Japan's #meetoo moment. Hardly the same impact, because Japan is a shamelessly patriarchal society with a 100 year old rape law. A government official states that only 4% of victims actually come out and go to the police. 4%. And of those very few are prosecuted. This woman had witnesses, video footage of being incapacitated, some DNA on her body and yet... Kudos to the taxi driver who actually spoke on camera about what he saw and heard.
When will we stop repeat victimizing and shaming women? Why is the sufferer of sexual crimes shamed and blamed and told to hide themselves and the offender not even talked about? Why are we using euphemism like "incident"?
This woman was clearly drugged to render her incapacitated and unable to resist. Men have been trying to get women drunk, drugged, to render them unconscious by any means for ages. It does not equal consent. Of course they know that. That's what they are trying to avoid.
There are no consequences here for the politicians and the police chiefs. The footage of the parliament hearings is infuriating.
Shiori Ito had support from friends and lawyers. She lost her livelihood. She was insulted and threatened. She became anxious and depressed. Now imagine what this could mean for a woman with no means and no people around her to have her back. And that is why most women choose to keep quiet. They whole lives are at stake. Stop asking women why they don't come forward. This is why. They are treated like criminals.