I will do my best to do this without spoilers, as it has not yet (I don't think) been released in the US. I saw this as a "sneak preview", so that is my assumption.
Had this not been a "blind" preview at my local theater (I have a movie subscription, so i see all my movies for "free") i would never have selected this movie for my watch list. But I'm glad i got to see it. (the chatter i heard from fellow viewers was the same - wouldn't have selected it, but glad I came).
The movie is set in 1976 Argentina, coinciding with the military coup that brought down Isabel Peron and began the plight of the "disappeared". While this is important in the events of the story, it is also peripheral.
The film is filled with closed off, broken people who are simply trying to live out their lives. Each of these people is changed by the penguin who unexpectedly comes into their lives. No, the penguin doesn't just fly in like an avian Mary Poppins. But is rescued by one of the characters who, through a series of misfortunes and miscalculations, ultimately adopts him.
The performances are mostly quiet, but not muted, and very good. Jonathan price settles into his role as the stodgy headmaster, not wanting to cause trouble or make waves, with the same intensity as his deceitful author/husband in "The Wife". Coogan is always good, charming in his discomfort with the world he travels through. But the penguin steals every scene he is in.
There are messages of standing for one's belief, the strength of faith, and shows how heartbreak can be uplifting, and tragedy can initiate joy.
No, this is not a movie that I would have gone to see (and i see everything) as the premise seems silly and slight on paper. But this was a worthwhile two hours. And while i left the theater in tears, i also somehow felt better about the world.