After receiving a horrific injury at The Museum, Elizabeth Temple is rushed to hospital, with her dying breaths, she gives Jane Marple one final piece of information, the phrase 'ask them about Verity.'
As my reviews would indicate, I love a good piece of TV drama, and over the years I must have watched hundreds upon hundreds, if I were pressed to pick out the best of the lot, it would have to be this one, Nemesis.
Agatha Christie is my favourite author, and this ranks as my joint favourite book, along with And then there were none, both have one thing in common, they are incredibly dark stories. It's a faithful adaptation, unlike the itv adaptation that came some years later.
This is a bleak storyline, there's no cosy, village fate murder story here, instead it's a particularly malicious crime, one with real spite, one buried away in a tissue of lies, it did represent a change for Christie in tone.
Superb scenes from start to finish, from that incredibly moment where Liz Fraser talks about Nora, to Miss Marple's incredible showdown with the killer.
Joan Hickson has always been a cut above, in this episode I'd argue she meets her match, Margaret Tyzack delivers a remarkable performance as Clothilde Bradbury Scott.