Every frame on the series feels like a photography, all details at scenes are very well planned, it's so beautiful to watch. The plot around two young men with relationship issues, lack of communication but mainly lack of sex. The needs to explore their own sexuality is very intense, the protagonists need to talk about that even if all starts like anonymous emails between two co-workers.
We all can get in complicated relationships, and keep on going even if there is huge an visible problems on sight. This series explore that, our attaching to things that are hurting us and hurting the couple as a whole. Another Japanese series reminding us about the assertive communication inside a couple, in this case replaced with no censorship communication with a coworker.
The two young men drives the series with their inner emotional problems, letting go their loved ones to start something new, maybe more healthy, more communicative and lots of more sex. The end was happy ending, and includes everything I was expecting to happen, no need for any more chapter like other reviews said.
"When it rain, it pours" is worth watching it one more time, it's beautiful.