicing and dicing his way through the credits, but slicing a pumpkin. They show the ending of Halloween 4, which shows Mike trying to get in the truck, to which Jamie Lloyd and her stepsister, Rache; are in. They stop, he falls, and stands back up. The police shoot him, and think he is dead. Jamie goes and checks, but Michael grabs Jamie, and the police shoot again, and he falls to his death into a mine shaft. But alas, he's not dead.
After the horror and the ending of Halloween 4, young Jamie Lloyd, is in a hospital, and bed-ridden. Still having nightmares about that terrifying night, she still thinks Michael Myers isn't dead, and is coming after her once again to kill her. Dr. Loomis, whose character seems a bit odd in this movie, still is trying to help young Lloyd get away from Mike, and he knows she can sense what he is doing.
Michael who is still alive, goes and terrorizes Rachel, and stalks her in her house while she takes a shower. Jamie can sense something is going to happen, and Loomis tries to call her, and she answers, and finds out what Jamie is thinking, she goes and looks, and behold The Shape is there. Well there's Mike's first death.
After that, and no one notices that she's dead. Tina, Rachel's best friend, has a costume party to go to and promises Jamie, that Michael will not be there. But of course he is, and he terrorizes and slaughters teens.
Tina, and Rachel, along with a boy from the hospital she is in, have to go up against Michael Myers and all his terror, only to find, he's actually a sensitive guy, which you find out, when Jamie begs for her life, and big Mike cries.
With Jamie's telekentic persona to her uncle, she, Tina, the boy, and Dr.Loomis, and find out, who and where he is going to kill next. Leading up to a suspenseful finale, and a shocking, but routine ending. And leaves it wide open for Halloween 6.
The performances are credible, with the lead by Danielle Harris, like Halloween 4, she does a good job as her tortured by her uncle character. If you haven't seen Halloween 4 here is who she is. Jamie Lloyd is Laurie Strode's daughter (Jamie Lee Curtis from H1 and H2). Laurie Strode died, and Lloyd was adopted, to a family. How they killed or mentions how Laurie Stode died, I don't remember.
Donald Pleasence gives a good, but uneven performance as the imfamous Dr. Loomis, who like in the last 3 tracks down Michael Myers, using Jamies pyschic powers. Although he played his character best in the first and second Halloween, in 4 he did a good job, and in this he does too, but he seems weird, or underacting. He sadly only played Dr. Loomis one more time in Halloween 6 before dying.
The other supporting performances by Ellie Cornell who plays Rachel, and Wendy Kaplan who plays Tina, they do give some good performances, that are even, and interesting. But I think the stand-out is Danielle Harris, who is probably the most even performance of the movie, and the most realistic.
Some of the sequences I liked to, like the opening. The hospital sequence with the laundry shoot, was original, and quite suspenseful. The Barn, and the last car sequences, were also credible and suspenseful. Now the film itself, was well-made, and stylish, it's also a bit far-fetched and overly done, but still it's a good movie, and merits its award of being a worthy Halloween sequel. See it for fun, no more.
7 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, and for some sexuality.
True Lies : Le Caméléon
A fun, fast-paced, violent, funny, action film
26 February 1999
Spiked with great performances, this was a great film. It was funny all through, thrilling all through, and just plain good. Jamie Lee and Arnold are great. 9 out of 10. Rated R for violence, language, and sensuality.
My Girl 2 - Copain, copine
A pleasant way to waste a couple of hours
26 February 1999
This wasn't a bad film, although it was kinda pointless, it did play itself well, and had great acting. Jamie Lee, Anna, and Dan, are still great as they reprise their role. See it just to waste some time. 6.5 out of 10.
(I) (1998)
It's not meant to be a triumph, just meant to entertain, and that's what it did.
23 February 1999
Well I liked it
22 February 1999
A HUGE improvement over part 4, this was a hip, smart, funny, and scary Halloween sequel. The story has from the first film the young Jame Lloyd, the daughter of the deseased Laurie Strode. Like in the first, Michael Myers was going after her to kill her, and in this one, it starts from the last, and she's in a hospital recovering from what happened to her, little does she know Mike is still alive, and is coming after her. The movie itself, was pretty pointless, but unlike the 4th, it was scary, hip, smart, and funny. I liked it, and if you're a true Halloween fan, you will too. 7 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, and for some sexuality.
Halloween, 20 ans après
Hands down.......the best since the first
10 February 1999
Halloween: H20 is from the writer of Scream, Scream 2, I Know What You Did Last Summer, and The Faculty. You can tell that cause of the opening sequence, starts out like Scream, someone gets killed 3 that is. Then it goes to a board with newspaper clippings of what has happened in the last films. It has Donald Pleasence's voice talking, which makes up for him not being there. People say, the film ignores parts 4-6, but thats not necessarily true, don't you think that Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) tried to forget about her daughter's death? Anyway, the movie reunites Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode, and her brother Michael Myers. Jamie Lee Curtis is now living in California tormented by memories of what happened in the past. Little does she know, Mike is alive, little does he know, so is she. She is the head mistress of a school, where her 17 year old son goes (Josh Hartnett). Michael decides to show up, and give a little company to her son, killing him....he's 17, get the gist? The climatic last half, gets somewhat intense although, it's not as good as the original classic, it's the best sequel in the series, therefore the best in since the first. I recommend it. A 10!!! Rated R for horror violence/gore and language.
