My question arises from here that why is the millennial generation shown like this. That they only want to use the elderly or leave them to their fate. Why was it not shown what was the attitude of Baa towards her son. Baa also has a mobile, she can make calls to make others happy but not to explain or scold her son. When she could have a ticket to go Mumbai to Rapar, then she could have also got a ticket to go Rapar to Mumbai many years ago. We all learn from our family, what we see, we do in the future. This shows that Baa was not attached to both her mother-in-law and mother. In India, in a family where there is a lot of love, there is also conflict too.
When the new generation work hard for studies, has to go to the city for a job. So they want to call their parents to them. Come stay with us. So the answer comes, 'What will we do now, we have spent our whole life here. How will we settle down in a new city?' So the new generation says that you should not be interested in the city people, you have to come to us, you have to love us.