First, let me start by saying the script is not the strong point of the series. It is not clear why a volunteer takes unnecessary risks in disposing explosives and is actually "allowed to do so" by the regular Army of another country. What I also don't understand is people suffering from malnutrition in areas covered with lush green forests or grassland. Born in a Tropical country, I know that even a city person has some knowledge about local plants and fruits. You are never off duty in a combat zone and for the sake of romance some situations were created off-base where the Army was without weapons and foreign civilian volunteers were without protective gear, e.g. During the conflict UN staff in Afghanistan, including volunteers, were not permitted to walk in the streets or shop in Kabul.
Having said that, the story is fast paced and has a good mix of action and emotions, and neither is over the top. It's cleaner than the American Series Seal Team and the British Strike Back in terms of violence and physical intimacy and faster than Korean series Descendants of the Sun!! In terms of showing War Correspondence Journalism, volunteer work or UN Peace Keepers, I think the series till now is well done (10 episodes). Will update once I reach the end of series.
In terms of acting the ML Chen Zheyuan is absolutely fantastic, in comparison the FL comes accross as a bit fragile and weak but that may be due to the script as many of the supporting characters are more developed and have strong roles.