Here, we have a return to the expeditor. You bully ? Your boomerang will go back at your feets. Sarah Moliski is just perfect as Alyssa Hilton, intense and vilain as she can. I hope I will see Sarah in a nice role next time.
Michael Vaccaro's cameo was not unoticed. Je was great 😊.
Jeremy you have all my votes for the supportive friend. They ignore you at the beginning, but you finally help Lindsey in her anti bully campaign.
Maria Barseghian, you make me laugh in all the film, particularly in the sex bot scene : your reactions when you find this guy in your bed, are just perfect. The final scene with Lindsey and Julie is just the best sista's part.
Noah Fearnley : my heart was in Russian mountains with Wayne. Wayne is just the perfect guy : handsome, smart, gentleman, anti bully (he was himself bullied, 6 years ago), good advicer, good listener... and this conversation about The consent: he wants to make sure Lindsey wanna do it for tbe good reasons. It's extremely important, he respects Lindsey.
Special mention to Julie the supportive sister, with her weird birthday gift, at the end...
Mr Johnson seems to be a little bit bossy... but he made my cry when he explained to Wayne for his sister...