This is a Podcast.....
For visuals... they throw in a collection of stock footage pieces and photos, or perhaps 10-30 seconds of any court or police related video (if they have it)... If they do actually bother to shoot any scenes, it's clear these scenes are intentionally as generic as possible, in the hopes they can reuse the footage again later.
And then they weave all the above in between repeated shots of talking heads.
Truth is one doesn't need to LOOK at any screen at all, you can simply listen..... it's a Podcast.
The problem with many of these new "true crime" series is that cops are cops.. they aren't radio presenters or announcers. They don't do a good, much less decent, job at using vocal inflections to maintain any interest.
It all starts droning on and on in rather monotonous tones - but again, cops are cops. I don't expect them to be any better with vocal talent than the would be at professional sports. Some may be more adept than others, but none are at a level worthy of a professional production.
The story may be interesting, but the harsh reality is.. READING it may be more entertaining than these Podcast-esque television productions.