I was positively surprised. I liked the way this doc was made, there was no interviewing the close network of hers, telling how great she is blaa,blaa blaa( like in many biographic docs nowadays),instead there was voiceover of her, her brother &some old associates.
I learned something new from this icon, like her early days in New York in the late 70's and early 80's. This film focused a lot on that era ,and included nice footage from those days. I didn't know she was that musical playing instruments. Very driven and active young lady.
Also interesting part on the film was about her sexuality , her style and performance and the loathing and hatred she had to endure in the early days, aswell as later on, during Erotica times. Kind of interesting reminder how it was back then, comparing today.... How double standard it was, and still somewhat is .Also for younger viewers, a climpse of the history of the woman who started the revolution on sexual equality she was a huge role model for female artists to come . She really engouraged feminine boldnes if not arrogance. She had and has balls! This film kept me interested the whole hour and a half.