Starting a new school, is always difficult, starting at a prep school as the "charity case" who isn't the conventional popular girl is even worse, battling cliques, love triangles, and teenage hormones makes for an interesting year.
Starting out a new school year at an elite prep school as a transfer scholarship student, Keily (Shannon Austin-Goodin) has to not only overcome the usual teenage turmoil, but also be the daughter of the school janitor, Desiree (April Hartman), the unconventionally pretty girl and deal with constant jabs by the school quarterback James (David Kopriva). Luckily her cousin Addison (Ella Fraley) is there to help her along the way, with the help of the rest of the friend group Sadvhi (Aishwarya Parandkar), Lukas (Ari Atken), and unfortunately, James. Despite James being the annoying stereotypical quarterback at the start, we slowly find that he is actually falling for Keily and has the standard pick on them so they notice you boyish mindframe. And with Lucas coming across as the lovely sweet boy, who is actually an asshat. The boys make a bet on who can sleep with her first, leading to love triangles, heartbreak and eventual love.
Shannon is outstanding in the role of Keily, showing just how to stand up to bullies, be a bad bitch and show that everyone deserves a chance, her compassion and love towards James, acceptance of her cousins relationship with Sadvhi. The way she accepts herself for who she is and shows just how beautiful this character is inside and out. Shannon is one to watch in the industry that's for sure.
David is no exception either, his portrayal of this multilayered, complex character, who is trying to maintain his bad boy, popular kid image, but is also dealing with the loss of his father and his unexpected attraction and love towards Keily, David really did his character justice.
This is a fantastic series, as is standard with Galatea and is worth the watch! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!