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No Razor's Edge
24 September 2005
I have the deluxe Live Album of the same concert and I watched this and was greatly saddened to see that the Live version of Razor's Edge was NOT included on the DVD.

I was crushed but overall, one of the best concerts I have ever seen. You can feel the audience's reactions the best during the opening of Thunderstruck.

Anghus Young plays the true axe-man role here and you can just see his seemingly endless energy here over and over again during every song! Amazing performance overall!

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9 January 2004
From the opening scene of seeing Jack, Kelly and the mysterious Aimee Osbourne as they were before the days of *&^%, *%$&%, *&%^%$, this documentary has it all. A true glance at seeing Ozzy, before his shaking and slurring and seeing him tackling personal issues, such as the "Suicide Solution" controversy, the death of Randy Rhoads, the biting of the bat, the biting of the dove, p***ing on the Alamo etc... There are a lot of celebrity faces in this show and some great insights given from Alice Cooper, Motley Crue and one or two members of the original Black Sabbath. Also contains rare Sabbath footage (Nativity in Black sung in Paris), a few television appearances... As a real treat, at the end of the documentary, you get to see the long-forgotten music video for "No More Tears", a truly amazing video which features a cameo by Kelly Osbourne. So definately check this out! You won't regret it!
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See this film on it's Soundtrack Merit only
26 August 2003
I saw this film when I was a teen living in Great Britain and for some really odd unexplainable reason, the soundtrack has still stuck with me. The song played during the credits, "Ice-House - Great Southern Land" is by far one of my all time favorite songs. I found the soundtrack on Amazon a few years back and i play it regulary. The film itself isn't the greatest but I do enjoy watching the "Journey to the Mainland", not just for the song but for the amazing camera work and scenery. Yahoo Serious' career never really took off and he's kinda like Carrot Top. You either love him or you hate him.
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A Masterpiece that I fear will be overlooked!
16 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler There was a sneak screening of Kathryn Bigalow's "K-19 : The Widowmaker" at the North Island United States Naval Air Base in San Diego, California last night and today and I was privileged to watch this film.

First of let me say this, I was very weary to go into a film with both two fine actors (and both Star Wars Alumni) Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson doing their best to hide Irish and American accents respectively, with Russian ones but I must admit the following...

"K-19" is an amazing film. Sure it has it's plot holes, I mean heck what movie doesn't these days but as a Naval Submarine film acting on material that has been done before (Crimson Tide, Hunt for Red October, U-571 and Das Boot), it is a stand alone excellent film with lots of heart and patriotism, (for Russia I must add).

Harrison Ford's character is a complicated one as you don't know where his true intentions and loyalty lie from time to time in the film and maybe that worked in the roles favor by adding mystery?? But Harrison played the crucial moments very well and I was most impressed with his job in this film. This sounds very early now but for the first time i think Ford may have actually found a film that could get him that Golden Dude that he has deserved for so long! I hope the Academy does not shy from this film or his performance. To do so would be a crime.

Liam Neeson seems to have been given the 'Star Wars - Episode I - I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and I am your servant standing in the background' treatment as his character really has trouble finding a piece of the pie to really hold on to. He really needed some gripping dialouge to keep his character interesting. Only at the end does he add some mystique of his own to the film. All through the film he talks of mutiny and his crews loyalty only to himself and how Ford's character is not as good as him but at a crucial part in the film, he for some reasons defies all logic and does the opposite of what we would have expected. This I did not understand. The scenes with him and Ford facing off, (ala Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman) give the film serious punch when some is needed!

The Special Effects were awesome and the soundtrack was moving but I must give props to one part of the film in particular and that was the final closing scene..***SPOILERS*** with Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson re-uniting with his surviving crew after 28 years of silence. I don't say this often but there was not a dry eye in the house.

Overall I give this film 8 stars out of 10. Kudos to Ford and Bigelow for making my Sunday afternoon enjoyable.
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Coyote Girls (2000)
Interesting. A PG-13 Table-Dance!
5 August 2000
Well to put it quite plainly, I've seen better but I was amazed mainly by the leads storyline. While the other Coyote girls were not really given a backstory, I was rather impressed at how the Director just chose to stay focused on Violet's character and her relationship with her dad (a rather impressive Blue-Collar performance by John Goodman), her boyfriend, and the other Coyotes. All in all I'll just say this....Not bad for a Bruckheimer film.
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Gladiator (2000)
One of the most Realistic Depictions Ever of Tyranny and Heroism
8 May 2000
First let me say this. Russell Crowe kicked serious butt in this film. From his excellent Sword-work to his well-tuned voice, he more than accuratly portrayed a man tormented by the loss of his Emperor, the loss of his family, and the loss of his freedom, both to Slavery and a Tyrannical Dictator.