A fair Halloween sequel
10 February 1999
Actually, this was a pretty good Halloween flick, that is under rated. Although it didn't make much sense, and was overly gory (which I like), it was still good. The story has Michael returning to Haddonfield to kill the people who live in his house. Well the old Myers house, someone has bought it and is living in it. This movie has some of the best killing scenes and very bloody results.
My fav: When the guy's head explodes, that was awesome. Now in the opening sequence, Michaels niece, who escapes from the mental institution, has a baby, and is trying to hide it from Michael. She does, he kills her, and he can't find his nephew. The boy from the first, Tommy the boy who Laurie Strode babysitted, find the kid, and takes him in. Inevitably Michael goes after him, tries to kill him. Some of the sequences are a letdown, as is the ending, but over-all it's a good Halloween installment. 6 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, some language, brief sexuality and nudity.
My fav: When the guy's head explodes, that was awesome. Now in the opening sequence, Michaels niece, who escapes from the mental institution, has a baby, and is trying to hide it from Michael. She does, he kills her, and he can't find his nephew. The boy from the first, Tommy the boy who Laurie Strode babysitted, find the kid, and takes him in. Inevitably Michael goes after him, tries to kill him. Some of the sequences are a letdown, as is the ending, but over-all it's a good Halloween installment. 6 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, some language, brief sexuality and nudity.
Le Bazaar de l'épouvante
The acting is the only highlight in this disappointing movie
10 February 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Needful Things is a horror movie that you can love, hate, or in between, thats where I am. The movie cast Ed Harris as the town sheriff investigating the strange going-ons after people leave a new store cleverly titled 'Needful Things'. Whats happening you ask? Well once someone buys something, they do something of someone else's nature. Odd, but you have to see the film to understand it. One kid buys a baseball card, and uses apples to break out windows, like a baseball player would, and then another woman who bought a statue got blamed for it, because it was the house of which the woman, who said she'd kill her dog, it was hers. Whew, confusing I thought. The man who runs the store, is a little devilish (hint hint).
And all the stuff he sells, afterwards horrific results come after. Now the film started out well, and at times its really good, but there is too many boring, dull, and lame parts that ruin what could have been a good movie. I do have to give credit to the actors, who do a fine job of acting, which is above par for a horror movie. But I also found myself bored in parts, and ultimately wishing the movie was over. Based on a Stephen King book, it is a vivid adaption, one of the best adaptions, but it doesn't live up to anything King has done before.
Too many boring parts, too many lulls in the story, and too good of a cast wasted in a horror film, that after a while makes no sense. The reason I gave it a 5 is because in parts it is good, but in others it's bad, leading up to a disappointingly un-climatic ending, superb acting though. See if to waste time, only if you have nothing else to do. 5 out of 10. Rated R for violence and language.
And all the stuff he sells, afterwards horrific results come after. Now the film started out well, and at times its really good, but there is too many boring, dull, and lame parts that ruin what could have been a good movie. I do have to give credit to the actors, who do a fine job of acting, which is above par for a horror movie. But I also found myself bored in parts, and ultimately wishing the movie was over. Based on a Stephen King book, it is a vivid adaption, one of the best adaptions, but it doesn't live up to anything King has done before.
Too many boring parts, too many lulls in the story, and too good of a cast wasted in a horror film, that after a while makes no sense. The reason I gave it a 5 is because in parts it is good, but in others it's bad, leading up to a disappointingly un-climatic ending, superb acting though. See if to waste time, only if you have nothing else to do. 5 out of 10. Rated R for violence and language.
A mind-numbing sequel, one of the worst Halloween's
10 February 1999
I had high hopes for this movie, I was expecting from all the hype to see a movie that was the best of the series......ugh, I saw one of the worst of the series, sure the movie was technically well-made, but it offers no scares, or any fun that the first one had. Michael has returned out of the 10 year coma he was in after the fire, he goes and looks for his niece who is the daughter of Laurie Strode(!), wants to killer her. Donald Pleasence who revives his character, is prob the best thing in this movie, as always. Danielle Harris, who plays the little girl Michael is after, is exceptionally well in her role. But that doesn't cover up for a bad movie, that starts well, but after a while gets, well downright boring! I dunno u might like it, I didn't. 2 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, brief sexuality, nudity, and language.
Psychose III
Pointless, but Anthony makes it go round...
10 February 1999
Extremely disappointing sequel, that starts out odd, and never gets any better. This one has a woman, who is blonde, comes in search of a place to stay, of course she goes to the Bates Motel. A man, who is played by Jeff Fahey, is stalking her, and finally gets to her at the motel. Now what happens after that, see the film. Anthony Perkins reprises his role once again, as Norman Bates in a role, which he doesn't take too seriously to me, and he did do a good job of directing the film, but not good enough. The man who is played by Jeff Fahey, starts terrorizing Norman, by teasing him with stuff, as the body of his mother, to which he is now personating....again. To me the movie is a semi-remake of the original, but it has no impact the first has, and is just to me a bloody remake, with too much unnecessary and gratuitous gore, sex, and nudity. So the only reason I gave this movie a 5, is because of Anthony Perkins, he makes it watchable, although it's not his best role, it's worth seeing for him. 5 out of 10. Rated R for strong violence, language, sexuality, and nudity.
10 February 1999
Blah, this was a horrible movie, that had no plot, bad acting, gratuitous gore, no scares, no wit, and definitely no impact the first 2 had. Need I say more? Avoid this one! 0 out of 10. Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, language, some sexuality, and nudity.
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