This whole series should have just been an instagram post, there is no interesting content in this show.
Meghan's trying to give tips on how to be a hostess, but she shows us the most basic, commonly done things that everyone already does, while acting like she's invented a rocket ship to Mars. Did you know you can cut fruit and arrange it as a rainbow? Yes of course you did, because we have all seen it done thousands of times before..
She also makes embarrassing, basic mistakes that shows she doesn't know what she is doing. For example, she doesn't hold a knife properly, she actually has her index finger extended and grips just the handle which is dangerous. She then uses the wrong knives for the wrong jobs, for example a meat knife to cut a cake, instead of a cake slice, and a chef's knife to cut fruit instead of a paring knife, but she uses a paring knife to cut kale instead of a chef's knife.
She doesn't tie her hair back, it's literally dangling in the food, and she doesn't even wear an apron in the kitchen.when she has a white outfit on. I saw a clip of her watering a garden. She does this with no nozzle on the hose to mist the water, and does it in the daytime sun so the water will just evaporate.
She clearly doesn't know what she's doing. This is not a person to take any tips and advice from. It really is a waste of everybody's time. It's tedious, vapid nonsense from somebody with a charisma vacuum. It's Meghan trying to project an image of something she isn't.and getting it very wrong. One to miss.
On a side note - why does she always wear beige? Everything about her is beige. Beige clothes, beige house, beige personality., beige ideas, beige TV show. I'll admit the funniest thing I saw was her wearing voluminous beige grandad pants that were belted way too high, right under her bust. She looked like a beige Steve Urkel. I'll be laughing about her beige Urkel pants for a very long time.