The footage, the lovely narration and perfect editing make this series a hit! Home run with Tom Hiddleston, well done Apple t.v. For us arm chair travelers shows like this bless us in so many ways. Being able to see and hear these magnificent animals from the comfort of the couch...well it works for me. Please continue to bring the beauty and wonder of our world to us, please. Kudos to all the camera people and the many hours spent filming these images many of which have not been seen before. Artists one and all. It's difficult to find a show to truly get lost in, series like these do just that...sweep you away and almost put you right there. Tv is pretty much trash now if it weren't for this type of show there's be nothing to watch at all. Old movies and nature shows. Keep the rest. E wet thing changes and changing faster and faster all the time, but creation does t change. Magnificent animals don't change. This is comforting.