A fundamental problem with making a film that will appeal to everyone is the danger that it will appeal to absolutely no one . This low budget production entitled JET STREAM and filmed in Bulgaria is a case in point . It tries to mesh in several genres such as disaster epic , conspiracy thriller , satire on the media and a bit of romance . It does nothing well and quickly becomes tiresome
JET STREAM sets out its stall how bad it is going to be right from the opening scene where an American airforce Major is in contact with an US military plane conducting an experiment . What will strike you about this airforce Major isthree things
1 ) He is somewhat overweight
2 ) He doesn't have a US military regulation hairstyle
3 ) He obviously hasn't shaved for several days
When a director gets little things like this wrong in the opening scene what hope for the rest of the film ? No hope at all as the film lurches from one underdeveloped theme and scene to another . You might have some fun pointing out the ridiculous scientific mistakes in this film but that's probably the only fun you'll get from JET STREAM