Most of the modern fight movies depicting boxing are absolute garbage. I did like The Fighter with Christian Bale but that's the only one I can think of...until Jawbone.
Jawbone is a story of alcoholism, isolation, and a man just trying to get by with nothing. It reminds me a little bit of The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke which was also a very solid film.
There's a lot of clichés in Jawbone but that doesn't mean it's a bad movie. I remember watching an interview with Tarantino in which he said the stories of Pulp Fiction are all 'ones you've seen before but told in a different way' and that makes it special. It's the delivery of the story that makes a movie special even if it lacks originality in its themes.
This is a very solid movie and I enjoyed it very much. Sadly, it'll never get the recognition it deserves because the movie industry is oversaturated with very poorly made fight movies aimed at knuckle heads. Young men want to watch Fast And Furious type trash, or some story about a badass MMA fighter, and this is probably the demographic who will stumble across Jawbone and dislike it because it's not what they were expecting. This is a movie with a story and soul it's not about kicking ass, cars, and half naked women.
In any case, I'd just like to say well done to everyone involved in making the movies - I'm not easily pleased but you've achieved that with this movie.