I am enjoying this program, but it has not broken any new ground. I was, and still am hoping for greater transparency and substantial concrete evidence of ET visitation and or life on Earth. There are several observations I've made that, to me, should be important yet I've not heard addressed to my satisfaction. First, why are 98% of all aliens described look the same? Their entire body is grey, hence the name, they have very large heads with no hair, disproportionate very large coal-black eyes, two very small holes in what I assume is their nasal cavity, and an equally small mouth that so far has not been used since they communicate telepathically. Their neck is very narrow, which is surprising given the size of their head, they do not appear to wear clothing, so they apparently enjoy walking around naked. Why, God only knows. If I had a body that looked like that, I'd be covered from the neck down!!😮😳🤔 also, they seem to be gender-neutral. I've never heard anyone describe them with visual male or female genitalia. I would love to hear from somebody, anybody about these observations. Personally, I have never seen a UFO 👽 or Aliens but the Alien bodies that have been recovered, are they biologics or some type of androids? I hope that someday all these questions will be answered.
I have one more observation. How in the world can an alien ship that has traveled hundreds of millions of miles, withstand the destructive force of a black hole or worm hole, get all the way to Earth not only crashes, but no one of their kind comes to save them or salvage their wrecked ship only to leave all of this powerful technology in the hands of a vastly inferior race? Apparently, they do not care.