Rebels 11 even just by it's name is clearly a derivative to the more celebrated Seven Samurai or even the relatively more recent and equally excellent 13 Assassins. Putting aside the copycat criticisms some would say, the truth is that this actually does go its own way and I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised.
The film is really a derivative of various films, such as the two earlier mentioned but also the Dirty Dozen and likely by coincidence the US comedy movie Spies Like Us! Anyhow, no spoilers but the film centres 11 criminals and some samurai conscripted together to defend a castle, but not all is as it seems.
The film starts a bit poorly and I thought this was going to be a cheap cash-in, yet it grows and develops quite strongly and I was very pleasantly surprised by just how good the story did evolve. You do grow to love the motley crew as you watch them battle tragically against the clashing realpolitik interest, with no idea who they should best serve.
The action is very good, and the battles are well balanced without a need to go way over the top. That was what really gives the film its value in my opinion. The dialogue & direction is great to watch, and despite its runtime it doesn't drag.
If you like period pieces, especially action ones, then this is one that is not taxing and is very enjoyable. Good humour & action, tragedy and drama. I'd say it's very much worth a viewing.