The film looked very authentic, ranging from the gruesome but realistic battles and Gladiator matches to showing what Ancient Rome might have looked like at the height of it's power and glory.

If I sat on the Academy, I would have to definately give this film a lot of nominations for Best Picture, Director, and Actor. I loved the script and that should be given a lot of credit if not a Nomination.

My hat goes off to director Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe. Well Done.
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Never in my life have I tried so hard not to cry.
13 December 1999
Of all the films I have saw this year, (Episode I set aside) this had to be the most powerful, moving cinematic event of the year. It had humor, a strong cast, moving script, sweeping score, and of course, a tight plot!

Tom Hanks. Let me just say this. Give him the Best Actor Oscar and say thanks to everyone else who was nominated. The only other actor who could come close to beating this performance was Kevin Spacey.

This truly made my top ten favorites list of all time. It's a shame that the voting scale only let's you go to ten.

Well done to the crew and cast.

Out of 10.............15/10.
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Sexcrimes (1998)
Very, Very twisting!
2 December 1999
I saw this film for the first time a couple of nights ago and I felt that although this film did drag at certain parts, it was truly justified with it's sexy scenes of intrigue, suspense and down-right cruelty.

Very, Very interesting!

Out of 10..........7/10.

Denise Richards was actually good for once.
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American Pie (1999)
Very Original. You'll never look at Apple Pie quite the same way!
30 November 1999
Of all the movies I saw in the summer of '99 (Austin Powers 2 aside) the most funniest film I saw had to be American Pie. It was definately the `There's Something about Mary' of 1999. The young cast pulled it of nicely with great one-liners, original jokes and of course.....the apple pie scene. That scene will go down in history as being one of the funniest comedy pieces ever.

I am definately going to buy the DVD-Unrated version for even more laughs for I am not a strong believer in editing.

Out of 10...........9/10
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One of the best romantic comedies in years!
30 November 1999
Let me just say this. I thought that Notting Hill WAS the best romantic COMEDY in the nineties. It was original, it was genuine, and it was heartfelt. I think that it was a major score for both the lovely Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, a man I wish I could be. Excellent supporting characters helped make this film even more original.

Riddler's note: The Welsh are not like that at all! I should know!

It was good to see some of London again and I think that the Director did a fantastic job with the script, the location and the all around movie.

A definate 10 out of 10!!!
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Ronin (1998)
The Greatest Car Chase film of ALL-TIME!
30 November 1999
I mean that truly. How many films show great actors like Robert De Niro and Jean Reno doing what they do best and still be able to pull off some of the greatest chase stunts ever shot on film.

The film itself is excellent with a great cast and surprising plot twists. If your a person who likes a little gunplay action, then this is definately the movie for you. my only opinion to you is this. If you watch this film..rent it on DVD and watch it in Widescreen VERY VERY LOUD! That is for the best results.

Out of 10.............9 and a 1/2.
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Watching paint dry was more interesting!
30 November 1999
Seriously. How can you take three fine actors and convince them to do a stupid, no point made movie?

If you can do that then you need to go out and sell some vacuum cleaners and make some real money.

Will Smith was wasted totally in this film as James West. The beautiful Selma Hayek, always a pleasure to watch was dreadful and dull in this feature and the magnificent Kenneth Branaugh, was a true dud in this movie.

The only enjoyable thing about this so-called-film was Kevin Kline who is always enjoyable to watch and I feel I must tip my hat to him. He was able to work with a no-brainer script and still pull off a great character.

I feel I was cheated and I even got my free movie pass back from the theater I saw it at.

Out of 10...............1/10! The worst score I have ever given yet.
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Excellent Brain Food!
30 November 1999
I've seen some pretty stupid films in my time but I must say that this one ranks right up there.

Yet, I really enjoyed it. It was so stupid that you had to laugh. I loved Lord Orlocks last words,

"I'll see you in the sequel!"

