I'm going to summarize the entirety of this show in under 3 sentences.
Hi here is something that seems odd, right? We will speculate wildly, and I do mean wildly to draw in your genuine inquisitive nature. Guess what though, after speculating wildly for 2 minutes we will rationally explain what we just speculated wildly about in under 20 seconds.
Crazy right? Like sex with someone who's never done it right before. It will be a lot of random poking and prodding, filled with hope and then go out abruptly.
We could have made a series about soundly educating you on scientific theories, about the oddities of space and new theories of astrophysicists based in facts and rational thought processes but instead we made a slap stick show to tease you and fill time between ads for Doritos and compression shocks. I mean there was a whole ten minutes dedicated to floating space junk! SMH. Just Disappointing.