Terrible "documentary" in which a pack of women sit around spewing commentary on events they did not witness 50 years ago. Any and all fats they do come up with are spun thru their misandry to be the man's fault. The women of course are all blameless victims and have no responsibility for their own actions and choices.
The wife victim was in a mental institution long before she married Lucan. But when he suggested she seek help, he was gaslighting her, trying to make her think she had mental problems. Ya right.
Rivett the victim had a series of children out of wedlock but she's painted he as a virginal sweet thing all alone in the city. Ya right.
All the evidence in the case is circumstantial, which is why no one was ever charged with the murder and why the case is still open. Yet these harpies know all the answers, based on their own narrow knowledge of events from 50 years ago.