How can you not laugh at that. I especially loved the rock stars opening music video, "Just give me action." It was just to funny.

Once again, Excellent brain food!

Out of 10............9/10
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A great film...Not an Academy Award or anything though yet still a good film.
30 November 1999
I saw this film a couple of years ago and it still remains to be one of my most favorite monster/comedy films of all time.

It has an easy to follow plot, people you can root for and some pretty good special effects. If your a real monster film buff, you'll enjoy some good trivia throughout.

A good score for all involved.

Out of 10..........9/10
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A Masterpiece of Dark Comedy and Suspense.
22 November 1999
I have to take my hat off AGAIN to Tim Burton. Sleepy Hollow was a superior piece of work that blended dark scenery, dark humor that only true Burton fans appreciate, and a web of betrayal, deceit, and true mayhem and murder (not to mention some fantastic martial arts work by former Sith Lord turned Headless Horseman, Ray Park.) Ian McDiarmid, a truly under-rated actor was fantastic as the mysterious Doctor and of course, Kudos go to Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci, who portrayed their roles beyond belief. Out of 10.........8/10.
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One of the best Bond outings EVER!
22 November 1999
The World has never been enough for James Bond. Being British myself, I have to say that this was one of the most exciting Bond adventures and ranks right up there with `From Russia with Love' and `GoldenEye'. Pierce Brosnan is by far one of the greatest of the Bond's. He portrays the role with such dignity that fans sometimes forget about Connery and Moore. This was a great victory for Brosnan and also along the way, a similar victory for Robert Carlyle and goddess, Sophia Marceau (One of the best Bond ladies of ALL TIME!)

Although I do miss some of the great one-liners of the past Bond films, I did enjoy John Cleese and the gentleman who played `Q' (I never can spell his name correctly). Dame Judi Dench is fantastic in her role again as `M' and I must say this before I end. Denise Richards....Please don't do another film like this again!

Out of 10...............9/10. James Bond will return!
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Alice Cooper: The Nightmare (1975 TV Movie)
A Musical Masterpiece. It's Alice doing what he does best!
22 November 1999
This is by far one of the Great Alice Cooper concerts. If there ever was a showman who was able to cast murder, mayhem and some damn good rock and roll into one thing then Alice Cooper was that man. From Guillotines to stranglings, Alice knows what the crowd is wanting he gives them that ten-fold.

I have had the honor of actually seeing Alice Live not once..but six times in concert. Better to see the show live but video is almost just as good.

Out of 10..........10/10!
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Jeanne d'Arc (1999)
Not quite as good as The Messenger, but better than some TV Movies!
19 November 1999
I saw this film last night and I must say that it wasn't quite as good as The Messenger but it held it's own quite the same. I just don't think that they can find anyone who can play the role of King Charles. Malkovich didn't do it and Neil Patrick Harris certainly didn't do it well. Leelee Sobieski did a fantastic job as Joan but lacked some of Jovonich's fire that was seen in Messenger. Yet, I felt with the above stated excused, that Leelee did a better job as Joan. Peter O'Toole did a fantastic job and should get at least a Golden Globe nomination for his work.

Out of ten................9/10.
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Jeanne d'Arc (1999)
One of the True Epics
19 November 1999
The Messenger was by far one of the true Epics of the late nineties. The Actors in this film had great dialog. I think that the Medieval Battle Scenes were some of the greatest ever shot. Dustin Hoffman should be up for an Academy Award for his brief but powerful performance and the Conscience. Supremly Powerful acting there. Though I must say that John Malkovich was poorly cast as the King. It was just not a role for him. The Soundtrack is powerful. Not to sound sick but the music that was played during her execution was powerful and added well to the emotion of the scene.

All in all...I give this film. 9/10.
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Haute Voltige (1999)
Great first half. Definate Fiction all the way!
19 November 1999
I must admit it. I think Catherine Zeta-Jones is a goddess. Yet I feel that this movie did not help her career. She was mis-used for this role by far and that didn't help the plot at all. Like I said, the first half was excellent and the second half where they get to Asia is pure fiction. No-one could ever pull off a heist like that in a day and a half. Sean Connery, not-so-fantastic in this role, did help set the realism (if any) for the first half which I must say was shot magnificently in Scotland. His age did not help his character.


