This film has a lot of potential, but the characters weren't developed enough. The comedy had a couple laughs and different people laughed at different times in the theater (the funniest part for me wasn't funny for everyone & others were laughing during times when for me it was barely funny at all).
The beginning started out best, with the most potential and I was just waiting for the real connection to happen, to inevitably fall in love with who these people are, but it never came to fruition.
Not to say I don't appreciate rec leagues, and the hobbies that make our lives seemingly worth living, and the dreams we all have had that only a small percent are lucky enough to live out.
This film is an almost but not quite for me, that just got so diluted with no progression in the script that made the 98 minute run time feel more like 135 minutes. I found myself wishing for the end.
The acting was good for some, maybe even for most, but for others, their skills weren't big screen ready. People disappeared/appeared and showed/didn't show without reason throughout.
The characters should've been closer than they were. It was all kind of a let down for not only them, but audiences members alike.
Some of the random spectators in it were similar in that you really don't feel the connection with them nor with the other characters or script, either. But oh we were all trying to get there.
The end was anticlimactic and it seemed purposeful, but so was the middle, thus was the majority of the film. I mean who doesn't like a good climax?
With the right writing, this could've been so much more.