'Delicious' as described, follows the life of a wealthy German family on a getaway trip who happens to cross paths with an injured, crazy lady - though they are not aware of this yet. 'Delicious' after viewing can be summed up as a wannabe artsy film with a dialogue written by artificial intelligence. This is one of those films where a deep message is attempting to be conveyed to the audience but at the expense of major plot holes and poor dialogue, the story suffers and becomes an incohesive mop. With abrupt cuts and scenes that add little to the story, the decisions made by these characters are questionable. Why is it that a stranger who becomes a maid is suddenly adored by everyone in this family, even over the people they have spent their entire lives with?
Bad decision after bad decision led to a predictable ending and an even moreso ridiculous story. Visually, the cinematography is absolutely stunning with great color grading and picturesque shots. The actors in the film were average but that means little when the dialogue was horrendous. Labeled as a thriller, the film becomes very horror-esque as it moves along, which was predicted what with the perfect nature displayed in the beginning. 'Delicious' attempted to produce art fueling "Eat the rich" propaganda, but it seemed to miss the mark and in itself became a pretentious film that will be remembered for being a waste of time.