A sure NFL Hall of Famer, which Eve greatness on the field, but hast to face so many influences off the field and is seemingly looking for peace. I don't find anything wrong with that, to each his own. He's been both of the outspoken leader, he's been the outspoken off the field person who challenges ideals that are out there, I know it's crazy that someone of his status actually says that he does not agree with certain doctrine in our social and political landscape. Believe me, the NFL is a melting pot for sure, but they have within them all of their beliefs and all of their experiences that make them the people they are and drive them to success. They choose to put that all aside and not make the NFL a social experiment, but make it a meritocracy with the goal. Winning just about at all costs. It is a moment in time in their lives. That is a very smart approach. The social fabric of our society is tribal and will destroy organizations where those tribes are all mixed together. I can't blame a guy who's trying to find his way even at 40+ years old. Not to mention, no one here that has reviewed this and bashed him to know and can withstand a microscopic review of their own life where they've made "" no mistakes ". It doesn't happen. No one can withstand that scrutiny. This was different from your typical NFL profile but he is different as well. Kind of reminds me of George Harrison of the Beatles who got into different things at that time. God bless him. I respect him for all the work he's done on the field and wish him well on his journey. And I'm not a Packers fan or a Jets fan however I do appreciate greatness.