I found this movie McVeigh boring,it was similar to the recent September 5 movie where we don't get to know any of the characters in the story in this case the innocent people ,what they were doing before this guy decided to kill and change everyone's life affected by McVeigh's actions forever. One reviewer said there was no judgement, and sometimes that is a good thing ,but not in this case especially in the heated political times we live in with all the hate in our country right now in 2025,it would have been nice to get a deeper understanding why he did this, of course we know the story, it was about Waco, In the film, it's there but it's vague, shown a few times on TV news footage ,the story should have been told as if none of us know the details from the actual event, and perhaps sending out a warning doing bad things even when you think you're making some good political statement, has consequences...innocent people died including children for McVeigh's political statement. The movie did show, this guy had a black heart ,no emotions,just a waste of a human life,it did show how he got the supplies to make his bomb, but that's where the movie stops, in fact the movie basically ends McVeigh driving off in his rent a moving truck, and then we see some real TV footage of McVeighs domestic terror act....but again the story would have been better if it was a re-enactment of the event as if i knew nothing of the event, where did he park the truck, how did he set it off,etc.what did he do after the event, did he go home and have a beer? His arrest and perhaps even his execution...for me it was just a boring movie, the guy was emotionless ,heartless which i am sure probably in real life he was but that left for a boring movie.