P.S. Mr. Connery. Please at least read the script and say no to the next idiot who offers you a movie like this. Your way above this kind of garbage.
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A Classic for the Future. A true masterpiece!
19 November 1999
I'll put it to you all very plainly. Episode I was by far the second greatest Star Wars movie ever. Only three things could have killed it. 1. Jar Jar Binks. A true plague that has been placed upon the TRUE fans of the series. Hopefully he will be dealt with severely in Episode II.

2. Queen Amidala. He dialog was poor and her acting was not as good as it could have been. I have seen her act way better than that.

And finally...

3. The Script! By far one of the worst that has ever been developed! I have seen B movies with better scripts! I hope George doesn't write the next one. Give it to someone who could produce a Silence of the Lambs or Schindler's List quality script.

The Lightsaber duel was by far the best. Ray Park was a master at work. Ian McDiarmid was agin perfectly cast as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious. He is a really under-rated actor. Liam Neeson was the man. Definate Oscar role for him here. And finally..Ewan McGregor. By far the perfect choice for Obi-Wan.

All in All.........10/10. I hope Episode II hurries up!
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An extraordinary tribute to the Men who fought to save our World.
19 November 1999
Saving Private Ryan is by far one of the Greatest Films of All time. (Second only to Star Wars, no offense) Tom Hanks out-did himself as Captain Miller and I have the up-most respect for my idol in life, Mr. Steven Spielberg. He used every measure in his power to make the opening sequence of D-Day as visually realistic as possible. I saw S.P.R. the night it opened and I left with a deeper respect for this country and my own. Some of the lines in this film were memorable and I look forward to the Director's Cut coming out next year.

Out of 10............11/10.
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Braveheart (1995)
For he had only one life to give for Scotland.
19 November 1999
On my list of the greatest movies of all time, BraveHeart ranks as number 3. It is by far one of the most epic stories ever told. Mel Gibson deserved all the credit he recieved and more. His portrayal of William Wallace, one of Scotlands most mightiest warriors, was spot on. The only part that lacked was the romantic affair of Princess Isabella and Wallace. It historically never happened. This movie also has other historical errors but WHO CARES!

The Battle of Stirling has to be the second most graphic piece of footage ever shot next to Omaha Beach in Saving Private Ryan. I love the part where the English Commander gives the order to charge and Wallace sees this and raises his broadsword into the air and starts yelling. He charges the field with the Scots and I'll let you see the movie to see what happens next.

Wallace's emotional speech at the battle of Stirling still is inspirational and I think that the REAL William Wallace would be proud of the way Mel Gibson portrayed him.

My hat goes off to Mel Gibson. I hope he makes a few more movies like this one.

Out of ten............10/10!
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The Standard for all Suspense films to follow.
19 November 1999
On my own personal list of greatest films of all time, I rank this one as the 5th. Sir Anthony Hopkins, one of the greatest actors in history (and a relative of mine..I am Welsh and he is my distant uncle) and can play any role and turn it into an Oscar-worthy performance. Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the second greatest movie villain of all time next to Lord Darth Vader, was so convincing that he more than deserved the Academy Award. I am glad that he will reprise the role again. Jodie Foster was so good in her role of Clarice Starling that I am glad that she won the Academy Award. She should come back for a sequel. More praise should go to Ted Levine. With the exception of the nude shot, he was incredible as Jame Gumb, a.k.a. Buffalo Bill. I think it was interesting how he kept refering to Catherine Martin as `IT' instead of `SHE' OR `HER'. Very convincing. As I said before, a sequel is WAY overdue. I have read the book and with the exception of the ending, I think that it is very do-able. A Masterpiece! Out of 10 11/10!
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A mighty leader dies! A evil ruler is Born again!
19 November 1999
In all fairness, I think that this film is killed off by fans who thought that this movie took away a lot of the fun of the show. I agree to a point. Optimus Prime, one of the only characters I enjoyed watching as a kid...does die. Yet, he dies a heroes death. Megatron, one of the greatest villains, gets to be re-created in what I fell is one of the most dramatic and well-animated scenes in Motion Picture History. Unicron's line of, "You belong to me now." is dark and is a perfect example of classic foreshadowing that will lead to other events in the film. As for killing off all the other Autobots and Decepticons from the original show...I don't have too much to say about that except that it shouldn't have been done. At least Soundwave survived.

A great show...Only for true fans though.

Out of ten............9/10.
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