Such a poorly made film. The writing and directing in particular are truly bad. Turns out the writer and director are the same clueless man. A Mr Ott. I hope Mr Ott has a day job. Perhaps it is true that morons like McVeigh have no friends, no personality and no prospects. Mindless cowards who find purpose in hate. Yet a movie about a dull witted, friendless, stupid man does not have to be the same. This film is really boring. We gain not one ounce of insight into McVeigh. He is on the phone to somebody. A lot. We never know who. The photography is as bad as the writing. Dull shots framed in dullness. It is hard to say about the actors. They were doing what they were paid to do, which is mostly nothing. It could have been a contender, to try and give the viewers some insight into this mindless and soulless act of murder and destruction, but that did not happen. If you are looking for even the tiniest shred of insight, it is not here. I watched this turkey so you don't have to. Give it a hard pass. You will have missed absolutely nothing. I only gave it a 3 because it is, in a small and sad way, at least an effort at understanding stupid, aimless and lost men like McVeigh. But F for effort.